Metode Pendidikan Dalam Al-Qur'an (Kajian Tafsir Tematik)
As a component of science, the method can deliver an educational process can achieve theireducation goal quickly and precisely. This will happen when the methods of education and
teaching which is in line with the substance and purpose. Therefore an educator must master
many learning methods, so that he can choose the method that is appropriate to the
circumstances. In the world of Islamic education, learning and educational goals let in
accordance with the Koran and the Hadith as the source of the basic teachings of Islam. In the
two sources of the law there had to be a strong foundation on educational methods, as has
been done by the Prophet Muhammad in preaching and educating Muslims. Through the
study of thematic interpretation (Tafsir thematic), this study aims to uncover methods of
education contained in the Koran, as well as explore the hadiths relevant to such methods.
The results of this study indicate that there are several methods of education in the Quran
include: storytelling (Hud : 120), and answer method (Al-Baqarah : 189), the method of
wisdom, advice, discussion (An- Nahl : 125), and the method of demonstration (al-Kahf : 77).
Keywords: Methods, Education, Tafsir thematic. thematic interpretation.
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