Jumat Informatika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if <p>JUMAT INFORMATIKA: JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT adalah Jurnal ilmiah yang mewadahi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bidang informatika yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah (UNWAHA)</p> en-US lppm@unwaha.ac.id (Wisnu Mahendri) lppm@unwaha.ac.id (Wisnu Mahendri) Tue, 04 Jun 2024 16:50:13 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Pembuatan Dan Pengelolaan Website Desa Sebagai Media Informasi di Era Digital di Desa Tejo https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4041 <p><em>The lack of understanding of Tejo village apparatus, Mojoagung sub-district, and Jombang Regency in making and using village websites due to lack of support from human resources and existing infrastructure has an impact on the lack of awareness of village officials on the importance of using village websites as a means of village information. Only now, village apparatus knowledge regarding the creation and use of websites is still very lacking, so the dissemination of village information through websites has not been done. In this community service activity, a research team from Universitas KH. A Wahab Hasbulloh helped create a village website in Tejo village. In addition, the research team also held training for Tejo village officials to manage the website that had been made. With the creation and training on using websites in Tejo village, it is hoped that village programs and information about Tejo village can be accessed and socialised correctly. The method used in this activity is training in creating and operating village websites. The result of the training on the creation and operation of the Tejo village website is the creation of a village website and the skills of village officials in managing the village website properly and correctly.</em></p> Achmad Rizal, Muhamad Khoirur Roziqin, Wafiq Abdul Jalil, Thalisa Septia Firdaus, Milatul Laila Mufidah Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Rizal, Muhamad Khoirur Roziqin, Wafiq Abdul Jalil, Thalisa Septia Firdaus, Milatul Laila Mufidah http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4041 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengembangan Media Buku Saku Sebagai Bentuk Pelatihan Microsoft Word di SDN Miagan https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4367 <p>ABSTRACT</p> <p><em>Microsoft Word training with the development of pocket book media in Miagan Village, Mojoagung District, which is presented in the form of training, is an activity carried out to improve the IT knowledge and skills of students at Miagan Elementary School. The aim of carrying out this Microsoft Word training activity is to provide knowledge about how to operate computers, especially Microsoft Word software, to class V students using media in the form of pocket books. This service method uses an approach to community service activities in the PPM program using the Service Learning (SL) method. The results of Microsoft Word training activities from media development show that students are enthusiastic about learning about how to operate Microsoft Word and they are also able to practice and answer the post tests that have been given.</em></p> Bekti Widyaningsih, Moh. Anshori Aris Widya, Iin Baroroh Ma’arif, Ardisa Audi Khisyara Copyright (c) 2024 Bekti Widyaningsih, Moh. Anshori Aris Widya, Iin Baroroh Ma’arif, Ardisa Audi Khisyara http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4367 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sosialisasi Program Penyiraman Tanaman Hias Secara Otomatis Berbasis Arduino https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4243 <p><em>Janti Village is a village in Mojoagung sub-district with a population of around 3,570 people. The Janti village community has a variety of potential, especially in the agricultural and crafts sectors. The women in Janti village have an interest and hobby in planting ornamental plants in front of the house. These ornamental plants are an important part of the beauty and aesthetics of their environment. Even though they have a great love and interest in ornamental plants, they often face several obstacles in caring for these plants. One of the main obstacles is their busy daily lives. The community service team consisting of lecturers and students offers collaboration on developing an automatic watering tool, namely an Adruino-based ornamental plant watering tool. The method used is socialization and practicing how to use automatic watering tools. With this system, we hope to provide concrete benefits to the people of Janti Village, improve their quality of life, and utilize technology to support daily activities</em></p> Siti Sufaidah, Emi Lilawati, Firda Arya Dinta, Khofifah, Eko Bayu Wijanarko, Dhita Cahyaningtyas Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Sufaidah, Emi Lilawati, Firda Arya Dinta, Khofifah, Eko Bayu Wijanarko, Dhita Cahyaningtyas http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4243 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Seminar Web Sistem Informasi Desa (SID) Dan Literasi Digital Informasi Dalam Optimasi Pelayanan Publik Kepada Perangkat Desa Kedungrejo Jombang https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4192 <p>Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat bekerjasama dengan pihak terkait untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas infrastruktur digital di Desa Kedungrejo, termasuk penyediaan akses website yang lebih luas dan terjangkau. Pentingnya Infrastruktur Digital di Pedesaan Infrastruktur digital di pedesaan memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat desa. Selain meningkatkan aksesibilitas informasi, infrastruktur digital juga mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi desa dengan membuka peluang bisnis baru dan menciptakan lapangan kerja. Dengan adanya infrastruktur digital yang memadai, masyarakat desa dapat menikmati berbagai layanan yang sebelumnya hanya bisa diakses di perkotaan. Layanan seperti perbankan, pendidikan, dan kesehatan menjadi lebih mudah diakses, sehingga meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa.