Jumat Keagamaan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
<p>JUMAT KEAGAMAAN: JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT adalah Jurnal ilmiah yang mewadahi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bidang keagamaan yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah (UNWAHA)</p>LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullahen-USJumat Keagamaan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat2774-7964Pengembangan Keterampilan Pembacaan Sholawat Ad-Diba'iyah dan Seni Hadroh Al-Banjari di TPQ Al-Furqon Desa Jatiwates
<p><em>Diba'an is an art tradition of reading and chanting sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW which is generally accompanied by hadrah music. This activity is carried out by Muslims with the aim of getting closer to Allah. The purpose of this activity is to have a positive influence on the development of the quality, skills and abilities of students in TPQ Al-Furqon related to the Training of Reading Maulid Diba'iyah Prayers and the art of hadroh al-banjari. This activity was carried out in October 2022 which was attended by 15 students of TPQ Al-Furqon, Jatiwates Village, Tembelang District, Jombang Regency. The training activities use the Participatory Action Research method. The final result of the study showed that the skills and understanding of the students increased after the training activities were held.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: </em><em>Diba'an; Hadrah; Students,;TPQ Al-Furqon</em></p>Siti SufaidahNurul YaqinMoh. Danur WendaSolihatuni'mah Solihatuni'mahIca Nini Wulandari
Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Sufaidah, Nurul Yaqin, Moh. Danur Wenda, Solihatuni'mah, Ica Nini Wulandari
2024-08-112024-08-115210711010.32764/abdimasagama.v5i2.3194Sosialisasi Keagamaan: Menjadi Pendidik yang Qur'ani sebagai Langkah Awal Menanamkan Karakter Baik pada Siswa
<p><em>Dukuhdimoro Village in East Java is home to various educational and religious institutions. However, the challenge lies in shaping the character of the younger generation due to a lack of guidance and role modeling from educators. To address this issue, community service activities are conducted with social and psychological approaches. One of the focuses is Quranic character education for educators to integrate religious values into teaching. Evaluations show an improvement in educators' understanding of the Quranic generation concept. The pocketbook "Shaping the Quranic Generation" serves as a practical tool supporting independent learning. Its impact extends to economic, social, and educational sectors. It is hoped to make a positive contribution to the development of children's character and moral values, as well as the religious awareness of the community as a whole.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Novia Ayu Sekar PertiwiSuci PrihatiningtyasBasthomi EfendiChudloifah ChudloifahSofi Inayatur RobbainahMohammad Muchsin Hidayat
Copyright (c) 2024 Novia Ayu Sekar Pertiwi, Suci Prihatiningtyas, Basthomi Efendi, Chudloifah, Sofi Inayatur Robbainah, Mohammad Muchsin Hidayat
2024-08-112024-08-1152939710.32764/abdimasagama.v5i2.4528Pelatihan Baca Tulis Pegon untuk Pemula di Desa Seketi Kabupaten Jombang
<div><em><span lang="EN-US">Pendidikan merupakan investasi penting untuk persiapan sumber daya manusia di era global. Pengabdian masyarakat di Desa Seketi, Mojoagung, Jombang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan baca tulis Pegon santri TPQ Nurul Hikmah dan TPQ Al Anwar. Metode tutorial dan praktik diterapkan selama 4 kali pertemuan. Hasil pretest menunjukkan rata-rata nilai 55,8 dan postest 66,5, menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman. Pelatihan ini penting karena Pegon digunakan untuk menuliskan kitab kuning, yang relevan dengan perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi. Dampaknya meliputi peningkatan pengetahuan santri, inovasi guru, dan peningkatan semangat belajar. Pelatihan memberikan bekal pengetahuan inovatif bagi guru dan menumbuhkan semangat belajar santri. Pelatihan ini dapat dilanjutkan secara bertahap sesuai modul yang diberikan dan perlu perhatian terhadap metode penyampaian yang efektif. Pelatihan membaca dan menulis Pegon penting untuk memahami kitab kuning dan mempersiapkan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran yang berbasis makna kitab.</span></em></div>Moch. Faizul Huda Huda
Copyright (c) 2024 Moch. Faizul Huda
2024-08-112024-08-1152647010.32764/abdimasagama.v5i2.4524Pemberdayaan Kelompok Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Melalui Pelatihan Pemulasaran Jenazah
