Ilmu Ladunni Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam; Telaah Atas Pemikiran Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali
As a knowledge that is derived from eternal ray of light (Transcendental
God) into majazi light (with different potentials) included in four human’s
spirituality: mind, soul, spirit, and heart, Ladunni is an the innate and internal part of
human being that wait to be re-actualized. Therefore, the right perspective about the
birth of Ladunni is it becomes real because of the human’s effort and emanation of
God’s gift. Since the mediator of Ladunni actually has been stored in various
potentials that belong to human beings since they were born, the role of education is
to activate those innate abilities from potentials into the real human’s identity. An
actualization of human’s potential which is systematized in the learning process is
called as humanistic curriculum. The objectives of this research were (1) determining
the essence of Ladunni, (2) determining the method that was offered by Abu Hamid
al-Ghazali to obtain the knowledge of Ladunni, and (3) determining the contribution
of the knowledge of Ladunni towards Islamic education. This research was a library
research with qualitative-descriptive approach. It used documentation as the data
collection, and content analysis to explore various data from the books written by
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali which were then composed into systematic narration. The
result of this research are (1) Ladunni is a product of actualization from various
human’s potential which has been integrated in human’s spirituality; (2) everybody
is able to obtain the knowledge of Ladunni; (3) two methods which are used to obtain
the knowledge of Ladunni are internal and external methods. The coverage of
internal method is learning, thinking, riyÄÂá¸Âatun nafsi, mujÄÂhadah also being patient,
and the external method is by consuming halal food; (4) the access of Ladunni is also
divided into external and internal, where external access is mirrored through a
knowledge access called as divine revelation and divine inspiration while internal
access can be seen from human’s spirituality; (5) humanistic curriculum is the most
suitable curriculum in formal education to reflect the knowledge of Ladunni.
Keyword: Ladunni in the Perspective of Islamic Education
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