</p> Machnunah Ani Zulfah; Rizky Imam Mukti, Fahmi Zainal Habib ; Elvy Nur Fauziyah Copyright (c) 2024 Machnunah Ani Zulfah; Rizky Imam Mukti, Fahmi Zainal Habib ; Elvy Nur Fauziyah http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4192 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sosialisasi Pengenalan Mikrokontroler serta Pembelajaran Praktis Pembuatan IoT https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4144 <p><em>Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan mengenai Sosialisasi Mikrokontroler serta Pembelajaran Praktis Pembuatan IoT kepada siswa dan guru SMPN 3 Mojoagung Dusun Karobelah. Pelatihan ini bertujuan agar siswa mampu belajar cara membuat proyek IoT sederhana menggunakan mikrokontroler sehingga diharapkan akan tercipta generasi muda yang lebih terampil dan siap menghadapi perkembangan teknologi yang pesat. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 8 September 2023 di SMPN 3 Jombang pukul 08.00 – 10.30 WIB yang diikuti oleh 25 orang. Kegiatan diisi dengan proses belajar dan praktik mengenai pengenalan microkontroler dan pembuatan Smart Lamp. Metode pelaksanaan dalam pendampingan ini menggunakan metode PAR atau Participatory Action Research. Hasil dari kegiatan sosialisasi ini dapat memberikan dampak positif pada pemahaman teknologi siswa, produktivitas, dan partisipasi mereka dalam pengembangan komunitas dan lingkungan sekolah</em></p> Chusnul Chotimah, Ma’rifahtul Kholilah, Rina Amelia, Khasanul Imal, Rifqi Hamdani Copyright (c) 2024 Chusnul Chotimah, Ma’rifahtul Kholilah, Rina Amelia, Khasanul Imal, Rifqi Hamdani http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4144 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Teknologi Tepat Guna Alat Penyiraman Otomatis Sebagai Penunjang Ketahanan Pangan Keluarga Berbasis Pertanian Urban https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4142 <p><em>Urban farming is a rapidly evolving concept in communities where families in residential areas are beginning to play a role in local food production. The implementation of appropriate technology proves to be a highly relevant solution to support urban farming. The goal of this program is not only to provide concrete solutions to the issues faced by partners but also to enhance the benefits of existing assets and potential in the Murukan village community, focusing on improving urban farming productivity, resource conservation, and providing education and empowerment to partners. The Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) method is the approach used in the implementation of this community service program, with stages including: (1) Identifying community needs and potentials, (2) Designing an automatic watering tool, (3) Manufacturing and testing the tool, (4) Training, implementation, and (5) Joint evaluation. The results of this program show an increase in basic knowledge, reaching a 50% improvement from previously limited levels. The practical abilities of partners, which were previously very limited, progressed by 60%, indicating that partners can follow team instructions better. Technical skills of partners also showed significant improvement with a 70% percentage increase. Partner confidence and previously low productivity improved by 40% and 55%, respectively, after participating in this program. The efficiency of tool usage became more effective, with a 65% percentage increase. There was a 55% increase in productivity from the previously low category. Overall, the percentage progress after participating in this program indicates that the program is acceptable and runs well.</em></p> Anggi Indah Yuliana, Achmad Agus Athok Miftachuddin, Rohmat Hidayat, Rindhi Dwi Fibrianti, Erfan Nur Huda, Ziyyana Fitra, Yoga Firmansya Copyright (c) 2024 Anggi Indah Yuliana, Achmad Agus Athok Miftachuddin, Rohmat Hidayat, Rindhi Dwi Fibrianti, Erfan Nur Huda, Ziyyana Fitra, Yoga Firmansya http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4142 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pemanfaatan Smartphone Bagi Petani Sebagai Alat Pengukur pH Tanah di Desa Tanggalrejo Mojoagung Jombang https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4103 <p><em>Technology in agriculture is something that cannot be separated from its application in the agricultural sector. The use of smartphones in soil pH measuring devices makes the measurement process faster, easier and more affordable. This research aims to develop a simple and affordable soil pH measuring tool for use by farmers in Tanggalrejo Village, Mojoagung, Jombang. The method approach taken for community service in Tanggalrejo Village is to use the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method. One of them is by implementing training methods and approaches from local farmers so that indirectly farmers in Tanggalrejo Village can capture the material well. This tool is named "Soil pH Meter" and is designed to help farmers manage the quality of their soil. This research involves the steps of designing, prototyping, field testing, and evaluation. This tool has the potential to increase efficiency in farming and help farmers take appropriate actions to increase crop yields. Based on the results of this community service activity, it can provide an overview of the use of a pH meter for accurate and efficient soil pH monitoring by: (1) Providing understanding and practice in checking soil pH using a telegram monitoring pH meter to farmers in Tanggalrejo Village, so that the Farmers know the condition of bass or acid soil and can determine good and correct handling. (2) Provide understanding and explanation about the use of smartphones, that the soil pH monitoring tool via telegram can be checked via smartphones used by farmers in Tanggalrejo Village.