Jumat Ekonomi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
<p>JUMAT EKONOMI: JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT adalah Jurnal ilmiah yang mewadahi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bidang ekonomi yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah (UNWAHA)</p>en-USwisnumahendri@gmail.com (Wisnu Mahendri)lppm@unwaha.ac.id (Herliani Nela Sari)Mon, 30 Dec 2024 02:32:05 +0000OJS Marketing sebagai Solusi Pengembangan Usaha Kripik Gadung di Desa Made Jombang
<p><em>Digital marketing is a strategic approach that utilizes digital media and internet technology to promote products, services, or brands to specific target audiences. Its main objective is to achieve business goals such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and boosting sales through various digital platforms. This initiative aims to improve the digital marketing knowledge and skills of micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) by using Shopee E-Commerce. The approach is designed to teach UMKM participants effective digital marketing techniques, equipping them with the ability to promote their products online. The community service project, under the PKM scheme, was conducted from mid-August to the end of August 2024. It included visits to the homes of UMKM members in Made Kudu Jombang Village. The program focused on digital marketing training and mentoring, utilizing Shopee E-Commerce as a platform. The method used was Participatory Action Research (PAR), which included problem identification, joint planning, action implementation, and reflection and evaluation. The results of the program led to two key conclusions: (1) The Made Village community began to understand the importance of digital marketing. It plays a crucial role in increasing market reach, enhancing brand visibility, and introducing local products to national and international markets, benefiting the growth of village UMKMs. (2) Digital marketing enables village UMKMs to reach a wider audience at a lower cost, opening up new opportunities for business expansion and growth.</em></p>Rohmat Hidayat, Siti Nur Qomariyah, Abdul Aziz, Achmad Irfan Nurdiansyah, Yayang Inggrit Putri Aprilia, Arin Vina Mafaza, Serliya Qotrunnada; Mila Ahmada, Nur Cahyo Ardiansyah
Copyright (c) 2025 Rohmat Hidayat, Siti Nur Qomariyah, Abdul Aziz, Achmad Irfan Nurdiansyah, Yayang Inggrit Putri Aprilia, Arin Vina Mafaza, Serliya Qotrunnada; Mila Ahmada, Nur Cahyo Ardiansyah
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5177Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000Meningkatkan Daya Saing UMKM Melalui Sertifikasi Halal
<p><em>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are a vital sector in the Indonesian economy, but face challenges in competitiveness in the era of globalization. The lack of understanding by MSME actors regarding halal certification and marketing strategies is an obstacle in the development of their businesses. Halal certification not only increases Muslim consumer confidence but also opens up global market opportunities, while effective marketing strategies can expand market reach. </em></p> <p><em>KH University Community Service Team. A. Wahab Hasbullah (Unwaha) implemented an empowerment program in Ngusikan District, East Java, to overcome this problem. This program includes outreach on the importance of halal certification and marketing training, including digital marketing, marketplace management, branding and sales strategies. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) method is used to involve MSME actors in the process of problem identification, solution and implementation. Continuous assistance is also carried out through monitoring, evaluation and guidance with the Unwaha Halal Center.</em></p> <p><em>As a result, coached MSMEs show increased consumer confidence, wider market reach, and income growth. This program not only provides short-term solutions but also builds the capacity of MSMEs to compete in the domestic market, supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Halal certification and effective marketing strategies have proven to be an important foundation for supporting the sustainability of MSMEs in a market that is currently facing global competition.</em></p> <p> </p>Khotim Fadhli, Mar’atul Fahimah, Ita Rahmawati, Nia Aprilia Bisari, Rizatul Juma’izah, Maya Kurnia Saputri, Hanif Fauzan Qodri, M. Hanif Ramadhani, Safinatul Koiriyah
Copyright (c) 2025 Khotim Fadhli, Mar’atul Fahimah, Ita Rahmawati, Nia Aprilia Bisari, Rizatul Juma’izah, Maya Kurnia Saputri, Hanif Fauzan Qodri, M. Hanif Ramadhani, Safinatul Koiriyah
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5377Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000Sosialisasi Dalam Menentukan Strategi Branding dan Marketing Online di Desa Manunggal
