Informatika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat2024-12-30T06:47:34+00:00Zulfikarzulfikardia@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>JUMAT INFORMATIKA: JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT adalah Jurnal ilmiah yang mewadahi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bidang informatika yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah (UNWAHA)</p> Dasar Editing Video dan Desain Grafis Guru PAUD Karangroto Semarang2024-08-14T17:03:53+00:00Nida Ul Chabibul Yusron Dwi Miladi Qurrota<p><em>Amidst the challenges of technological development facing the world of education today, early childhood education teachers have their challenges where teachers need to choose learning media that can stimulate early childhood interest in learning. With these problems, the efforts made are to provide training in making teaching videos using the Capcut application and making graphic designs using the Canva application. This training aims to simplify and make the learning process more effective and can make the learning process more interesting for early childhood. Community service activities are carried out using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach which focuses on community empowerment. Based on the results of the evaluation of the questionnaire distributed to PAUD teachers, this activity has succeeded in increasing the knowledge and skills of participants, especially PAUD teachers in the basic fields of video editing and graphic design.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nida Ul Hasanah, Muhammad Chabibul Ardhani, Muhammad Yusron Alhammam, Roihan Sadad, Nuril Huda, Linda Dwi Wijayanti, Aniswa Miladi Qurrota Aini, Itiqoul Nikmah Pembuatan Running Text Sebagai Pengembangan Minat Dan Bakat Siswa SMP2024-09-13T02:08:21+00:00Septi Ambar Indraningtia Rizki Agil Bachtiarrizkiagilb928@gmail.comAhmad Irgiansyahahmadirginasyah@gmail.comKarunia Septakaruniasepta027@gmail.comDiva Vita Herawatidewi23milenial@gmail.comAldi Prayogaaldipayoga09@gmail.comM. Wafiyul<p>ABSTRACT</p> <p>This community service project aims to develop the interest and skills of junior high school students in Kedungbogo Village in the field of technology, particularly in creating and managing running text. The program includes comprehensive training that introduces the participants to the basics of running text technology, including practical skills in designing and implementing it effectively. The training outcome shows an increase in students' technical abilities and their interest in further exploring the field of information technology. Although post-training surveys have not yet been conducted, initial indications show a positive response, with participants beginning to apply the technology for various purposes. This training is expected to enhance the students' capabilities and motivate them to continue exploring technology in their future endeavors.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Running Text, Community Service, Technology Training, Junior High School, Skill Development.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Septi Ambar Indraningtia Sukma, Moch. Rizki Agil Bachtiar, Ahmad Irgiansyah, Karunia Septa, Diva Vita Herawati, Aldi Prayoga, M. Wafiyul Ahdi Banjir Dan Edukasi Kesadaran Bencana Banjir Desa Bakalan Rayung Kudu Jombang2024-09-15T17:35:30+00:00Lailatus Sa' Mahendriwisnumahendri@gmail.comJoni Alwijonialwi01@gmail.comM. Rizal Ma’ruf AnsoriJhalijhal1441@gmail.comAlya Fitriani Syafa’ahalyafit14@gmail.comMuhammad Firosulhaqfirosulhaq8@gmail.comAhmad Daud Alfatihahmadelfath173@gmail.comSaihul Atho Alaul<p><em>This project focuses on the development of flood detectors and disaster awareness education programs as a disaster mitigation effort in flood-prone areas. The main objective of this project is to create a reliable and effective flood detection system to provide early warning to the community in Bakalanrayung village, thereby reducing the potential for material damage and loss of life caused by flooding. The approach used in this project combines modern sensor technology with narrative methods in disaster awareness education. Ultrasonic sensors are installed at strategic locations to monitor water levels in real time, and the system is directly connected to the Telegram application to automatically send alerts when water levels reach critical thresholds. In addition, the education program is carried out through interactive sessions designed to increase community awareness and preparedness for flood disasters. This education uses strong narratives and visual materials to help communities understand the risks associated with flooding and the steps they should take to protect themselves and their families. The results of this project show a significant increase in the level of community awareness of flood risks and their response time to flood warnings, which ultimately contributes to reducing the negative impacts of flood events in the area. Integration of flood detection technology with community education programs has proven effective in improving disaster preparedness.