SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education <p>SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education is a scientific journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), KH University. A. Wahab Hasbullah Jombang. SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education aims to provide information from the results of research and literature review (non-applied) researchers who focus on education.</p> en-US (Yuyun Bahtiar) (Yuyun Bahtiar) Thu, 20 Jun 2024 03:15:29 +0000 OJS 60 Strategies for Religious Teachers in Increasing Reading Interest and Memorizing Juz 30 <p><em>This study aims to: 1) find out the strategies of religious teachers in increasing interest in reading and memorizing the Alquran juz 30 in students at SDN Kabuh, 2) find out the supporting and inhibiting factors of the strategies of religious teachers in increasing interest in reading and memorizing the Alquran juz 30 in students at Kabuh Elementary School. To achieve the above objectives, a qualitative approach is used with this type of research is field research. Research informants are school principals, religious teachers and students. The results of this study indicate that, 1) The strategy of religious teachers in increasing interest in reading and memorizing the Alquran juz 30 for students at SDN Kabuh is to create comfortable learning when reading and writing the Alquran takes place, providing motivation to children in the form of explanations and understanding of the importance of memorizing and reading Alquran juz 30 for them especially for their life in the world and in the hereafter, providing memorization targets, through habituation, giving grades, and finally giving awards, 2) Supporting factors for religious teachers in increasing interest in reading and memorizing the Alquran juz 30 for students namely, participants the students themselves, the role of a teacher, adequate facilities, there are also inhibiting factors, namely the lack of time allocation, lack of parental awareness, then the negative influence of technology.</em></p> Ian Inayah Sari, Fitri Umardiyah, Khusnul Khotimah, M. Farid Nasrulloh Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation Of Subuh Ceria as an Effort to Increase Students' Learning Motivation <p>This research wants to obtain information regarding the Cheerful Dawn program in increasing santris' learning motivation at the Al-Ihsan Kalijaring Jombang Islamic Boarding School. For the Islamic boarding school, researcher hope that this research can provide new knowledge and insight as a reference and reflection in increasing students' learning motivation. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on a particular incident to describe and explain a social phenomenon. In the data collection process, the researcher applied interview methods, documentation, and observation methods. The results of the research show that the application or implementation of Cheerful Dawn at the Al Ihsan Islamic Boarding School Kalijaring Jombang had gone according to plan. Supporting factors for the implementation of the Cheerful Dawn program so that it can increase santris' learning motivation were the motivation of caregivers, administrators, and assistants as well as adequate facilities and infrastructure. The inhibiting factors include; (1) The santris, activity schedule was busy or at the same time as the Islamic boarding school's activities so some santris’ woke up early in the morning not according to the schedule determined by the Islamic boarding school administrators (2). Feeling tired Good from an administrator or from impactful santris not enough maximum in implementing a cheerful dawn program and (3) queuing for bathrooms and ablution places.</p> Faqih Khodir, Hosna Rofiatul, Nina Zulva Syaatin Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Role Of Leadership Principals In Developing Educational Institutions <p>The principal is a functional teacher who is given the task of leading a school where the teaching and learning process is held. The principal as the leader of a formal educational institution has a very important role. The role of the head is as an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator and motivator. The purpose of this research is to determine the role of school principals in developing educational institutions at Islamic Junior High School Al-Ikhsan Sawahan Jogoroto Jombang. In this research, researchers used qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, by exploring data from library research and field research. This research uses data collection methods through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis in this research uses qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. This method is used to systematically describe facts obtained from ongoing research on the object. The results of the research carried out were the Head of Islamic Junior High School Al Ikhsan Jogoroto Jombang has the ability and carries out his role as an educator, manager, supervisor, leader, innovator and motivator as well as overcoming various obstacles that exist in maintaining and developing Islamic Junior High School educational institutions Al Ikhsan Jogoroto Jombang, this can be seen by the increase in the number of students and increasingly developing both in terms of infrastructure and extracurricular activities.