<p><em>Digital marketing telah menjadi komponen penting dari strategi pemasaran kontemporer. Cara konsumen berinteraksi dengan merek dan mencari informasi juga mengalami perubahan besar seiring dengan pesatnya kemajuan internet dan teknologi. Konsumen lebih cenderung menggunakan platform digital untuk membandingkan produk, mencari ulasan, dan membuat keputusan pembelian. Karena itu, kehadiran online yang kuat sangat penting bagi bisnis yang ingin tetap relevan dan kompetitif di pasar. Pelaku UMKM di Desa Manunggal yang masih memasarkan produk secara konvensional yaitu dilakukan secara offline dan menyebarkan informasi melalui mulut kemulut saja. Hal ini didasari oleh kurangnya informasi dan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai digital marketing dan branding UMKM yang menjadikan pelaku UMKM sedikit tertinggal dengan UMKM lain yang telah menerapkan strategi digital marketing untuk usahanya. Salah satu sektor UMKM yang tertinggal pemasarannya adalah penjualan stik bawang dan krupuk didesa manunggal. Salah satu langkah strategis untuk membantu UMKM di Desa Manunggal Kecamatan Ngusikan Kabupaten Jombang adalah menyusun strategi branding dan marketing online. Dengan memahami konsep dasar branding, membangun identitas merek yang kuat, dan memanfaatkan berbagai platform digital, memperluas jangkauan pasar, dan meningkatkan pendapatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi sampai mengerti dan dapat mempraktekkan strategi branding dan marketing online dalam sebuah produk. Melalui kegiatan sosialisasi ini diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pihak mitra. Hasil dari kegiatan sosialisasi strategi branding dan marketing online di Desa Manunggal telah berhasil meningkatkan pemahaman ibu-ibu PKK dan pelaku UMKM mengenai pentingnya branding dalam membangun identitas produk. Peserta juga memahami langkah-langkah awal dalam memulai branding, serta pentingnya legalitas usaha dalam meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen.</em></p>Wahyudi, Muhammad Saat Ibnu Waqfin, Khoirun Nisa', Muhammad Arsyadul Arief, Famung Gangga, Durrotil Hikmah, Heni Nurlia Fatmawati, M Syifa'ul Umam
Copyright (c) 2025 Wahyudi, Muhammad Saat Ibnu Waqfin, Khoirun Nisa', Muhammad Arsyadul Arief, Famung Gangga, Durrotil Hikmah, Heni Nurlia Fatmawati, M Syifa'ul Umam
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5363Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000Sosialisasi Dan Pengolahan Eceng Gondok Menjadi Pakan Ternak
<p><em>The use of water hyacinth as fodder in Tapen, Kudu is one of the innovative solutions to overcome environmental problems while improving the welfare of livestock farmers. The purpose of holding the socialization of the use of water hyacinth is to provide the community with an understanding of the processing of water hyacinth into fodder. The method used in this community service program is a discussion in the form of providing materials and questions and answers regarding the importance of using water hyacinth as fodder. The targets of this economic program are farmer groups, livestock farmers and youth of Tapen. As a result of this community service, people who previously saw water hyacinth only as a problem are now able to see it as a useful resource.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Rina Dian Rahmawati, Aufia Aisa, Siti Fathimah Al Fathiyah, Dita Hafizah , Aan Fakhrur R, Arta Zulian Effendi , Dania Fia Anggrena, Fadilah Dewi Sinta
Copyright (c) 2025 Rina Dian Rahmawati, Aufia Aisa, Siti Fathimah Al Fathiyah, Dita Hafizah , Aan Fakhrur R, Arta Zulian Effendi , Dania Fia Anggrena, Fadilah Dewi Sinta
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5337Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000Seminar Digital Marketing Terhadap Produk UMKM untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Desa Randuwatang
<p><em>Currently, not many MSMEs are using this sophisticated digital platform, due to a lack of understanding about digital marketing which can boost people's economies. Based on the results of a pre-survey with several </em><em>UMKM </em><em>players, especially the food sector, that they do not yet have halal product certification, because: (1) They do not understand the importance of digital marketing and its impact on </em><em>UMKM </em><em>to improve the welfare of the Randuwatang community. (2) </em><em>UMKM </em><em>players do not yet know how to apply online platforms to produce interesting content to attract the target market. (3) </em><em>UMKM </em><em>players are still seasonal in opening businesses because other sources of livelihood are more dominant, such as drivers, craftsmen, etc., than</em><em> UMKM</em><em>. Based on the problems faced by partners, community service activities in the LPPM scheme are carried out through digital marketing seminars on </em><em>UMKM </em><em>products to improve the welfare of the Randuwatang village community. The method used in this digital marketing seminar is providing material regarding the importance of digital marketing for </em><em>UMKM </em><em>in the current millennial era. The method used is an interactive discussion in the form of questions and answers by participants who do not understand and answered directly by the resource person. From the implementation of socialization activities, it was concluded that digital marketing had proven to be an effective tool for improving the welfare of the community in Randuwatang Village</em><em>.