NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology
<p>NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology is a scientific journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), KH University. A. Wahab Hasbullah Jombang. The aims of the journal are to publish and disseminate high quality, original research papers and article review in the field of Information Technology, Information Systems Engineering, and Intelligent Business Systems. <strong> </strong>NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology<strong> </strong>provide platform for scientists and academics across Indonesia to promote, share, and discuss new issues and the development of information systems and information technology.</p>LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullahen-USNEWTON: Networking and Information Technology2797-0728Warehouse Management Information System On Maklon Services With Economic Order Quantity Method
<p>CV. XYZ is a maklon services provider that partners with other businesses to manufacture snacks. Currently, incoming and outgoing goods data is still managed manually and there is no technology-based warehouse management information system. This study aims to design a website-based warehouse management information system that can be used to manage goods in the warehouse. The system in this study was designed using the waterfall method. This warehouse management information system is website-based and created using the CodeIgniter 3 framework with PHP and MySQL programming languages as its database and its editor tools using Visual Studio Code. The result of this research is the creation of a warehouse management information system that can manage goods in the warehouse so that it can facilitate the work of managing incoming goods, outgoing goods, and stock of goods in the warehouse. With the existence of a website-based warehouse management information system, the system used can be changed to a computerized system, so that it is expected to help in managing goods in the warehouse to be more effective and efficient, as well as the presentation of stock reports to be more accurate and the information can be used to help in the decision-making process to accelerate the company's performance, especially in warehousing.</p>Ardinal ArfinAgus Sifaunajah
Copyright (c) 2025 NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology
2025-03-042025-03-044311612310.32764/newton.v4i3.5087Sentiment Analysis of Online Game Clash of Clans Reviews Using the K-Nearest Neighbor Method
<p>Clash of Clans is a popular strategy game with millions of players worldwide. User reviews for this game are available on various online platforms. Sentiment analysis of these reviews can provide valuable insights into players' experiences and opinions. In this study, the researchers used the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm to classify the sentiment of Clash of Clans player reviews collected from the Google Play Store. Experimental results show that with a 60:40 training and testing data split, the KNN model was able to classify review sentiment with an accuracy of 64.52%, a precision value of 68.4%, a recall value of 88%, and an F1-score of 76.97%. The application of TF-IDF word weighting produced high accuracy at k-2 with an accuracy of 95.55%, precision of 96.16%, recall of 95.55%, and F1-score of 95.59%. These results indicate that KNN can be an efficient tool for analyzing player sentiment towards the Clash of Clans game.</p>Andika PrastyoAchmad Agus Athok Miftachuddin
Copyright (c) 2025 NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology
2025-03-042025-03-044312413110.32764/newton.v4i3.5099Implementation of data mining to predict BLT receipts in Kedungbetik village using the c4.5 algorithm
<p>Receiving Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) is a government program to help poor people meet basic needs. This research aims to implement data mining techniques to predict BLT receipts in Kedungbetik Village using the C4.5 algorithm. The C4.5 algorithm was chosen because of its ability to build efficient and accurate decision trees. The data used includes attributes such as ID, name, address, type of work, BLT criteria and class. The data is analyzed to find patterns and relationships that are relevant to the BLT acceptance criteria. The research results show that the C4.5 algorithm can build accurate prediction models with a high success rate. This model is expected to help village governments identify residents who are entitled to receive BLT in a more targeted manner. This research contributes to the development of a more transparent and accountable BLT recipient selection method, and can be applied in other villages with similar characteristics. In this way, it is hoped that the distribution of BLT will be more even and effective, helping to reduce the level of poverty in society.</p>Gilang Dwi SaputraAchmad Agus Athok Miftachuddin
Copyright (c) 2025 NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology
2025-03-042025-03-044313214010.32764/newton.v4i3.5142Website-Based Electronic Voting (E-Voting) System in the Bem Unwaha General Election
<p><em>The election of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of KH.A Wahab Hasbullah University (UNWAHA) has undergone a transformation from a conventional system to a website-based e-voting system. This research aims to implement and start the e-voting system used in the UNWAHA BEM election. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) with the stages of needs analysis, system design, implementation and evaluation. Data was collected through surveys of e-voting system users to measure ease of access, satisfaction, security, attractiveness and problems encountered.</em></p>Rizky Imam MuktiPrimaadi Airlangga
Copyright (c) 2025 NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology