Digitalization Of Management Information System Based On Quality Services Of Formal School Of Pesantren
(Case Studies at SMA 1 BPPT Darul Ulum, SMA 2 BPPT Darul Ulum , and MAN 3 Tambakberas Jombang)
There is a new transformation, that development does not simply rely on schools teaching Islamic characteristics, but also formal education based on the stem of management information. This study explores the quality services of formal schools in Islamic boarding schools based on management information systems. This research study uses research and development (R & D) with a qualitative case study approach in high school Islamic boarding schools. This study found that the digitization of the service system used by the three schools in question was quite varied by using their respective schemes and models.
Keywords: Pesantren, formal education, management information systems.
Ada transformasi baru, bahwa perkembangan pesantren tidak hanya mengandalkan pembelajaran karakteristik Islami,tetapi juga pendidikan formal berbasis digitalisasi sistem informasi manajemen. Penelitian ini berusaha mengeksplorasi pelayanan mutu sekolah formal di pondok pesantren berbasis digitalisasi system informasi manajemen. Penelaahan penelitian ini menggunakan research and development (R&D) dengan pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus di Sekolah Menengah atas Pondok pesantren. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa digitilalisasi system pelayanan yang digunakan oleh ketiga sekolah yang dimaksud cukup variatif dengan menggunakan skema dan model masing-masing.
KATA KUNCI: Pesantren, Pendidikan formal, Sistem Iinformasi Management.