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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Manuscripts have never been published before;
  • Manuscripts must be Doc or Docx.
  • Articles are typed in 1.5 spaces and the length of writing ranges from 4,000 characters or around 14 quarto pages (A4).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Artikel yang dikirim ke redaksi Jurnal Dinamika harus mengikuti ketentuan-ketentuan teknis sebagai berikut:

  1. The accepted manuscript is written in standard Indonesian or English.
  2. The length of the manuscript is 14 pages maxsimum, written in A4 paper format, margins: top 3; left 3,6 cm; right 2,2 cm; bottom 2,6 cm, two columns (except for abstract, figure, or table whose size cannot be reduced due to its readability), justified, one and a half spaces. Manuscript comprises seven main headings: Introduction, Theoretical Support (Optional), Method, Result and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment (Optional), References.
  3. The title of the manuscript must be Not exceeding 12 words, written capital at the beginning of the word, bold, Font BOOK ANTIQUA 16, Center, space 1
  4. Authors' names are written, followed by the authors' affiliations and e-mail addresses.
  5. The abstract is written in Indonesian and English to represent the manuscript. The abstract should not exceed 250 words for each language format, written narratively comprising aims/objectives, method, and findings of the research/article.
  6. Keywords: words or phrases important, specific, or representative to the article, minimal three words.
  7. Style TURABIAN 8th EDITION is used as a reference in the citation, references, and writing format.
  8. The article references international journals published in the last five years.
  9. The manuscript must be written following the Dinamika journal template.
  10. The manuscript must be in .doc/.docx and sent to the journal system via online submission by creating an account in this Open Journal System (OJS) [click REGISTER if you have not had any account yet, or click LOG IN if you have already had an account].
  11. All Author(s)' names and identity(es) must be completely embedded in the form filled in by the corresponding author: e-mail and affiliation. [if two or more authors write the manuscript, please click add Author' in the 3rd step of 'ADD CONTRIBUTOR' in the submission process and then enter each author's data.]
  12. All correspondences, information, and decisions for the submitted manuscripts are conducted through e-mail written in the manuscript or the e-mails used for the submission. The manuscript's status can be checked in the OJS by logging into the journal.
  13. If you have submission queries, don't hesitate to contact Template download here

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.