Multidiscipline International Conference
en-USMultidiscipline International ConferenceTeachers Readiness in Implementing Online Arabic at Madrasah Aliyah Ar-Rahman Diwek Jombang
<p>The era of industrial technology 4.0 has a big role in changing the new face of the world from various aspects of life, including the realm of education. The use of appropriate technology has become a point of attention in process of implementing learning and learning, especially after the outbreak of the Covid-19. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the readiness of the teacher in carrying out the process of learning Arabic online at MA Ar-Rahman Jombang. The type used in this research is discriptive qualitative, by including questionnaires and interviews as instrumen. The results of this study indicate that most Arabic teachers use the Wharsapp application to control the learning process. This offort is considered positive, although problems arise in its implementation. Among them are the inaccuracy of learning time and the lack of two-way interaction between teachers and students making learningless effective. From the results of the study, it can be seen that the personal aspect of the teacher is 76% “agreeâ€, 5% “disagreeâ€, and 19%“strongly disagreeâ€. For aspects of readiness in delivering material and communication 54% “agreeâ€, 38% “disagreeâ€, and 8% “strongly disagreeâ€. For the evaluation readiness aspect 63% “agreeâ€, 29% “disagreeâ€, and 29% “strongly disagreâ€.</p>Dlorifatul JauhariyahAfif Kholisun Nasoih
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2025-01-012025-01-011115The Implementation of the Integration Curriculum on Religion and General
<p><em>The development of science and other aspects is always changing and developing at all times and adjusting to the circumstances of its time. The purpose of this study is to describe the application of a combination of religious curriculum (tahfidzul qur'an) and general curriculum in SMK Unggulan NU Mojoagung and describe the supporting and inhibitory factors in the application of a combination of religious curriculum (tahfidzul qur'an) and general curriculum in the school in 2021. and see the results of graduate students at the school. This research is included in qualitatively discrete research. Informant in this research is waka curriculum, teachers and students smk Unggulan NU Mojoagung. Data collection methods are observation, interview and documentation. This data analysis concerns three activities, namely data collection as well as data reduction, data presentation and conclusion or verification. The results showed that the school in applying a combination of religious curriculum (tahfidzul qur'an) and general curriculum is carried out by combining several curricula, namely the National Curriculum (KEMDIKBUD), Curriculum ministry of religion, as well as a special curriculum prepared by the institution or school by combining systematically and presented in the form of boarding school programs plus tahfidzul qur'an. Obstacles in the implementation of the curriculum is the dense activity of students, consistency of students in memorization less, as well as a few months of cut time with the existence of industrial practice activities in which the program must be implemented students who are in vocational school and the results or out put graduates smk Unggulan NU Mojoagung gave birth to students who excel and berakhlakul karimah in accordance with the reflection of the Qur'an , and can compete in the outside world in terms of skills, intellectuals and berakhlaq and not forget that students are able to continue the tahfidz program even though they have worked or studied.</em></p>Chusnul ChotimahMuhammad Zainul
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2025-01-012025-01-0111610The Correlation Between Processing Skills and Learning Outcomes Based on Implementation Discovery Learning
<p><em>This research is a classroom action research that aims to determine the relationship between process skills and student learning outcomes in the Discovery Learning learning model for class XI biology material. This research is a type of quantitative research with the One Shot Case Study method. The subjects in this study were all students of class XI, totaling 14 students. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The assessment instrument uses a questionnaire and multiple choice questions. While the data analysis with correlation test using SPSS. The average value of cognitive learning outcomes obtained through the application of discovery learning models assisted by LKS Media is 73.5714, which means that the average value obtained by students is in the good category. And the average value of the results of the student's process skills by applying the discovery learning model through YouTube media in the form of a practicum to make respiratory system props resulted in an average number of 83.3571 with a sample of 14 students of class XI MIA. The average value of learning outcomes on skills learning outcomes is 73.5714 < 82.3571, so it can be interpreted descriptively that there is a difference in the average learning outcomes with process skills. Based on the results of the calculation of the Normality, Homogeneity and Correlation test, it shows that there is a relationship between cognitive learning outcomes and the biological process skills of students in class XI MIA MA Nizhamiyah Ploso.</em></p>Muhamad Rozak HidayatFatikhatun Nikmatus Sholihah
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2025-01-012025-01-01111116Designing Gravid (Grammar Video) for Beginner Level
<p><em>This research is aimed to design a learning media that called Gravid (Grammar Video) for beginner level. The grammar video is designed using CapCut Application. The grammar video designed consists of 2<sup>nd</sup> term materials of eighth grade of junior high school. This research uses Research and Development (R&D) method with ADDIE model. In data collection, the researcher uses questionnaires given to students and conducts an interview to English teachers. The subject of this research is the eighth grade students of MTs. At-Taufiq Sambongdukuh Jombang. In validation process involves 2 experts of media and materials. The result of media validation is 3.77 and the score of materials validation is 4.28. The implementation score is 4.4. The score is categorized “goodâ€. In conclusion, Gravid (Grammar Video) is feasible for helping eighth grade students of junior high school in English learning.</em></p>Luluk Choirun Nisak NurYenny Lidya ArifahUlfa Wulan Agustina
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2025-01-012025-01-01111720Implementasi Of the Brainstorming Method to Improve Learning Outcomes of Aqidah Akhlak Subjects