<p><em>Setiap umat Islam diwajibkan untuk melakukan pemulasaran jenazah terhadap umat islam lainnya. Proses pemulasaran jenazah dilakukan melalui proses yang Panjang dimulai dari memandikan, mengkafani, menyolatkan, sampai menguburkan. Kemampuan merawat dengan proses tersebut penting dimiliki oleh masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu, pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bermaksud untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada kelompok pembinaan kesejahteraan keluarga di Desa Prasutan tentang pemulasaran jenazah perempuan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan oleh dosen pembimbing, empat mahasiswa IAINU Kebumen. Terdapat 50 peserta pelatihan ini yang terdiri atas kelompok pembinaan kesejahteraan keluarga di Desa Prasutan, Kecamatan Ambal, Kabupaten Kebumen. Metode ceramah dan praktik langsung digunakan dalam pengabdian ini. Tahapan pengabdian meliputi persiapan, pelaksanaan, pendampingan, dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan pemulasaran jenazah ini memberikan kebermanfaatan dan penambahan pemahaman kepada peserta tentang cara memandikan, mengkafani, dan mensholatkan jenazah. Kelompok pembinaan kesejahteraan keluarga Desa Prasutan semakin termotivasi untuk membentuk pengurus pemulasaran jenazah setelah melakukan kegiatan pelatihan pemulasaran jenazah bersama tim pengabdian masyarakat.</em></p>Muna FauziahFarkhah AzizahHerlina RozaqtiFatkhul Mungin
Copyright (c) 2024 Muna Fauziah, Farkhah Azizah, Herlina Rozaqti, Fatkhul Mungin
2024-08-112024-08-11529810310.32764/abdimasagama.v5i2.4464Pemberdayaan Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA) dalam Mengembangkan Kualitas Bacaan Quran pada Murid Sebagai Kader Guru TPA
<p><em>In empowering the </em><em>Al-Qur`an Education Park (TPA) </em><em>at the Baitul Mu'tashim mosque, Piyaman Village, Piyaman II Hamlet in particular, it has had a significant impact in developing the quality of Al-Qur'an reading to form a cadre of Al-Qur'an Education Park teachers. In this empowerment, various methods have been implemented to ensure the smooth running of this program. The impact of this empowerment is very positive, with a better improvement than before in children's ability to read the Koran. Apart from improving the quality of Al-Qur'an reading, TPA has also played a role as a center for social and educational activities in the sub-district. This creates an environment that supports the development of local communities, increases religious understanding, and promotes positive values. Thus, TPA is not just a religious educational institution, but also an agent of social change that has an impact on community life more broadly. The method used is Asset Based Communities Development (ABCD) by utilizing existing community assets or potential to develop this activity for the better. The results of this empowerment can serve as a guide for related parties to take concrete steps to strengthen the role of TPA and support similar efforts in other communities.</em></p>thoriq thoriq
Copyright (c) 2024 thoriq
2024-08-112024-08-1152586310.32764/abdimasagama.v5i2.4452Pendampingan Pelaksanaan Sholat Wajib Santri Melalui Film Edukasi di TPQ/TQA Masjid Muhajirin Air Dingin Padang
<p>This accompaniment is blamed by the lack of consciousness of the TPQ/TQA of the Muhajirin mosque to perform the five-time prayer, the deterioration of the righteousness and worship of the santri resulting in the usual abandonment of the prayer and will get a great sin and the relationship to God will be bad even social relations both the family environment, the community and the school centers. This addition aims to educate the implementation of 5 times and values of education character centri such as worship and morals in everyday life through educational film at TPQ/TQA mosque Muhajirin Water Cold Padang. This method is performed in several stages, the initial stages give a general overview of the implementation of the five-time prayer, then show the film Religious Editing in particular the execution of the fifth-time prayers, and the final stages emphasize and customize the centurion so that the prayer is made as a necessity. This activity was followed by 30 people of the TPQ/TQA and carried out with observation activities of satisfaction of the center, the ability to perform prayers compulsory sholat. The accompanying results show that through religious education films can improve the implementation of the compulsory sholat. Children's awareness develops into religious values, higher worship, better morality, character, good understanding of each other, consciousness of prayer without having to be commanded, this is because it has been emptied by the activity of the environment that is embedded in the soul of the centurion.</p>Juandi Pasaribu JU
Copyright (c) 2024 Juandi Pasaribu JU
2024-08-112024-08-1152768110.32764/abdimasagama.v5i2.4069Sosialisasi Keagamaan sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pemahaman Masyarakat Desa Tejo Kecamatan Mojoagung tentang Perawatan Jenazah
<p><em>Most Tejo village residents are Muslim but do not participate in many Islamic activities in their daily lives. In this case, a problem arises regarding caring for corpses because some residents still have little knowledge of corpse care, which is very important for society. One small example of caring for a corpse is praying, washing, shrouding, and burying, and this problem must be resolved through community service activities. The objectives of this service include: a) Increase the understanding of youth members of the Darul Jalal Mosque and religious organizations in Tejo village regarding the care of corpses. b) Growing a generation of teenagers who understand the care of corpses. This service activity was carried out at the Darul Jalal Mosque, Tejo Village, Mojoagung District on September 9, 2023. 23 participants attended this activity. This service activity used discussion and training methods. Data collection via questionnaire after socialization regarding participant enthusiasm. The results of community service activities showed that the level of enthusiasm among teenagers at the Darul Jalal Mosque </em><em>increased by around 95.6% because after this socialization was held, many of the participants understood the material presented by the resource person and many of the participants were also active in discussion forums during the socialization</em></p>Muhamad Khoirur RoziqinMuhammad FodhilMuhammad NasrullahUmul Khoirun NisaSyarifatul ChofifahNur Elyatul Chumaidah