</p> Sirojudin Didin , Endha Lestari Evi, Chotimah Chusnul Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of Inside, Outside and Circle (IOC) Based RPP to Increase Student Learning Motivation in Fiqh Subjects <p>Fiqh lessons are very important lessons for students to understand. So it is appropriate for learning to receive attention in improving the quality of fiqi learning. This research aims to improve the learning process and increase student learning outcomes in fiqh subjects by implementing the inside outside circle learning plan model. This research method is classroom action research in class XI Madrasah Aliyah Darun Najah Karangploso Malang with a total of 22 students, the research consists of two cycles. The data collection technique was carried out using qualitative descriptive observation sheets, while students' learning outcomes tests were carried out through daily tests with each cycle analyzing the average score of student learning outcomes by comparing the scores before the action and after the action. The results of the research showed that there was an increase in student motivation and learning outcomes in the fiqh subject for class XI students at Madrasah Aliyah Darun Najah Karang ploso Malang. This can be seen from the average score of learning outcomes for students' fiqh lessons which has increased, namely (55.5) in the basic score, increasing to (65.8) in the first daily test then to (79.3) in the second daily test (85.4). ) . The learning process shows improvement, students are increasingly enthusiastic in participating in the learning process, but the problem that occurs is that time is often lacking in the learning process. So it can be concluded that the implementation of the inside outside circle model learning process plan can increase student motivation and learning outcomes in the Fiqh subject for class XI students at the Aliyah Darun Najah Karangploso Malang madrasah.</p> Wah yudi, Aliyul Wafa M., Aliyuddin Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Analysis of Islamic Religious Education Learning Methods from Imam Al-Ghazali's Perspective on Students with Special Needs at MA Darun Najah <p><em>In general, the purpose of this study was to determine the learning method of Islamic religious education according to Imam Al-Ghazali in inclusive students. The benefit of this research is to improve the learning of inclusive students by using the Imam al-Ghazali perspective learning method. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with interview, observation and documentation techniques. Data processing is done by giving meaning to the data that has been collected and analyzed in a qualitative description, then conclusions are drawn. The results of this study show that al-Ghazali's thoughts on learning methods of Islamic religious education for inclusive students are 1) the mujahadah and riyadhoh-nafsiyah able to help educators in the learning process for inclusive students at MA Darun Najah, one of the factors that emphasizes students' thinking processes diligently. so that it leaves a good impression on the students' souls and will really pursue it, 2) one of the inhibiting factors is that the level of focus is not like normal children in general so that sometimes they lack focus when receiving lessons, pay less attention when the learning process takes place and there is even a sense of lazy and not even in the mood or have no desire to learn, and 3) the supporting factors are parents, family and the methods used by the teacher in the learning process.</em></p> Machnunah Ani Zulfah, Muhamad Lutfi Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of Index Card Match Type Cooperative Learning Model <p>The background of this research is the educators of the fiqh subject do not carry out the process of reviewing the material or reviewing the material that has been submitted, have not used strategies, methods and active learning models that can increase student activity and increase student interest in learning so that it affects their learning outcomes. This research aims to determine the learning outcomes of the class X students of the Integrated MA Al Munawaroh Jombang using cooperative learning strategies of the Index Card Match type in class X students. This research is an experimental research with a Pre-Experimental design type One – Group Pretest – Posttest Design using one experimental class. The population in this research were all students of class X consist of 35 male students. Data collection techniques used is observation and tests. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique. The results showed that the learning outcomes of class X MA Integrated Islamic Senior High School Al Munawaroh using cooperative learning of the Index Card Match type in Qurban and aqiqah material experienced an increase marked by an average pretest score of 75.49 and the final post test score increased to 87.89. So that there is an increase in the average value of 12.40</p> Nurito, Iin Baroroh Maarif, Hidayatur Rohmah, A. kanzul Fikri Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Kyai Leadership in Efforts to Increase the Independence of Student <p>This research discusses the role of kyai leadership in increasing the independence of students at the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School (parents) Tambakberas Jombang. The research method used is descriptive qualitative through observation, interviews and documentation at the Islamic boarding school. The conclusion of the research shows that KH. Fatkhullah Malik, MPd., as a kyai at the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, implements democratic leadership by accepting input from his subordinates. This approach relies on good moral and ethical principles to achieve common goals. Factors supporting student independence involve emotional, economic and intellectual aspects. Emotional independence is built through a positive teaching system, economic independence is strengthened by adequate facilities, and intellectual independence is enhanced through active participation in the teaching and learning process. However, there are also three factors inhibiting students' independence, including emotional dependence and low self-confidence, lack of economic skills and limited access to economic resources, as well as lack of motivation to learn and inability to adapt to the curriculum. Thus, this research illustrates the importance of kyai leadership in forming santri independence by emphasizing supporting factors and overcoming obstacles that may arise in the process.&nbsp;</p> Chusnul Chotimah, sahrul saputra Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Efforts by Educators to Prevent Bullying in Islamic Boarding Schools Princess Walisongo <p><em>The role of Islamic education is very important in shaping the character and ethics of Muslim individuals. The aim of an Islamic educational environment, such as Islamic boarding schools, is to create a friendly and peaceful atmosphere. Madrasas must be able to achieve the highest goal of education, namely truly developing individuals into humane and compassionate human beings. Islamic boarding schools can also be a social factor that can influence the lives and experiences of students. Bullying or harassment is one of the social problems that is of concern in the realm of Islamic education. Such as physical, verbal or emotional harm, as well as intimidation or degradation of the victim.