<p><em>Teaching and learning activities should use appropriate learning strategies so that student learning outcomes increase. The right alternative method used in learning Aqidah Akhlak is one of the Brainstorming methods because it can make students learn more active, enthusiastic, and make it easier to understand the lessons being taught. This TA discusses the Implementation of the Brainstorming Method to Improve Learning Outcomes of Aqidah Akhlak Subjects. The formulation of the problems discussed in this TA are (1). How is the application of the brainstorming method in the Aqidah Akhlak folder? (2) How are student learning outcomes using the brainstorming method in the Aqidah Akhlak folder. In this study using a quasi-experimental research method (quase experimental research) in the form of a nonequivalent control group design by applying the Brainstorming method (brainstorming method) while the control class applies the traditional method. From the results of the study, the average ( x ) of the experimental class (19.86) looks higher than the control class (12.12). From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of the brainstorming method can improve the learning outcomes of class VIII students at MtsN 14 Jombang.</em></p>Wafiqotul FikriyahAmrini Shofiyani
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2025-01-012025-01-01112126Character Education in the Online Learning Process Study Analysist of Akidah Akhlak Learning in MAN 3 Jombang
<p><em>Character education is a system that instills character values ​​in students MAN 3 Jombang that contains components of knowledge, individual, awareness, determination, and the willingness and action to implement values God Almighty, fellow humans. Character education is a very important education, especially for children who are still in the world of education, because character education in the world of education is used as a forum or process to shape the child's personality to become a good person. Through character education, students MAN 3 Jombang are expected to be able to independently improve character values ​​and noble character so that they are realized in their daily environment.</em> <em>The efforts of moral aqidah teachers in MAN 3 Jombang shaping student character education have been maximized even though there are some students who still need to be directed again. The moral akidah teacher provides direction and supervision to students, this is because the teacher attempts to form a disciplined and responsible character with the aim that students can be independent when outside school.</em> <em>The research method used is a qualitative method. The collection of this research is by observation, interviews, documentation</em><em>.</em></p>Dinda Cicik Emil KhofifahM Wafiyul Ahdi
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2025-01-012025-01-01112730Analysis Implementation Of Imriti Book Learning In Improving Arabic Text Reading Ability
<p>This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. Yhe data collection thecniques used written tesis and questionnaires. The porpose of this research is to describe how the imriti book learning process is, then how to implement imriti book learning in improving students’ reading skills and to know the supporting and inhibiting factors in the jearning process. The subjects of this study were third grade students (H) at the Madrasah Diniyah Mamba’ul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang. And the results of this study found that the ability of students to read Arabic texts with the Imriti book learning resources was quite good, students enjoyed learning to used the Imriti book, and in its application students still had difficulties so they needed a lot of practice.</p> <p>This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. Yhe data collection thecniques used written tesis and questionnaires. The porpose of this research is to describe how the imriti book learning process is, then how to implement imriti book learning in improving students’ reading skills and to know the supporting and inhibiting factors in the jearning process. The subjects of this study were third grade students (H) at the Madrasah Diniyah Mamba’ul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang. And the results of this study found that the ability of students to read Arabic texts with the Imriti book learning resources was quite good, students enjoyed learning to used the Imriti book, and in its application students still had difficulties so they needed a lot of practice.</p>Aufia AisaMyladiah Ahmad
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2025-01-012025-01-01113135Introduction of Fruit Plants as Kindergarten Students Learning Media Based on Mobile Applications
<p>The world of childhood is mostly filled with play. They tend to be more interested and enthusiastic if they play a game, this is natural considering their young age and they should enjoy their childhood. By applying learning media in the form of games, children unconsciously have been doing learning by playing. Moreover, modern learning methods are more impactful and provide more significant outcomes when compared to conventional learning methods. This study aims to design an educational game about the introduction of fruit plants as a mobile application-based learning medium for kindergarten students. This game design method uses the Waterfall method which consists of 5 stages, namely Requirement, Design, Implementation, Verification, and Maintenance. The results of the trial of this application get an average level of understanding of 89%. By making this game, the author hopes that children who are still in their golden period can be helped in learning and optimize their golden period.</p>Zulfikar ZulfikarAchmad Rizky
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2025-01-012025-01-01113642Strategy for Application of Marketing Mix (4p) in Marketing of Batik Natural Coloring Blessings Mojo
<p><em>Marketing strategy is one way to win a sustainable competitive advantage for companies that produce goods or services. One of the marketing strategies is the marketing mix. Marketing mix is ​​a strategy used in the field of marketing to create exchanges in achieving company goals. Judging from the problems that exist in the marketing of Batik Berkah Mojo, it is necessary to have a 4P Marketing mix Strategy (product), price, promotion, and distribution of Natural Coloring Batik. This study aims to: describe the marketing strategy of natural dyed batik in Jombang district. This study uses a qualitative approach. Sources of data obtained from primary data and secondary data. The data collection procedure used observation, interviews and documentation. The research instrument includes the researcher himself, interview guide and field notes. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis of the results of interviews, researchers will describe and analyze based on the theoretical framework used in this study. The data validity technique used by researchers is triangulation. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the marketing strategy carried out by MSME Batik Berkah Mojo in marketing its products is in accordance with the 4Ps including product, price, place, promotion. </em></p>Agung PrasetyoSuci PrihatiningtyasMar'atul Fahimah
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2025-01-012025-01-01114350Optimizing the Role of PAI Teachers in Fiqh Learning During a Pandemic at MA Nizhamiyah Ploso