</em></p> Mohamad Nasirudin, Zulfikar, Anton Muhibuddin, Salim Ashar, Izzatul Indana, Ari Viqri Zakaria, Siti Aminah, Khusnul Mei Sintia Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Nasirudin, Zulfikar, Anton Muhibuddin, Salim Ashar, Izzatul Indana, Ari Viqri Zakaria, Siti Aminah, Khusnul Mei Sintia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4103 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pelatihan Komputer dan Bedah Soal Persiapan ANBK Kelas V SDN 02 Pariangan https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4080 <p><em>This service is motivated by the implementation of the Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK) in elementary schools. The implementation of ANBK at the elementary school level requires a lot of preparation, one of which is preparing students who are not yet familiar with computers to take part in the Computer-based Assessment. The aim of this service is to introduce students to computers in general and increase understanding regarding ANBK materials. The service is carried out using a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, which is carried out in the form of computer introduction activities, getting used to typing in a word processing application (Microsoft Word), in-depth study of material and question analysis, as well as ANBK simulations. The service is carried out in collaboration between the service team and the school operator or admin. The training participants were class V students at SDN 02 Pariangan, totaling 27 people. This service is able to provide understanding and knowledge that students can implement in the ANBK system on computers. This can be seen from students who have increased understanding regarding computer basics, are fluent in typing personal identity, understand ANBK material, and are able to complete ANBK simulations well.</em></p> Ana Nurul Falah Ana, Annisa Rizky Eristia, Sunarti Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Nurul Falah Ana, Annisa Rizky Eristia, Sunarti http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4080 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pelatihan Microcontroller Berbasis JWS Bagi Siswa SMK PGRI Mojoagung Kabupaten Jombang https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4068 <p><em>Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa SMK PGRI Mojoagung dalam merancang sistem microcontroller</em> <em>Berbasis JWS. Microcontroller merupakan bidang ilmu keteknikan yang mempelajari pada pengontrolan alat elektronika yang mengombinasikan perangkat keras (rangkain elektronika) dengan perangkat lunak (pemrograman). Pelatihan ini dilakukan pada tanggal 10 September 2023 bertempat di SMK PGRI Mojoagung Kabupaten Jombang. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 20 peserta. Kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan metode diskusi dan pelatihan. Kegiatan diskusi dilakukan dengan tanya jawab bersama peserta dan kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan dengan pelatihan merancang sistem microcontroller terhadap jadwal sholat otomatis. Hasil diperoleh bahwa 67% peserta didik dalam menggunakan dan merakit jadwal waktu sholat (JWS) pada kategori tinggi dan 33% peserta didik dalam memahami dan merakit pada kategori cukup tinggi.</em></p> Dyah Ayu Sri Hartanti, Rita Erma Pujianti, Siti Nur Fadilah, Muhammad Dimas Arofin, Syarif Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Dyah Ayu Sri Hartanti, Rita Erma Pujianti, Siti Nur Fadilah, Muhammad Dimas Arofin, Syarif Hidayat http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4068 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sosialisasi Kesadaran Keamanan Digital di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4525 <p><em>Dukuhdimoro Village, Mojoagung, Jombang, is the location of community service activities focusing on the socialization of digital security in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Through the Service Learning approach, this program aims to raise awareness among the community about cybercrime threats and how to protect themselves in the use of information technology. Involving various stakeholders such as students, youth from religious organizations, and village residents, the program provides information about digital crime risks and preventive measures that can be taken. Program evaluation indicates a significant increase in participants' understanding of digital crime and high learning interest among the community. Through the publication of the "Cyber Crime" book, the program also aims to empower the community with the knowledge and skills needed to address challenges in the digital age. Its impact extends to various aspects, including economic, social, and other sectors, by increasing awareness, data protection, and utilizing digital technology for community advancement. Awareness and proactive action to ensure digital security are key to supporting sustainable development in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution</em></p> Novia Ayu Sekar Pertiwi, Fitri Umardiyah, Muhammad Naufal Mansyur; Misbahul Munir, Imam Sapi’i, Amanathus Sholichah; Tisa Nailatu Fudlah Copyright (c) 2024 Novia Ayu Sekar Pertiwi, Fitri Umardiyah, Muhammad Naufal Mansyur; Misbahul Munir, Imam Sapi’i, Amanathus Sholichah; Tisa Nailatu Fudlah http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_if/article/view/4525 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000