</em></p> <p><em>The aims of this research are as follows: 1) Causes of bullying behavior at the Putri Walingo Islamic boarding school, 2) Efforts of teaching staff in preventing bullying at the Putri Walingo Islamic boarding school, 3) Factors Supporters and inhibitors of Islamic boarding schools in efforts to prevent bullying .</em></p> <h1><em>The results of the research show that 1) the causes of bullying behavior at the Putri Walisongo Cukir Jombang Islamic boarding school are: a) the influence of upbringing from the family, b) the school environment, c) interactions from peers. 2) the efforts of educational staff in preventing bullying at the Putri Walisongo Cukir Jombang Islamic boarding school include : </em><em>a) </em><em>reducing the gap between new students and old students through team activities: b) forming a committee to prevent bullying c) utilizing Islamic boarding school resources d) providing counseling services e) forming peer support groups to overcome bullying. factor Supporters and inhibitors of Islamic boarding schools in efforts to prevent bullying . 1) inhibiting factors: a) low understanding of bullying, b) the role of parents is lacking. 2) Supporting factors: a) effective communication between parents and students, b) selective friends, c) positive attitude, d) self-confidence.</em></h1> zizah Asmaul Fauzi, Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure to Improve the Quality of Jurisprudence Learning <p>Facilities and infrastructure are important components in supporting the learning process that must be present in schools. This research aims to see how far facilities and infrastructure can improve the quality of student learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Madrasatul Quran Tebuireng Jombang. Data was taken through observation, interviews and documentation. The results obtained after conducting this research are the availability of facilities and infrastructure at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Madrasatul Quran, what is the quality of Fiqh learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Madrasatul Quran, and the availability of facilities and infrastructure that can improve Fiqh learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Madrasatul Quran. This research aims to find out the quality of Islamic jurisprudence learning at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang, what is the availability of facilities and infrastructure at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Madrasatul Quran Tebuireng Jombang, and how is the availability of facilities and infrastructure in improving the quality of Islamic jurisprudence learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang.</p> Rofiatul Hosna, hana halfazila Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Principal Academic Supervision in Improving Teacher Teaching Performance <p><em>This research examines the academic supervision of school principals in improving the teaching performance of teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang. The research methodology used in this research is a qualitative method, which uses data collection techniques through interviews with school principals and teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang. This research aims to find out how to improve the teaching performance of teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang, what is the process of academic supervision of school principals in improving the teaching performance of teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang, and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for academic supervision principal in improving the teaching performance of teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang. Academic supervision is a collaborative effort that has been defined as providing technical assistance to teachers and school staff in carrying out and facilitating the learning process. The aim is to improve the professional skills of teachers and staff, as well as to support students' academic progress. The principal is a supervisor in academic supervision.</em></p> <p><em>This research examines the academic supervision of school principals in improving the teaching performance of teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang. The research methodology used in this research is a qualitative method, which uses data collection techniques through interviews with school principals and teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang. This research aims to find out how to improve the teaching performance of teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang, what is the process of academic supervision of school principals in improving the teaching performance of teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang, and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for academic supervision principal in improving the teaching performance of teachers at MTs Madrasatul Qur'an Tebuireng Jombang. Academic supervision is a collaborative effort that has been defined as providing technical assistance to teachers and school staff in carrying out and facilitating the learning process. The aim is to improve the professional skills of teachers and staff, as well as to support students' academic progress. The principal is a supervisor in academic supervision.