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lailatus Sa'adah, Wisnu Mahendri, Joni Alwi, M. Rizal Ma’ruf Ansori, Alya Fitriani Syafa’ah, Muhammad Firosulhaq, Ahmad Daud Alfatih, Saihul Atho Alaul Huda Digital: Mengoptimalkan Website Desa Made Jombang sebagai Media Informasi dan Layanan Publik2024-10-17T18:29:25+00:00Rohmat Stiantomitayaku@gmail.comNovita Ikhfian Mahmudmohikma@gmail.comTegar Puji Bachtiartepuba@gmail.comKhoirul Annisa Febrianakhonafe@gmail.comLatifah Turohmahlattur@gmail.comRaden Issaga<p><em>The need for a village website is increasingly urgent in the digital era, especially as a tool to manage various aspects of village life more effectively. As a government unit that plays an important role in serving the community, villages need a platform that is transparent, easily accessible, and reliable. This community service program aims to optimize the website of Made Village, Jombang, so that it can function as an effective and efficient information system. Through a series of activities such as interface design improvement, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) optimization, and training for website managers, the Made Village website is expected to become a more attractive, informative, and useful promotional media. The approach used in this program is *Community Based Participatory Research* (CBPR), which emphasizes close collaboration between researchers and village communities. This approach involves the active participation of village communities in every stage of activities, from planning to evaluation, so that they have a strong sense of ownership of the results. This participation not only strengthens collaboration, but also encourages communities to be more involved in their village's digital transformation. The results of the program showed an increase in the number of website visitors and user interactions. In addition, this program has succeeded in increasing community awareness of the importance of information technology. It is hoped that the optimization of the village website will not only encourage local economic development through the promotion of products and tourism, but also strengthen the identity of the Made Village community. Through a participatory approach, this program contributes to broader and sustainable social change</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rohmat Hidayat, Mitayakuna Stianto, Novita Mardiani, Mohammad Ikhfian Mahmud, Tegar Puji Bachtiar, Khoirul Annisa Febriana, Latifah Turohmah, Raden Issaga Pusponegoro dan Implementasi Aplikasi Kependudukan Berbasis Web sebagai Inovasi Layanan Publik di Desa Ngusikan2024-10-28T06:35:10+00:00Septian Ragil Anshori Aris Nur Hudaluqmansi722@gmail.comWahyu Adi Prakasaadiprakasa20@gmail.comSundaru Jatisundarujati@gmail.comImam Bukhoribukhori.hehe@gmail.comMiftahul<p><em>This article discusses the community service activities carried out in Ngusikan Village through training and the implementation of a web-based population application. This activity aims to increase the efficiency of population data management in the village. The program includes training for village officials and launching a user-friendly web-based application designed to simplify the recording and management of population data. The </em><em>results show that village officials can operate the application well, contributing to the improvement of public services and administrative management in Ngusikan Village.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Septian Ragil Anandita, Moh. Anshori Aris Widya, Sujono, Luqman Nur Huda, Wahyu Adi Prakasa, Sundaru Jati, Imam Bukhori, Miftahul Ulum Pembuatan Lampu Jalan Otomatis Dengan Pemanfaatan Tenaga Surya Pada Karang Taruna Di Desa Mojodanu Ngusikan Jombang2024-10-30T07:56:50+00:00Mohamad Ayu Sri Zulfikarzulfikardia@gmail.comAchmad Sholichul Anwarsyauqybrownies27@gmail.comAhmad Sudarmintoahmadsudarminto10@gmail.comAchmad Ali Fathur RohmanAlifathur418@gmail.comGaluh Ramadhangaluh.gr97@gmail.comSelvia Azka Nuriyahselvia148@gmail.comSalim<p><em>In many remote and rural areas, limited access to the main electricity grid often results in lighting issues that impact safety, education, and productivity. To address this problem, the implementation of solar panel technology as an alternative energy source offers a sustainable and effective solution. This community service program aims to introduce and apply solar-powered automatic street lighting technology in Mojodanu Village. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR), involving local youth from the Karang Taruna community in training and implementation of this technology. The training conducted in August 2024 included explanations on the operation and functioning of automatic street lights, as well as hands-on practice in assembling these lights. The training results showed an improvement in participants' understanding, with Post-Test scores higher than Pre-Test scores. The benefits of implementing this technology include energy and operational cost savings, as well as providing efficient lighting in areas without access to electricity. Additionally, the project imparts new knowledge and skills to local youth regarding environmentally friendly technology. The outputs of this activity include an understanding of the assembly of automatic street lights, materials and tools used, and practical skills in assembling simple solar panel-based devices.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Nasirudin, Dyah Ayu Sri Hartanti, Yessita Puspaningrum, Zulfikar Zulfikar, Achmad Sholichul Anwar, Ahmad Sudarminto; Achmad Ali Fathur Rohman, Galuh Ramadhan, Selvia Azka Nuriyah, Salim Ashar Layanan Publik Pemerintah Desa Asemgede Melalui Pendampingan Perakitan Running Text2024-11-03T06:51:51+00:00Tholib Anshori Aris Alex Aliuddinalek@gamil.comMohammad Hufaif Ibri Al Fahhizhufaif@gmail.comLutfiyah<p><em>The assistance program for developing running text in Asemgede Village, Ngusikan Subdistrict, Jombang Regency, aims to enhance the understanding and skills of village officials in designing, assembling, and operating running text technology. This technology is designed as an appropriate solution to improve the fast, efficient, and modern dissemination of information, which is highly needed by the village community. Using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, this activity actively involves village officials in the learning process. Evaluation results show a significant increase in participants' understanding of running text after the socialization. Additionally, the use of running text provides economic and social benefits by reducing information dissemination costs and increasing community participation. This program contributes to the village's digital literacy and encourages local innovation in public services.