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Khoirur Roziqin, Muhammad Fodhil, Muhammad Nasrullah, Umul Khoirun Nisa, Syarifatul Chofifah, Nur Elyatul Chumaidah
2024-08-112024-08-1152828710.32764/abdimasagama.v5i2.4043Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Menggunakan Buku Pop-Up Di Taman Pendidikan Qur'an Desa Mancilan
<p><em>The Baitul Muttaqin Quran Education Center, located in the Village of Mancilan Jombang, has approximately 160 students consisting of 4 study groups, which at this moment having problem where the students tend to be less interested on learning Al Quran and have difficulty learning Al Quran. The reason for the decline in enthusiasm for religious learning is due to the increase in study time at formal schools and the increase of time they used on playing with smartphones which has a negative impact on the desire and ability to spend their time reading and writing Al Quran verse. This is the basis for carrying out community service using a CSR approach starting from socializing a learning media using Pop-Up book, training on how to make pop-up book, mentoring the process of participants making pop-up book which is fun and interesting. So that it can increase interest in learning at TPQ Baitul Muttaqin</em></p>Primaadi AirlanggaMuhammad Abdul ChakimAbu Ya'laAfifatul HasnaAfida Devitasari
Copyright (c) 2024 Primaadi Airlangga, Muhammad Abdul Chakim, Abu Ya’la, Afifatul Hasna, Afida Devitasari
2024-08-112024-08-1152889210.32764/abdimasagama.v5i2.4023Bimbingan Keagamaan dengan Pendekatan Shalawat Sebagai Media Relaksasi di Majelis Taklim Ar-Rahman
<p><em>One person who is prone to experiencing stress or mental disorders is the mother. Mothers have an obligation to provide constant and exclusive attention to their children. Due to difficulties in carrying out these tasks, mothers often neglect taking care of their family, children and even themselves. So there is a need for guidance for mothers in dealing with the stress they are experiencing. One of them is to reduce tensions and gain emotional stability. One effort that can be done is with a religiosity relaxation therapy approach using prayer media. Religious guidance is an activity that provides guidance or support to individuals who may experience difficulties in developing their personality optimally to overcome various mental problems. The benefits obtained by someone who carries out prayer activities include a calm heart because they feel close to Allah SWT. and Rasulullah SAW., so that when disaster strikes, he is able to act as an intermediary to achieve dreams, get intercession from the Prophet Muhammad SAW., the congregation will always feel there is a will to improve themselves to be better than before, besides that, the congregation of the taklim assembly will feel that they have found a true purpose in life. guided by the Islamic religion, and also always has positive and good prejudices.</em></p>Rifani Raniasati
Copyright (c) 2024 Rifani Raniasati
2024-08-112024-08-1152707510.32764/abdimasagama.v5i2.4006Implementasi Moderasi Beragama melalui Lomba Mading di Lokasi KKM MTs Al-Ma'arif 01 Singosari
<p>Di era masa kini, penting bagi generasi muda untuk memahami dan mengimplementasikan moderasi beragama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hal ini diperlukan mengingat dalam era globalisasi ini, keberagaman menjadi semakin nyata dan relevan dalam konteks kehidupan masyarakat. Keberagaman agama merupakan salah satu aspek yang krusial dalam dinamika sosial yang mempengaruhi cara individu memandang dunia, bertindak, dan berinteraksi satu sama lain. Implementasi moderasi beragama dapat diwujudkan salah satunya melalui pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan di MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari. Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa KKM UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang ini mengimplementasikan moderasi beragama melalui lomba mading. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian berupa pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara. Hasil yang didapat adalah adanya dampak positif bagi para siswa, karena dapat memiliki pemahaman yang komprehensif serta dapat mengimplementasikannya dalam karya mading. Meskipun demikian, masih ada beberapa kendala seperti kurangnya minat sebagian siswa terhadap tema moderasi beragama. Dari hasil tersebut, dibutuhkan adanya pemaksimalan dalam mempromosikan tema moderasi beragama untuk menarik minat generasi muda.</p>Alfi Nur Nadiva Soetam RizkySaviestya Dyan RamadaniIqbal HanifFina Sabila AmanahNafisatul AdawiyahArinal HaqSiti Faridah
Copyright (c) 2024 Alfi Nur Nadiva Soetam Rizky, Saviestya Dyan Ramadani, Iqbal Hanif, Fina Sabila Amanah, Nafisatul Adawiyah, Arinal Haq, Siti Faridah