Analysis of Library Reading Interest at MAN 2 Jombang


  • Moh Faridl Darmawan Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Siti Rochmawati Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah



Library, Reading Interest


The library as an institution that manages information sources should be used as the main key in the existing education and training process, both in the school environment, outside of school, the world of work and society in general. However, the reality is still far from expectations. Libraries are still not really popular in the community, this is marked by low public interest in reading and lack of awareness that learning must find information or answers to the problems they face. Along with the development of science and technology, the concept of libraries has also developed, which needs to adapt instead only handles the collection of information sources in the form of print media, but must be open to the inclusion of audio-visual media and the possibility of the inclusion of other functions. With a vision for the future, the library should also be ready to become a center of information sources in the truest sense.

Based on the description above, the problems to be studied can be formulated as follows: How is the student's interest in reading in the library at MAN 2 Jombang?, What are the supporting and inhibiting factors in reading interest in the library at MAN 2 Jombang?, How are the teacher's efforts in fostering student interest in reading? MAN 2 Jombang ?

The purpose of this study was to find out how much influence reading interest had on student learning outcomes at MAN 2 Jombang in the 2019-2020 school year. What factors were found to increase the reading interest of the students of MAN 2 Jombang. The school library aims to gather information, create an organized knowledge container, foster the ability to enjoy imaginative experiences. To find out what can be done to increase children's interest in reading. This journal uses qualitative research methods. In this case, the researcher uses qualitative research because the researcher wants to know what kind of learning methods have been implemented by PAI teachers at MAN 2 Jombang to increase students' reading interest in the MAN 2 Jombang library.The library as an institution that manages information sources should be used as the main key in the existing education and training process, both in the school environment, outside of school, the world of work and society in general. However, the reality is still far from expectations. Libraries are still not really popular in the community, this is marked by low public interest in reading and lack of awareness that learning must find information or answers to the problems they face. Along with the development of science and technology, the concept of libraries has also developed, which needs to adapt instead only handles the collection of information sources in the form of print media, but must be open to the inclusion of audio-visual media and the possibility of the inclusion of other functions. With a vision for the future, the library should also be ready to become a center of information sources in the truest sense.
Based on the description above, the problems to be studied can be formulated as follows: How is the student's interest in reading in the library at MAN 2 Jombang?, What are the supporting and inhibiting factors in reading interest in the library at MAN 2 Jombang?, How are the teacher's efforts in fostering student interest in reading? MAN 2 Jombang ?
The purpose of this study was to find out how much influence reading interest had on student learning outcomes at MAN 2 Jombang in the 2019-2020 school year. What factors were found to increase the reading interest of the students of MAN 2 Jombang. The school library aims to gather information, create an organized knowledge container, foster the ability to enjoy imaginative experiences. To find out what can be done to increase children's interest in reading. This journal uses qualitative research methods. In this case, the researcher uses qualitative research because the researcher wants to know what kind of learning methods have been implemented by PAI teachers at MAN 2 Jombang to increase students' reading interest in the MAN 2 Jombang library.




How to Cite

Darmawan, M. F., & Rochmawati, S. (2022). Analysis of Library Reading Interest at MAN 2 Jombang. APPLICATION: Applied Science in Learning Research, 2(1), 5–8.