</em></p> Rofiatul Hosna, endrik ratna Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Correlation of Nahwu Understanding to The Fast Process Memorizing Al-Qur'an Walisongo Islamic Boarding School Jombang <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This research was conducted at the Walisongo Islamic Boarding School in Jombang to find the relationship between the students' understanding of nahwu and the fast process of memorizing the Al-Qur'an. This research is very suitable for identifying the learning process of santri, including the relationships that influence the learning process or memory of santri at the age they are starting to reach adulthood. The method in this research was carried out through a quantitative approach using documentation studies. The data previously obtained was processed using descriptive analysis, percentage formulas, standard deviations and Contingency Coefficient Correlation analysis. In this case, the results of the research show that: first, this research is very suitable for identifying students' learning processes, including relationships that influence the learning process or memory of students at an early age. This research proves that there is a correlation between the understanding of nahwu possessed by students and the fast process of memorizing the Al-Qur'an at the Walisongo Islamic Boarding School in Jombang. The data that has been obtained is then processed using descriptive analysis, percentage formulas, standard deviations and Contingency Coefficient Correlation analysis. In this case, the results of the research show that: first, this research is very suitable for identifying students' memorization processes, including the relationships that influence students' memorization or memory. Second, the level of understanding of nahwu santri which is in the high category is 43% or as many as 13 santri, the medium category is 27% or as many as 8 santri, and the low category is 30% as many as 9 santri . Meanwhile, there are 8 students who memorized the Qur'an in the high category with a score &gt; 70, there are 8 students in the medium category, there are 10 students who fall into the sufficient category with a score range of 56 to 69, and students in the poor category with a score &lt; 55 there are 12 students.</em></p> M Zainal Abidin Nur zain Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of SKI Learning Media in Increasing Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes <p class="5ABSTRAK"><em><span class="y2iqfc">The process of delivering teaching materials or materials really needs media assistance to make it more attractive, efficient, practical, and effective in delivering teaching materials and knowledge information, as well as having an appeal for students to pay attention to and understand the learning material being conveyed. This study aims to find out how the implementation of learning models using learning media in the form of audio-visual in increasing motivation and student learning outcomes of XI MA Darun Najah Ngijo-Karangploso Malang in SKI subjects. This qualitative-descriptive research was conducted following a research flow consisting of the stages of preparation, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research data were obtained using library and field study techniques and were carried out continuously. This research proves that the use of learning media in the form of audio-visual can increase the motivation and learning of class XI MA Darun Najah students, especially in SKI subjects. However, in practice, there are some students who have not been able to achieve the learning target.</span></em></p> Mohammad Saat Ibnu Waqfin, Alfiyatul Khoiriyah Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development Of Fiqh Learning Media For Tenth-Grade Students <p><em>Teachers who have high creativity always try to make the learning process interesting for their students; it could be by using various methods such as using learning media. The use of learning media in the teaching and learning process greatly influences students' learning interest, the emergence of motivation and stimulation in learning, and even brings psychological influences on students. Therefore, the use of learning media at the teaching orientation stage will greatly help the effectiveness of the learning process, so that the goals of learning can be achieved optimally. For this reason, based on the potential and existing problems, researcher try to develop one of the learning media. In this development, the media used is power point based media. The development of this power point-based learning media be developed in learning Fiqh for Class X at MAN 4 Jombang. Validity is illustrated by the results of the validator's assessment, where validator 1's validation results obtain an average of 87.5% and validator 2 obtains an average of 96.8%. So it can be concluded that the average of the two validators is 80% and is included in the good category.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Keywords: Development, Fiqh, Learning media, Students</em></p> Iin Baroroh Maarif, Hidayaturrohmah, Hamidah Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Islamic Education Methodology In An Indisciplinary Perspective <p>As the age of religion progresses, it must be able to be examined academically and serve more than just as an assertion of doctrine. As previously stated, the phenomenon of human diversity must also be viewed from the historical perspective of how individuals and groups have understood and interpreted the norms of the religious teachings they adhere to, in addition to how normative the teachings of revelation are. The purpose of this work is to establish the technique for interdisciplinary Islamic studies as well as comprehend Islam in Indonesia. This study combined a library research strategy with descriptive qualitative methods. According to the study's findings, Indonesian Muslims think and understand Islam according to three different patterns. The text is the first. Religion is comprehended and used in accordance with the text's lafdhiyah (literal sound), or "pure" understanding. The phrase "moderate" refers to academics who create their own, but there is a legal basis. This is the second pattern. The third example is the liberal Muslim, who practices their faith in accordance with the situation. A problem-solving strategy involving an integrated evaluation of several related scientific views is known as an interdisciplinary approach. The study employing several methods or perspectives is the interdisciplinary approach being discussed here. Using simultaneously philosophical, social, historical, and normative perspectives, for instance, in research</p> Khoirun Nisa', Anis Trianawati Copyright (c) 2024 SCHOOLAR: Social and Literature Study in Education Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000