SAINTEKBU 2025-02-10T04:54:50+00:00 Agus Sifaunajah Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">SAINTEKBU is the Journal of the Faculty of Information Technology, University of KH.A. Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang, published periodically (once a semester), as a vehicle for scientific communication of academic people in various aspects of science and technology. The editors invite experts and academics to contribute their manuscripts, either in the form of research results, in-depth opinions, book reviews in accordance with their disciplines. The manuscript in question is original, has not been published in other media. The editor will select the manuscripts that are deemed fit to fit and have the right to edit them without losing the substance of the author's ideas.</span></p> Implementing the Internet of Things in a Web-Based Air Pollution Detection System using NodeMCU 2025-02-10T04:54:50+00:00 Mohammad Afifuddiin Aris Wijayanti Amaludin Arifia <p><em>Air pollution is one of the factors that causes health problems. Air pollution can be caused by several factors, two of which are natural factors and human factors. Plumpang District is one of the areas in Tuban Regency where there are many mining and industrial activities, especially limestone processing. Of course, this will cause an increase in the production of pollutant gases that are harmful to the body, one of which is carbon monoxide (CO). The use of the Internet of Things (IoT), microcontrollers, and sensors is expected to create a real-time air pollution monitoring tool. In this study, the MQ-7 sensor was used to detect carbon monoxide gas, and NodeMCU was used as a means of processing data to send data to the database. And later the information from the sensor readings will be displayed on the website page. The results of this study have succeeded in creating a real-time air pollution monitoring system which can then be developed to monitor air pollution itself.</em></p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mohammad Afifuddiin, Aris Wijayanti, Amaludin Arifia Design of New Student Registration System Using Web-Based Waterfall Method 2025-01-22T04:55:11+00:00 Ziky Yanti Yusma Chairul Rizal <p><em>New student admission is one of the crucial processes in educational institutions that require accurate and efficient data management. MTs Amaliyah Sunggal, located at Jl. Tani Asli, Kp. Lalang, Kec. Sunggal, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, previously implemented a manual registration system that had many obstacles, such as a long process, data recording errors, and difficulty in monitoring registration progress. To overcome these obstacles, a web-based new student registration system was designed using the Waterfall development method. The Waterfall method was chosen because it has a systematic and orderly structure, which includes five main stages, namely needs analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. In the design process, user needs are identified in detail to ensure that the system can accommodate all required functions. After that, the system is designed and implemented using web technology that allows prospective students to register online, thereby reducing the school's administrative burden. This system has been tested using Lighthouse which showed quite good performance with First Contentful Paint (FCP) of 1.6 seconds and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) of 2.6 seconds, while Total Blocking Time (TBT) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) obtained perfect scores reflecting the stability of the layout and speed of the system. This system provides convenience for prospective students to access registration information from anywhere and at any time. In addition, the school can monitor registration data in real-time and generate reports automatically. Thus, it is expected that this system can improve efficiency, accuracy, and transparency in the process of accepting new students at MTs Amaliyah Sunggal.</em></p> 2025-02-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ziky, Yanti Yusma, Chairul Rizal Automation of Credit Approval Eligibility Using The Simple Additive Weighting Method At Financial Institutions 2025-01-29T01:19:03+00:00 Aprilia Sulistyohati Ardli Firdlaus <p><em>Cooperatives as financial institutions engaged in has an important role in providing a source of financing for its members. The credit approval eligibility process in cooperatives is often done manually, which can take a long time, is prone to human error and subjectivity in decision making. and subjectivity factors in decision making. The method used method used in this research is the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method that is applied in automating the feasibility of credit approval in cooperatives. The criteria used in this research are income, age, credit history, occupation, number of dependents. This method is used with the aim of providing decisions that are more consistent, objective, transparent, and the time it takes is shorter. The result of this study is that customer A gets the highest score of 0.82, so that the customer is declared the most deserving prospective debtor to get credit approval at the cooperative. The results show that the application of the SAW method in the automation of credit approval eligibility has succeeded in increasing time efficiency in the credit approval eligibility assessment process so that it can handle more credit cases efficiently, besides that this method is able to minimize human error, and is able to eliminate the subjectivity factor in decision making. This can increase customer confidence in supporting transparent cooperative operations</em></p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Aprilia Sulistyohati, Ardli Firdlaus The Classification of Insurance Claim Risk Using the Multilayer Perceptron Method 2025-01-14T01:28:47+00:00 Endang Wahyu Handamari Umu Sa'adah Maulana Muhamad Arifin <p><em>Policyholders purchase insurance policies to protect themselves or their assets from potential financial risks in the future. Insurance guarantees that if an event covered by the policy occurs, the insurance company will provide compensation according to the agreed terms. Insurance companies conduct risk assessments for each policyholder to determine the premium that must be paid, making it essential to classify risk categories accurately. The Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is one method used for classification problems. It is a machine learning algorithm belonging to the family of artificial neural networks. MLP is a flexible algorithm that can solve various classification problems, including those with complex features and non-linear relationships between input and output variables. The result of this research is the development and implementation of a Multilayer Perceptron method to classify risk categories. The evaluation of the Multilayer Perceptron model for risk classification shows satisfactory performance. Based on the classification report from training and test data, the model does not exhibit overfitting or underfitting.</em></p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Maulana Muhamad Arifin, Endang Wahyu Handamari, Umu Sa'adah Web-Based E-Location of A Palm Oil Processing Factory in Dharmasraya Regency 2024-10-25T02:05:09+00:00 ANISYA ANISYA Indra warman Minarni Minarni Dede Wira Trise Putra Boby Irawan Ganda Yoga Swara Putri Mandarani <p><em>Given the significance of oil palm plantations in contributing to the economy of Dharmasraya Regency, especially for industry players seeking suitable palm oil processing facilities, there is a need for detailed and easily accessible information. One approach to providing quick and convenient access to the locations of palm oil processing plants is through E-Location technology. E-Location is an electronic information system that displays a distribution map of palm oil processing plants in Dharmasraya Regency. This study aims to create a web-based E-Location information system using the CodeIgniter framework and Open Street Map (OSM) mapping software, facilitating easy access to information on the locations of Palm Oil Processing (POP) in Dharmasraya Regency. This system will enable users to view the distribution of POP locations and access a range of related information. The research results on the Design of a Web-Based Palm Oil Processing Plant E-Location Information System in Dharmasraya Regency show that this system is effective for viewing the distribution map and detailed information about palm oil processing plants in the region. Available information includes company profiles, maximum processing capacity for Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB), number of employees, incoming palm oil volume, oil yield, kernel yield, and average annual oil yield.</em></p> 2025-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ANISYA ANISYA, Indra warman, Minarni Minarni, Dede Wira Trise Putra, Boby Irawan, Ganda Yoga Swara, Putri Mandarani