<p><em>Learning strategies in Indonesia have changed from year to year, the most certain factor is the development of science and technology, namely Science and Technology, but apart from that there are several other factors that make learning strategies change and develop. The factor that is currently happening is the Covid-19 Pandemic, which is an international outbreak where this outbreak requires learning strategies, especially in Indonesia, to change from face to face to distance. Therefore, the author has a goal to be achieved, namely to find out (1) the role of a good teacher in implementing fiqh learning strategies in the pandemic era, (2) obstacles in optimizing fiqh learning in the pandemic era, (3) teacher efforts to overcome obstacles in optimizing learning fiqh in the pandemic era at the MA Nizhamiyah Ploso school.</em></p>Fatkhulloh Abdul MalikChumairoh Putriningtyas
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2025-01-012025-01-01115154Aqidah Akhlak Learning Development Strategy in Improving Student Achievement
<p><em>This study aims to determine the Aqidah Akhlak learning strategy in improving student achievement at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Ihsan Kalikejambon Jombang. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of interviews and documentation. The results of this study are: (1) learning development strategies in improving student achievement that are used by more than one school, such as lecture methods, IT development, demonstrations, simulations, tutorials, and so on (2) the school has provided several facilities that feasible to support the teaching and learning process to suit the learning objectives, there are digital libraries, language labs, multi-function labs, and classrooms, each of which has television and Liquid Crystal Display available. (LCD) (3) the school is accredited A and has won several championships in several competitions such as tartil, olympiad, paskibra. All potentials and talents of interest in the development of students are continuously guided by the teachers so that students can develop and excel in their respective fields. The method used in this research is the method of observation, data collection, documentation and interviews with several sources. </em></p>Didin SirojudinKhorida Zahro
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2025-01-012025-01-01115557The Relationship between Intellectual Intelligence Levels and Students’ Discipline in Implementing Regulations
<p><em>Intellectual intelligence or Intellegence Quotient (IQ) is a general term used to explain the nature of the mind that includes a number of capabilities such as the ability to analyze, plan, solve problems, comprehend ideas, to use language, perception and learning. This is the background of the author to examine whether there is a relationship between intellectual intelligence with existing regulations in the Boarding school Kalimasada Plandaan Jombang.The method used in this research was a quantitative research, the population in this research was the students of the Boarding school Kalimasada Jombang and the research sample amounted to 50 students, data collection techniques such as interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentation.The average value for intelligent students Kalimasada belonging to the high criterion, namely 37,2 in the analysis with the formula the mean, is based on the findings of data processing. While the Calculation of product moment correlation that has been done for the discipline of students on the criteria of extremely high at 43, it can be observed that rxy or r count with the number of 0,519 greater than r table 0,279. So Ha is received, i.e., “there is a relationship between the level of intelligence of the intellectual discipline of students in the running of the rules of the Boarding school Kalimasada Plandaan Jombangâ€. These results also have a level of relationship between the variables X and Y with the criteria being. As well as producing coefficient determination of 26%, which means that the magnitude of the relationship between the level of intelligence of the Intellectual discipline of students in the running of the rules of the Boarding school Kalimasada Jombang is by 26%.</em></p>Waslah WaslahDessy Nur Fajriyah
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2025-01-012025-01-01115861Multicultural Values in Learning Islamic Religious Education in Schools (Study of Efforts to Build Student Character at SMAN II Jombang)
<p><em>Indonesia is a nation and state consisting of diverse ethnic groups, cultures, customs, languages and religions. The concept of multicultural Islamic education contains the values of religious teachings which include aspects of aqidah, shari'ah and moral aspects that reflect the attitudes of good and tolerant Muslim humans in their daily lives.</em> <em>Learning is a system that aims to assist the learning process of students, which contains a series of events that are designed, arranged in such a way as to influence and support the internal learning process of students.</em> <em>Islamic Religious Education Learning is an effort to make students able to learn, need to learn, motivated to learn, willing to learn, and interested in continuing to study Islam, both for the sake of knowing how to practic the right religion and studying Islam as knowledge which resulted in some significant changes. relatively fixed in a person's behavior that is good in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.</em> <em>So it can be concluded that multicultural values play an important role in learning Islamic religious education.</em></p>Saihul Atho’ Alaul HudaNor Aini Safitri
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2025-01-012025-01-01116265E-Diagnostic Based on Multirepresentation to Know Cognitive Ability in Excretion System Learning
<p>Pandemic requires educators to be more creative in presenting online learning so that students can receive learning well. The researcher developed an E-diagnostic test, the presentation of the questions contained a representation of the Excretory System material. This study aims to determine the feasibility of multi-representation-based E-diagnostics in measuring students' cognitive abilities. The type of research used is the development (Research and Development) by adopting the stages. The research was conducted in seven stages: potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, and product revision. The research instruments were in the form of interview sheets, validation sheets, and test results. Data collection techniques in the form of interview sheets, validation questionnaires, and tests. Data analysis in this study included: learning outcomes tests, item validity, and item reliability. The results of the study were in the form of test results for students of class XI IPA-A and XI IPA-B who scored above the average of 20 from each class. The test results of the validity of the questions from the validator's assessment are 2.66 with quite valid criteria and the question instrument that shows more than 0.3 is included in the valid category. The result of the product moment correlation test is 0.6 with a strong category. The results of the reliability test of more than 0.60 are categorized as reliable so that based on the test results, the test is feasible to use in knowing the cognitive abilities of students.</p> <p> </p>Uriva Lailatul FaruqiOspa Pea Yuanita Meishanti
