Designing “Dysking (Dysarthria's Speaking)” AsInteractive Learning Media For Dysarthria Students


  • Lailatul Fitri Latifah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Iin Baroroh Maarif
  • Luluk Khoirun Nisak Nur Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Yuyun bahtiar Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


DysKing Application, Learning Media, Speaking Skill, Interactive Learning Media


The objective of this research is to find out how the “DysKing (Dysarthria`s Speaking)†application can help dysarthria students in learning to speak. It is hoped that the results of this research can help teachers' strategies in teaching speaking skill through “DysKing (Dysarthria`s Speaking)†especially for students with dysarthria. This research involved 4 dysarthria students at SMPLB Tunas Harapan I Tembelang Jombang in the Academic Year 2022/2023. This research uses the R&D research and development method with the ADDIE research model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). This research was conducted at SMPLB Tunas Harapan 1 Tembelang Jombang. Data were collected through qualitative data. The researcher analyzed based on the results of observations and interviews. The results of this research show that the result of media validation got 4.46 score which was in the “good†category, and the result of material validation got 4.19 score. The result of students` responses got 4.3 score is was “good†category. With these results, "DysKing (Dysarthria`s Speaking)" is suitable to be used as learning media for dysarthria students. In addition, this research can also be used as a reference for other researchers in developing English learning media for different student levels.




How to Cite

Latifah, L. F., Maarif, I. B., Nur, L. K. N., & bahtiar, Y. . (2024). Designing “Dysking (Dysarthria’s Speaking)” AsInteractive Learning Media For Dysarthria Students. SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education, 3(3), 289–298. Retrieved from


