Innovation of Economics and Management2025-02-23T16:19:39+00:00Wisnu Mahendriwisnumahendri@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>INCOME: Innovation of Economics and Management is a scientific journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah. INCOME: Innovation of Economics and Management aims to provide information from the results of research in the field of management and development.</p> Impact of Work Environment and Organizational Commitment on Employee Retention at PT. Putra Tani Bhinneka2025-02-19T16:08:20+00:00Aan Fakhrur Rofiudinaanfakhrurrofiudin31@gmail.comKhotim<p>Human Resource Management plays a strategic role in ensuring employee retention, particularly in the face of global competition. This study examines the influence of the work environment and organizational commitment on employee retention at PT. Putra Tani Bhineka. A quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design was employed, utilizing a sample of 40 employees selected through saturated sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires, supported by interviews, and analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results show that both the work environment and organizational commitment have a simultaneous positive effect on employee retention, accounting for 28.2% of the variation. These findings emphasize the importance of creating a supportive work environment and enhancing organizational commitment to retain skilled employees. The study provides practical recommendations for the development of effective employee retention strategies that contribute to long-term business sustainability.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: work environment; organizational commitment; employee retention; human resource management; PT. Putra Tani Bhineka.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 INCOME: Innovation of Economics and Management Ethics In Sustainable Environmental Resource Management2025-02-02T16:05:04+00:00Bachrul Hasanah<p><em>God has given people two gifts or gifts, to be specific the assets that exist inside themselves and the normal assets that encompass them. People are given the order by Allah to possess the earth since he has the force of caliph to have the option to deal with its items. God believes people should oversee normal abundance, dislike the past tenants (the jinn) who generally cause harm. God needs the abundance on earth that He has offered to people to be appropriately and gainfully developed. The efficiency of nature is exceptionally reliant upon the imaginative utilization of the power that exists in people. In this manner, people should work tirelessly, investigate the regular abundance that God has gave to them. For a Muslim, it is unlawful not to work despite the fact that he can work. There are numerous regular assets that can be overseen by people. Beginning from land, water, plants, creatures, mines, twist, even the sun and moon. Everything is nature that fans out its wealth for people. Notwithstanding, people should recall that the genuine proprietor of this abundance is Allah SWT. In this manner, in dealing with these normal assets, people should consent to the rules that have been framed by Allah in His Shari'a. Shari'a needs nature not to be harmed or its advantages to be squandered. Any activity that can disturb the equilibrium of nature is completely denied by the Shari'a.</em></p>2025-02-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 INCOME: Innovation of Economics and Management’ Time Tabling Practices and School Effectiveness in Ilorin Metropolis Secondary Schools, Kwara State2025-02-14T15:06:29+00:00Adeseko Sunday Abdulsalambilikisabdulsalam@gmail.comRasheedat Modupe Oladimejirashdupe@yahoo.comEbunlomo Oreoluwa Olaifaebdex@yahoo.comAfeez Adesina<p><em>This study examined the correlation between principals' time-tabling practices and private secondary school effectiveness in Kwara State, Nigeria. Time-tabling practices, encompassing planning, allocation, implementation, and evaluation, are pivotal to optimizing school operations and achieving academic excellence. The study adopted a descriptive correlational research design, involving 276 teachers selected through multistage sampling from private secondary schools across Kwara State. Data were collected using a validated questionnaire, Principals’ Time-Tabling Practices and School Effectiveness Questionnaire (PTTPSEQ) and analyzed using Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation at a 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that time-tabling planning and allocation practices were highly utilized by principals with implementation and evaluation practices moderately adopted. The level of school effectiveness in the sampled schools was found to be high, evidenced by strong academic outcomes, student engagement and positive teaching quality. However, areas such as resource allocation, infrastructure and extracurricular engagement showed room for improvement. Significant positive relationships were identified between time-tabling practices and school effectiveness, with planning practices exhibiting the strongest correlation (r = 0.779, p < 0.05). Allocation and implementation practices also significantly influenced school effectiveness (r = 0.539 and r = 0.276). These results underscore the critical role of well-structured time-tabling practices in enhancing school performance. The study recommends capacity-building programs for school administrators to optimize time-tabling processes and the integration of technology to streamline planning and scheduling. Continuous evaluation and stakeholder engagement in time-tabling decisions are also encouraged to ensure adaptability to evolving educational needs. </em></p>2025-02-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 INCOME: Innovation of Economics and Management