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2025-01-012025-01-01116671Unwaha Cooperative Management Information System Based on Android
<p class="5ABSTRAK" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="X-NONE">The use of Android-based applications is currently growing among smartphone users. Android applications are not only used to communicate but also to assist humans in doing work. One of them is making a cooperative management application to order goods at KH University cooperatives. A. Wahab Hasbullah. This cooperative management application is already connected to the database so that the information that has been created by the customer is directly stored in the database. Not only ordering goods in the cooperative but also viewing the purchase history and schedule for taking goods that have been ordered previously. With this application, it really helps customers by ordering goods online without having to come to the cooperative.</span></p>Siti SufaidahNadyatus Nur Sholicha
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2025-01-012025-01-01117278Design and Build an E-Catalog Application for Typical Jombang Products
<p><em>Technological developments encourage business actors to be more creative in competing to provide the best service for consumers. However, during the current pandemic, many business actors have gone out of business due to the pandemic because people are prohibited from leaving their homes. Therefore, during the current pandemic, business actors should implement sales that make it easier for consumers to buy the desired product without coming to the store and can also be done with transfer payments. The purpose of this research is to make it easier for consumers to find Jombang typical food products through digital catalog applications. This study uses R&D research, namely the data collection stage by studying objects about the system, and retrieval of data from books, the internet, journals, and other sources that are useful for the preparation of the E-catalog of Typical Jombang Products. The results of the feasibility trial of this application are 80%, which means that this application is feasible to be used and applied in the community. With the application of this typical Jombang product E-catalog, people will find it easier to shop as they want and display products and orders that were previously manual to be easier and faster because all data is processed on a computer.</em></p>Nur KhafidhohVia Famela Setya Ningrum
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2025-01-012025-01-01117984Implementation Of Mobile Learning In Islamic Cultural History (ICH) Lessons
<p><em>The background of this research is that the emergency situation of the entry of the corona virus outbreak in Indonesia has made the government impose a stay at home policy to suppress its spread. Given the importance of education for citizens, the ministry of education enforces a distance learning policy (PJJ program) for all school institutions with the aim of continuing to study at the same time supporting government policies to reduce the spread of the corona virus. This research aims to determine 1) the implementation of m-learning in ICH lessons at MIN 1 Jombang, 2) supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the implementation of ICH lessons at MIN 1 Jombang. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data collection technique uses observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation study. The source of research data comes from primary data and secondary data. The validity test used the time tringulation technique and the extension of the research time. Data analysis using interactive analysis. The application of m-learning in ICH learning at MIN 1 Jombang includes the planning stages and the implementation stages of learning. The supporting factors are adequate network because the school and the average student are in the city center, teacher workshops, and free quota assistance. While the inhibiting factors lies in the knowledge of the technique of using e-learning madrasah and the difficulty of assessing a basic competency in ICH lessons which can be assessed face-to-face only. </em></p>Machnunah Ani ZulfahElvina Khusmiati
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2025-01-012025-01-01118590Development of Scientific Approach-Based Teaching Materials to Improve Students' Mathematical Literacy
<p><em>Teaching materials are one of the important elements that affect the success of the teaching materials used in the learning process is the module. Scientific-based teaching materials are teaching materials which contain 5M scientific stages including the Observing, Communicating stages. The facts in the field show that there is a lack of use of scientific</em> <em>based text books, students at school only use the Student Worksheet (LKS) as a learning reference. Mathematical literacy is very important in learning mathematics, because mathematical literacy is an individual’s ability to formulate, apply, and interpret mathematics in various contexts, including the ability to reason mathematically and use procedural concepts, facts, and mathematical tools, to describe, explain and predict a phenomenon or event. The scientific stage in the developed teaching </em><em>m</em><em>aterials are in accordance with the characteristics of mathematical literacy.</em></p> <p> </p>Muhammad Farid NasrullohEva Zulistya NingsihWisnu Siwi Satiti
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2025-01-012025-01-01119195Strategies and Methods for Aqidah Morals Learning Based on Constructivism Theory at MA Mambaul Ulum
<p><em>This research aims to determine the strategies and methods used and to find out the problems that occur in learning aqidah morals based on constructivism theory at Madrasah Aliyah Mambaul Ulum Megaluh. The research methodology this time used interviews, observation and documentation. The source of the data obtained by the author is from the moral aqidah educator at Madrasah Aliyah Mambaul Ulum Megaluh. The interview data will be processed by means of triangulation techniques. While the results obtained in this study are using the strategy of "cooperative learning" and "generative learning" while the method used is the method of discussion.</em></p>M Dzikrul Hakim Al-GhozaliNurul Hekmah
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2025-01-012025-01-011196100Improving Learning Activities And Outcomes With the Implementation of Problem Based Learning Learning Model