</em></p>Muhammad Farid Nasrulloh, Faisol Hidayatulloh, Wisnu Mahendri, Khotim Fadhli, Putri Marsella Zalianti, Mohammad Jafar Sodiq Maksum
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Farid Nasrulloh, Faisol Hidayatulloh, Wisnu Mahendri, Khotim Fadhli, Putri Marsella Zalianti, Mohammad Jafar Sodiq Maksum
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5299Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000Pelatihan Pelaku Usaha Dalam Memanfaatkan Platform Shopee Untuk Pengembangan Produk Dan Peningkatan Jangkauan Pasar
<p><em>Training for business people in utilizing the Shopee platform aims to provide a deeper understanding and practical skills in managing business effectively in the digital era. This training is comprehensively designed, covering various important aspects needed to be successful on the platform. Starting from basic guides such as how to register and create an online shop, to effective digital marketing strategies, as well as product listing optimization techniques so that they appear more attractive and can compete in an increasingly competitive market. Apart from that, the training also focuses on sales data analysis, where participants are taught how to read and analyze data in depth. This understanding allows business actors to identify consumer purchasing patterns, so they can develop more accurate and targeted business strategies. Through an interactive learning approach and the use of real case studies, participants can learn from direct experience and apply their knowledge more practically in their own business context. The results of this training include the publication of a guidebook "Digital Marketing Tips and Tricks via the Shopee Platform," which can be an important reference for participants in designing their digital marketing strategies. With this new capability, business actors are expected to be able to increase product competitiveness, expand sales reach, and make a real contribution to local economic growth through the use of digital technology which is increasingly developing in the era of globalization.</em></p>Mohamad Nasirudin, Siti Nur Qomariyah; Yessita Puspaningrum; Adinda Tiara Choirunnisa, Maratus Sholihah; Mohamad Sahrul Putra Soleh, Rihlatil Hajjah, Syaviratul Mughoyaroh, Viona Ananda
Copyright (c) 2025 Mohamad Nasirudin, Siti Nur Qomariyah; Yessita Puspaningrum; Adinda Tiara Choirunnisa, Maratus Sholihah; Mohamad Sahrul Putra Soleh, Rihlatil Hajjah, Syaviratul Mughoyaroh, Viona Ananda
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5268Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000Transformasi Digital bagi UMKM di Desa Ngusikan: Sosialisasi dan Pendampingan Penggunaan Digital Marketing
<p><em>This community service project was aimed at increasing the sales turnover of MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) in Ngusikan Village through digital marketing and administrative assistance. The project involved training and hands-on assistance in optimizing social media usage, improving branding, and completing business administration such as obtaining </em><em>business</em><em> licenses (NIB) and halal certification. The approach taken was a combination of workshops and field assistance with the MSMEs. The results indicate a significant improvement in the knowledge and practices of MSME actors in digital marketing, leading to a substantial increase in sales turnover and market visibility.</em></p>Muhammad Husen, Imam Bayhaki, Septian Ragil Anandita, Wisnu Mahendri, Akhmad Taqiyuddin, M. Nur Zhaki, Muhammad Ibrahim, Muhammad Andi, Ayu Musthofiyah, Nila Dianingsih
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Husen, Imam Bayhaki, Septian Ragil Anandita, Wisnu Mahendri, Akhmad Taqiyuddin, M. Nur Zhaki, Muhammad Ibrahim, Muhammad Andi, Ayu Musthofiyah, Nila Dianingsih
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5255Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000Menejerial Marketing Melalui Sosial Media Sebagai Strategi Pemasaran bagi UMKM di Desa Rejosopinggir Jombang