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tholib Hariono; Moh Anshori Aris Widya, Nurul Yaqin; Hilyah Ashoumi; Mohammad Alex Aliuddin, Mohammad Hufaif Ibri Al Fahhiz, Lutfiyah Tuzzahroh Pengembangan dan Pengenalan Alat Bantu Sederhana Penyiraman Tanaman Otomatis di Desa Randuwatang2024-11-03T08:04:42+00:00Muhammad Farid Zainul Hasannudinnur@gmail.comMuhammad Ansori Iqbal<p><em>Unconsciously, in our daily lives, we often use various tools and technology to make our lives easier. Simple examples include automatic air fresheners and deodorizers to scent a room without having to spray it manually. The use of this technology is commonplace in this day and age which is full of technological innovation, and there are still many examples of the use of technology like the one above, especially in automating daily activities. In the agricultural sector, the internet of things can be used for the purpose of increasing much better results and maximizing time efficiency. Automatic plant watering is a modern watering technique without using human power as its main role. There are several problems faced by farmers and households in using technology to make work easier, especially in planting in Randuwatang village. Due to a lack of interest and knowledge about the use of this technology, especially for citizens or the general public. So we want to provide a solution to this problem by providing open lessons as well as practice in using tools in the form of automatic plant watering. The approach used in seminars introducing automatic plant watering is an educational or demonstrative approach. The implementation of an automatic watering system as part of a non-profit program in Randuwatan Village has given us a new understanding of the importance of technology in agriculture. This tool provides an effective solution to make watering plants easier, save energy and water, and optimize plant maintenance</em><em>. </em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Farid Nasrulloh, Sujono Sujono, Muhyiddin Zainul Arifin, Nur Hasannudin, Muhammad Ansori Aris Whatsapp BOT Untuk Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Desa Kromong Ngusikan Jombang2024-11-03T08:44:37+00:00Moh faridl Luthfi Santosaadylutfi@gmail.comAhmad Fadlul Khasanahmadfadlulkh@gmail.comMohammad Misbakhus Sururmuhamadsurur@gmail.comMokhamad Jamaluddukhajammalud@gmail.comArdiansyah Ardiansyahardyansyahh@gmail.comMuhammad Faizal<p><em>This research designs and builds a WhatsApp chatbot as a provider of community service information in Kromong Village, Ngusikan District with the aim of increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of community services. The tool used is WhatsApp Bot using the Service Learning (SL) method/training and a direct approach to residents, the village can provide information that residents need in real-time, answer questions automatically within 24 hours, and residents don't need to go to the village hall. just to ask about the requirements for managing, making, and so on. From the tests carried out using a questionnaire, pretest and posttest results were obtained, namely with a percentage of 13.33% (very poor) and 88.33% (very good). This shows that respondents strongly agree that this chatbot is capable of being an effective and efficient provider of public service information</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moh faridl Darmawan, Sujono, Ady Luthfi Santosa, Ahmad Fadlul Khasan, Mohammad Misbakhus Surur, Mokhamad Jamaluddukha; Ardiansyah, Muhammad Faizal Basri Produktivitas Budidaya Ikan Melalui Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Air Di Desa Tapen Berbasis IoT2024-12-19T06:03:38+00:00Rina Dian Kholisun Nashoih Hakim Al Hamdan Attamimihamdankamal0102@gmail.comSalma Nailul Fadilasalmanaifadila17@gmail.comIlham Imanullah Erisaninaerisa86@gmail.comAni Rohmah Watianirohmaw08@gmail.comMuhammad Kris Yuan<p><em>Cultivation is an activity that is an important sector in the community's economy. One of the activities that is popular with the community is fish farming. To increase fish cultivation, a water quality monitoring system is needed which aims to monitor temperature, pH, oxygen levels, and anomia. To achieve an efficient water quality cultivation system, IoT-based technology is needed. The location of this KKN is located in Tapen village, Kudu sub-district, Jombang regency. The method used in this activity is a question-and-answer method conducted with fish farmers. This activity aims to produce a hydropure meter tool that can help fish farmers monitor water conditions more efficiently and detect changes in water quality quickly. The resulting tool was tested in catfish ponds chosen by fish farmers in Tapen Village and data was obtained, namely pond 1 tds meter 269, temperature 28.19°C, ec 0.072; pool 2 tds quality 430, ec 1.18, temperature 28.63°C; pool 3 tds quality 307, ec 0.83 and temperature 29.75°C. The results of the trials above that have been carried out, show that the water quality and temperature of the catfish pond are good for fish cultivation.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rina Dian Rahmawati, Aufia Aisa, Afif Kholisun Nashoih , Dzikrul Hakim Al Ghazali, Nuryani Nuryani, Muhammad Hamdan Attamimi, Salma Nailul Fadila, Ilham Imanullah Al-Mulky, Nina Erisa, Ani Rohmah Wati