<p><em>Man is God's most perfect being and God commands that man use his intellect to think about what is in the universe. Then in relation to education in Indonesia, there needs to be a model model used by educators in the learning process, One of which is to apply problem based learning that is problem-based learning. The purpose of this research is to find out 1) how the learning activities of grade XI </em><em>High School 1 JOMBANG 2)the results of learning class XI High School 1 JOMBANG 3)activities and results of learning pai students grade XI High School 1 JOMBANG through the learning model problem based learning. Problem based learning is a method of learning by confronting students on real-world problems. PBL is a progressive active learning and unstructured problem-centered learning approach that is used as a starting point in the learning process. In this study, researchers used three methods in carrying out the study, namely by observation methods, interviews and documentation. From the results of research that has been done has been found a number of data both from teachers and students about pai learning in grade XI at High School 1 JOMBANG which basically responds well and states that this problem-based learning is very helpful for students in class is evidenced by the creativity and response of students during the learning process and can improve learning outcomes in the form of assignment value in islamic religious education subjects than before the implementation of m odel learning problem based learning.</em></p>Mochammad Syafiuddin ShobirinAnugrah Nusa Hanafi
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2025-01-012025-01-0111101104Effect of Financial and Non-Financial Compensation on Job Satisfaction
<p>The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of financial compensation and non-financial compensation on job satisfaction of employees at CV. Flower Jaya. This study uses quantitative research methods, using multiple linear regression. This research uses survey research method. population in the study are employees at CV. Flower Jaya Lumajang. The sampling method used was random sampling. The sample taken in this study were 37 respondents. Collecting data through activities, namely a) observation, b) interviews with resource persons using interview instruments, and c) distributing questionnaires/questionnaires. The data processing of the results of this study uses the type of multiple linear regression. The results obtained indicate that the provision of financial compensation has a significant effect on job satisfaction at CV Kembang Jaya Lumajang, this is evidenced by the t-count value of 2.724 with a significance of 0.010 more than 0.005. Non-financial compensation has a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at CV Kembang Jaya Lumajang, this is evidenced by the t-count value of 5.040 with a significance of 0.000 less than 0.005. Companies must pay more attention to financial compensation and non-financial compensation to employees or employees in order to increase the employee's diligent work.</p>Ino Angga PutraMuhammad Abu WildanMar’atul Fahimah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111105110Financial Feasibility Analysis of Durian Fruit Business (Durio zibethinus)
<p><em>Research Objectives (1). Knowing the income level of durian farming in Sumber Village, Kec. Wonosalam, (2). Knowing the financial feasibility of durian farming in Sumber Village, Kec. Wonosalam in terms of B/C ratio. This research was conducted in Sumber Hamlet, Wonosalam Village, Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency. (1). The total cost of the durian fruit farming analysis on average is Rp. 62,109,925/Ha/Year, the average durian fruit farming revenue is Rp. 64,175,000/Ha/Year, and the average income earned by farmers is Rp. 90,181,575/Ha/Year. (2). R/C Ratio of 2.4. (3). B/C Ratio of 1.4. In Sumber Hamlet, Wonosalam Village, Wonosalam District, there are 32 residents who have land planted with durian trees with an area of ​​<5000 m2, so the respondents who were taken in this study were only 4 people. With the consideration of these 4 people, the land area is > 5000 m2. (1). The total cost of the durian fruit farming analysis on average is Rp. 62,109,925/Ha/Year, the average durian fruit farming revenue is Rp. 64,175,000/Ha/Year, and the average income earned by farmers is Rp. 90,181,575/Ha/Year. (2). R/C Ratio of 2.4. (3). B/C Ratio of 1.4. In Sumber Hamlet, Wonosalam Village, Wonosalam District, there are 32 residents who have land planted with durian trees with an area of ​​<5000 m2, so the respondents who were taken in this study were only 4 people. With the consideration of these 4 people, the land area is > 5000 m2.</em></p>Afrina Hidayatul ArifahMazidatul Faizah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111111118The Information System of Payable Tax Management on Village Government
<p>The lack of effectiveness occurred in the conventional management of the earth and building taxes in Sumbermulyo village, Jogoroto sub-district, Jombang, Jawa Timur. The process of tax management each year depends on both the strategy and the mechanism used by each village. Tax management of the earth and such buildings should be effective and efficient, as this activity is repeatedly on each year and is a financial concern. The tax management is done by the village officer, which means each village officer has a duty to make records, collections, and tax reporting management. Based on these conditions, it need to provide the information systems that could help village's governments level better in managing land and building taxes also the transparency of tax information to the public. The following research will explain how a website-based tax payable management information system is built. The method that used in making information system is waterfall method. In the system testing using the black box method. The study will produce an e-government information system so, it will make the village officer easier to manage taxes and minimise the leakage of tax payment. The built of information system has several items such as SPPT's data, cancellation and payment.</p>Ani Safitriya AyuningsihMoh Anshori Aris Widya
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2025-01-012025-01-0111119126Factor Analysis of Reading Interest in MAN 4 Jombang Library
<p><em>Interest in reading is a passion or passion in the heart that is passionate about reading activities. This is a must that is owned as a means of building intelligence through reading. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the quality of reading interest in student at MAN 4 Jombang. Where this research uses methods and approaches to research procedures, namely descriptive qualitative. Which is expected to provide benefits in the form of additional theoretical studies regarding the quality of reading interest. And provide a clear picture of the factors that influence students’ reading interest. The results showed that there were many factors that influenced students’ reading interest, and strategies to maintain students’ reading interest. </em></p>Mohammad Faridl DarmawanFrista Dyah Rahmawati
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2025-01-012025-01-0111127130Islamic Religious Education Teacher Strategy in Multimedia-Based Online Learning in The New Normal