<p><em>The development of digital technology allows MSME actors to market their products online and make transactions through the online banking system as well. Social media is the easiest digital marketing to use. Marketing activities carried out by MSMEs in the village of Rejosopinggir Jombang by visiting shops/ restaurants/ markets. In addition, MSMEs only produce their products after there is an order. Marketing activities are still Jombang area and its surroundings. The use of digital technology in marketing has not been carried out optimally. In the implementation of this community service activity, the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method is used. Implementation of activities includes: Coordination with partners, Preparation, Socialization of Activity Materials and Instructors, Training and Mentoring. Based on the activities that have been carried out, it can be concluded that managerial marketing through social media has an important role in the MSME marketing process. The result of this socialization is that marketing manager can develop the marketing process so that it can maximize the latest technology</em></p>Anggun Wulandari, Asiyah Lu’lu’ul Husna, Suci Prihatiningtyas
Copyright (c) 2025 Anggun Wulandari, Asiyah Lu’lu’ul Husna, Suci Prihatiningtyas
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5247Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000Pemberdayaan UMKM dalam Peningkatan Produksi dan Distribusi Pangan Lokal melalui Penerapan Digital Marketing
<p>Cupak Village, located in the Ngusikan District, Jombang Regency, has significant potential in local food production. However, the main challenges faced by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in this area are limited market access and conventional marketing methods. This community service program is designed to empower MSMEs in Cupak Village by implementing digital marketing strategies to increase production capacity and expand the distribution of local food products. Through ongoing training and mentoring, MSMEs will be equipped with the skills to utilize various digital platforms, such as social media, e-commerce, and content marketing, which are expected to significantly broaden their market reach. The steps in this program include several phases: 1) identifying the needs and challenges MSMEs face in terms of marketing, 2) providing basic training on digital marketing concepts, 3) offering technical assistance in creating marketing content and using digital platforms, and 4) evaluating the impact of digital marketing on increasing production and distribution. With the optimization of technology, this program is expected to enhance the local competitiveness of MSMEs while promoting economic growth in the village. The expected outcomes of this program include improving the knowledge and skills of MSME actors in digital marketing, which will ultimately contribute to increased sales and distribution of local food products. Additionally, the implementation of digital marketing is also expected to open up new market opportunities beyond Cupak Village, which in turn can improve the overall welfare of the local community.</p> <p> </p>Mochammad Syafiuddin Shobirin, Ach Saifullah, Nurul Indana, Syarifatul Mubariroh, Ikbal Kresno Tyo Prayoga
Copyright (c) 2025 Mochammad Syafiuddin Shobirin, Ach Saifullah, Nurul Indana, Syarifatul Mubariroh, Ikbal Kresno Tyo Prayoga
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5208Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000Transformasi Digital: Pendampingan Pemasaran dan Rebranding untuk Kesuksesan UMKM
<p><em>Businesses use the internet as a source of information and as a marketing and sales tool. Digital sales and marketing can also reach more potential consumers. The rapid phenomenon of digital information has become a place to shift a business from conventional sales and marketing to digital. However, not all business activists have been able to keep up with changes in the flow of digitalization. This also happens to MSME activists in Kudubanjar Village. The main objective of this PKM activity is to help MSME activists who do not understand the importance of digital sales and marketing and are able to brand their products. PKM activities were carried out in two stages, namely a workshop which was held on August 8, 2024 and mentoring which was carried out on August 12-15, 2024, August 19-22, 2024 and August 27, 2024. The results obtained are that MSME activists understand what branding and digital marketing are, can make logo designs, and can promote products through WhatsApp </em><em>B</em><em>ussines. </em></p>Fitri Umardiyah, Anita Rohmatul Ummah, Noviana Nur Sholihah, Iin Baroroh Ma'arif, Novia Ayu Sekar Pertiwi
Copyright (c) 2025 Fitri Umardiyah, Anita Rohmatul Ummah, Noviana Nur Sholihah, Iin Baroroh Ma'arif, Novia Ayu Sekar Pertiwi
https://ejournal.unwaha.ac.id/index.php/abdimas_ekon/article/view/5440Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000