<p><em>The purpose of this research is: 1) To find out what kind of multimedia used Man 3 Jombang. 2) To find out how the strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in multimedia-based online learning in the new normal Man 3 Jombang. 3) To find out how islamic religious education teachers apply to their strategies in the online learning process Man 3 Jombang<strong>. </strong>This research is qualitative research, this research uses descriptive data techniques obtained by observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that, 1) The types of multimedia used in online learning are Zoom, Elma applications and learning files in the form of power points, sways, short videos, short films related to learning materials. 2) Islamic religious education teacher strategy in online learning using 2 approaches. First the teaching and learning activities through the Multimedia Zoom application then use Elma's multimedia for assignment. 3) The application of islamic religious education teacher strategy in multimedia-based online learning requires teachers' skills to make various multimedia such as power points, sways, short videos and short films related to interestingly taught materials.</em></p>Mohammad Saat Ibnu WaqfinPutri Rima Sakinah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111131134Islamic Education Learning Process Evaluation in Implementation KMA Curriculum No.183 and No.184
<p><em>The learning process of Islamic religious education in Islamic school, of course, cannot be separated from using the Islamic religious education curriculum as a tool to achieve educational goals. Miftahul Ulum Islamic School Kepuhkembeng</em> <em>has implemented the KMA No. 183 and No.184 in 2019. The research objective as an evaluation in the implementation of the curriculum focuses on the efforts of the principal, supporters and obstacles in implementing the KMA curriculum No. 183 and No.184 in 2019. The stages in the implementation process start from the presence of researchers to the location directly looking for data sources, interviews, observation and documentation as data collection steps then analyzing data to find out how far the implementation process is in the learning process of Islamic education. in implementing the KMA curriculum No. 183 and No. 184 in 2019 at MA Miftahul Ulum Kepuhkembeng. Based on the research results, MA Miftahul Ulum Kepuhkembeng has implemented the KMA curriculum No. 183 and No. 184 in 2019. Various efforts have been made by the principal to support the implementation of this curriculum. However, there are also obstacles in its implementation due to circumstances that cannot be forced in delivering face-to-face material.</em></p>Muhamad Khoirur RoziqinTitin Sholihatin
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2025-01-012025-01-0111135139Analysis of The Value of Worship Education in Nadzam Imrithiy by Sheikh Syarifuddin Yahya Al-Imrithiy
<p><em>Among pesantren who are not familiar with the science of nahwu the scholars even gave the nickname to the science of nahwu with "Abul Ulum" which weighed on his father's knowledge. Kitab al-imrihiy itself has become a subject that must exist in pesantren in Indonesia, studying it is fardu kifayah this is like the opinion of imam Nawawi and others. With the aim of arabic sentences faidahnya itself is to keep the oral from mistakes in speaking and as an intermediary understand the Qur'an and Al-Hadith. But who would have thought in the 254 nadzam imrithiy not only contains the content of the science of the book or science nahwu that has been hundreds of years old, after reviewing the pernadzamnya can be known that in the verses nadzam that there is also a content that contains the value of worship in it. Worship itself has the meaning of obedience, humility or submission, but all forms of humility to God based on love and glorification, carrying out His commandments and avoiding His prohibitions are worth worship.</em></p>Muhammad FodhilSiti Marya Ulfa
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2025-01-012025-01-0111140143Development of Vinafi as Fiqh Learning Media for XI Grade of MA Student
<p>Vinafi, animated video for Fiqh, is one of technological developments that is formulated as learning media that can attract students to learn Fiqh. In this study, the researchers aim to develop an animated video as learning media for learning Fiqh of XI grade MA. This animated video is a learning media that contains material about the marriage which includes an application to solve a problem related to the learning process. The purpose of this development is to determine the feasibility of media from media experts, material experts and media attractiveness through questionnaire responses from students. The research method in this study uses R&D with ADDIE development model. This development model is divided into five stages, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The results of this study obtained validation result from media expert and material expert who stated that the media was eligible for field trials with revisions according to suggestions, and a questionnaire response from student with the conclusion that the researchers took that the media criteria were interesting, so that the media that had been developed by the researchers was interesting and suitable to be used as a support for the learning process.</p> <p> </p>Rohmat HidayatKholifatul IzzahIin Baroroh Ma’arif
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2025-01-012025-01-0111144149Readiness of Teachers in Implementing Online Arabic Learning at MA Al-Bairuny Sambongdukuh Jombang
<p><em>The government's call for learning from home during the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on changing the learning system in Indonesia, which originally used a face-to-face system to an online system. This paper describes the results of research on teacher readiness in implementing online Arabic learning at MA Al-Bairuni Jombang. To achieve these objectives, researchers used instruments in the form of questionnaires and interviews to obtain the expected data. From the results of the study, it can be seen that for the aspect of personal readiness 52% strongly agree, 38% agree and 10% disagree. For the aspect of readiness to develop materials for online learning, the criteria are 21% strongly agree, 58% agree, 17% disagree and 4% strongly disagree. While the aspects of the implementation of online learning evaluation have the results of 29% strongly agree, 46% agree, 17% disagree and 8% strongly disagree. These results indicate that in general, Arabic teachers at MA al-Bairuni stated their readiness to carry out the online learning process. This is supported by the use of an e-learning platform in the form of Google Classroom and what's up social media as a regular assignment control, and also Google Meet as a means of implementing virtual learning. </em></p>Diah Putri LestariAfif Kholisun Nashoih
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2025-01-012025-01-0111150154Implementation of PAI Textbook to Improving Student Achievement Grade 11 in SMAN Plandaan
<p><em>This study aims to determine: 1) implementation of PAI textbooks for class XI students at SMAN Plandaan, 2) implementation of textbooks at SMAN Plandaan can make changes to learning and is good for students who are taught using textbooks. The population in this study is Class XI students of SMAN Plandaan, amounting to 66 students. Class XI Ips 2 as the experimental class, as many as 33 students who received treatment using PAI textbooks and class XI Ipa 1 as the control class as many as 33 students who received treatment without using PAI textbooks. The data collection methods used are tests and observations. Hypothesis testing </em><em>was using</em><em> Mann-Whitney test. Mann Whitney U test was carried out, the results obtained were the Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed) of 0.013 <0, 05 so it can be said that there is a significant effect on learning achievement in using Islamic Education textbooks. This can also be seen from the average value of student achievement in the experimental class which is higher than the average score of the control class students. So that the use of PAI textbook is highly recommended in teaching and learning activities to help students more easily understand the material to be conveyed by teacher.</em></p>Dian Kusuma WardaniAdriansyah AdriansyahHilyah Ashoumi
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2025-01-012025-01-0111155160Implementation Of Boarding School-Based Character Education In Online Learning
<p>This research is motivated by the increasing number of negative people’s behavior that occurs in everyday life, especially among school-aged childern. The need for an education that can change these bad behaviors for the better. Pondok pesantren is an educational institution in which prioritizes the formation of the mental attitude of students so that they have good character and become the bright next generation of the nation by instilling religious values and religious character. But it is not quite there, new problems also arise when the face-to-face learning process is transferred to online learning. This certainly has a big impact on the implementation of boarding school-based character education which basically requires face-to-face contact between teachers and students. Based on the background above, then the formulation of the problem in this study is how to implement character educatin based on islamic boarding schools in online learning on the subject of aqidah akhlak. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, distribution interview, and documentation. With data collection steps data reduction, data presentation, and then drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the data analysis that has been collected, it can be concluded that the implementation of boarding school-based character education in online learning on the subject of aqidah akhlak is applied in several character values, including religious values, discipline values, independence values, responsibility values and social and environmental awareness.</p>Eliza VerdianingsihIstiqomah Istiqomah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111161165Murder Learning Strategy To Improve Student Understanding of PAI Materials at Diponegoro Ploso High School
<p><em>The research objectives to be achieved in this study are (1) to find out or implement a </em><em>Murder</em><em> strategy to improve students' understanding of PAI material at SMA Diponegoro Ploso. (2) To find out the mastery of students' understanding of PAI material at SMA Diponegoro Ploso through the application of </em><em>Murder</em><em> learning strategies. Which is based on the formulation of the problem, namely 1.How to implement the </em><em>Murder</em><em> strategy to improve students' understanding of the PAI material at SMA Diponegoro Ploso 2. How to master the </em><em>Murder</em><em> strategy to improve students' understanding of PAI material at SMA Diponegoro Ploso To achieve the above objectives, the researchers used qualitative research types . This research uses a descriptive approach and data collection by researchers in the form of observation methods, interview methods, and documentation methods. Then the technical analysis of data used by researchers is using data reduction, data presentation, and data withdrawal.</em><em>rom the results of data analysis regarding the Murder learning strategy to increase students' understanding of PAI material at SMA Diponegoro Ploso, namely: Learn to be confident in expressing opinions. While the shortcomings are difficult to condition students. However, the teacher has been able to create students with patience to teach and the teacher tries to motivate students to be more enthusiastic about learning.</em></p>Emi LilawatiLilik Indah Nursari
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2025-01-012025-01-0111166170Use of the Youtube Application to Train Process Skill through Independent Practikum on Solar System Material
<p><em>The</em><em> 2013 curriculum prioritizes education in developing student competencies which include knowledge and skills, one of the skills is process skills. The application of process skills with the subject of grade VII, amounting to 15 students in science learning at MTs At-Taufiq Jombang through discovery learning models in independent practicum activities has never been assessed. This study aims to determine the relationship between process skills and student cognitive learning outcomes through the solar system practicum learning. The type of research used in this study is a pre-experimental design with a One-case study, where the test is given after the treatment. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observations, and questionnaires on the performance of students' process skills. The data obtained were then analyzed statistically using the product moment correlation test formula using SPSS 25. The significant value between process skills and cognitive learning outcomes shows the product moment coefficient value is 0.445. Based on these criteria, the relationship between the two variables is not significant. That is, there is no relationship between process skills and student cognitive learning outcomes. However, if it is seen from the correlation value between process skills and learning outcomes, it is obtained a value of 0.214 which means that the relationship is very low (0.20-0.399).</em></p>Eka Novita SariFatikhatun Nikmatus Sholihah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111171176Online Learning Interaction in Ushul Fiqh Lesson at MA Mu’allimin Denanyar Jombang
<p><em>This study aims to explain the interaction patterns of teachers and students in online learning in Usul Fiqh lessons. This research was conducted at MA Mu'allimin Denanyar Jombang. The focus of this research discusses the interaction patterns of teachers and students in learning ushul fiqh, the interaction patterns of teachers and students in online learning using certain media and also the supporting and inhibiting factors of learning. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, data collection techniques used are observation and interviews with teachers and students in MA Mu'allimin Denanyar Jombang. Based on the results of research on the interaction patterns of teachers and students in online learning in ushul fiqh lessons at MA Mu'allimin Denanyar Jombang, that learning carried out during the pandemic mass is online, then the interaction between teachers and students can only be carried out at their respective homes. by using media or applications such as Whatsapp, Google Meet and Zoom. Then the supporting factor for learning ushul fiqh online is the application or media that helps the implementation of online learning, and the inhibiting factor is the network connection which is sometimes bad and makes students unable to take part in online learning. From the results of the study, it is known that learning and interaction between teachers and students at MA Mu'allimin Denanyar Jombang is still going well.</em></p>Hidayatur RohmahAhmad Muslih
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2025-01-012025-01-0111177180A Strategy of Developing Religious Culture in Shaping The Character of Students at MA Al-Bayruni Jombang
<p><em>The religious culture that is applied in madrassas is an attempt to shape the Islamic character of students. Students are able to develop their potential so that they have noble morals. So that the strategy of developing a religious culture is very important to be applied to madrasas so that students have a noble character. This study aims to: to determine the form of the religious culture development program at MA Al Bayruni, to find out the strategy for implementing the development of religious culture at MA Al Bayruni, to determine the impact of the development of religious culture at MA Al Bayruni. The approach used to achieve the above objectives is to use a quantitative research approach with the type of field study research. In collecting data, the writer used observation, interview, and documentation methods. The results showed that: 1. the religious culture development program at MA Al Bayruni includes: reading prayers, shaking hands, praying in congregation and reading the al-qur'an, friday sermons and cleaning the mosque, tartil al-quran and studying al- qur'an. 2 religious culture development strategies are carried out through: providing motivation and advice, supervising students' religious activities, giving examples. 3. the impact of the development of religious culture in shaping the character of students, including: discipline character, religious behavior, honesty.</em></p> <p> </p>Khoirun Nisa'Tendy Robiatus Silvia
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2025-01-012025-01-0111181185Developing “LEB†Apps For Junior High School Students
<p><em>Education plays a predominant role in this modern world. Today's education has become the most important aspect. Education brings awareness to people and keeps them away from superstitious beliefs. The key to education is learning. In this research, the researcher uses Research and Development (R&D) method. By using this method, </em><em>the </em><em>researcher aim</em><em>s</em><em> to create a product is </em><em>“</em><em>Learn English Betterâ€</em><em>(LEB) Apps </em><em>for beginners based on android for English Department students of the University of KH.A</em><em>.</em><em>Wahab Hasbullah Jombang. The researcher use</em><em>s</em><em> the quantitative method performed to increase activity and students' learning results at listening in MTs Bahrul Ulum. The main objective of this research is to explore the result of the use of the construct 2 app as a new tool which helps increasing student’s motivation in VIII grade. The instruments used in this study were lesson plans, teacher interviews, and questionnaires of the student’s responses. The result of material validation is 3.35 score, another word is a good category. The result of media validation is 4.88, another word is a good category. The result of implementation data analysis is a score and 63.77, another word is a very good category</em><em>. Based on the research results, it can be concluded </em><em>that</em><em> the media (</em><em>LEB</em><em>) Apps</em> <em>can </em><em>increase </em><em>the students’ listening skills and also </em><em>student’s motivation in 8<sup>th</sup> grade</em><em>.</em></p>Rohmatul FitrianiYuyun BahtiarAhmad Kanzul Fikri
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2025-01-012025-01-0111186192Development of Vinafi as Fiqh Learning Media for XI Grade of MA Student
<p>Vinafi, animated video for Fiqh, is one of technological developments that is formulated as learning media that can attract students to learn Fiqh. In this study, the researchers aim to develop an animated video as learning media for learning Fiqh of XI grade MA. This animated video is a learning media that contains material about the marriage which includes an application to solve a problem related to the learning process. The purpose of this development is to determine the feasibility of media from media experts, material experts and media attractiveness through questionnaire responses from students. The research method in this study uses R&D with ADDIE development model. This development model is divided into five stages, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The results of this study obtained validation result from media expert and material expert who stated that the media was eligible for field trials with revisions according to suggestions, and a questionnaire response from student with the conclusion that the researchers took that the media criteria were interesting, so that the media that had been developed by the researchers was interesting and suitable to be used as a support for the learning process.</p> <p> </p>Rohmat HidayatKholifatul IzzahIin Baroroh Ma’arif
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2025-01-012025-01-0111193198Analysis of the Perspective of Generation Z in Bringin Village in Learning Islam Through "Youtube" Media
<p><em>The use of Youtube in the current era of technological development is in great demand by the current generation, including in Islamic religious learning. Every use of videos on Youtube has positive and negative things. This study aims to: (1) find out how the use of Youtube as a medium of religious learning in generation Z; (2) to find out the reason why Youtube is very interested in Generation Z; (3) to find out the advantages and disadvantages of using Youtube in generation Z. This research was conducted for approximately 2 months, namely in March-April 2021, which was carried out in Bringin village, Badas sub-district, Kediri district. This research method uses qualitative methods using descriptive analysis techniques with library literature studies. The results of this study state that the use of Youtube as a medium for learning Islam in Generation Z is very popular in its use. In this study, they also found various ways to use the Youtube application. Based on the information obtained from resource people, the researchers concluded that the use of Youtube was more inclined to good and positive things.</em></p>Aufia AisaHalimah Anisatul Zahro
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2025-01-012025-01-0111199202The Influence Values of Aswaja in IPNU-IPPNU Youth to Morality Character (Case Study: Seren Jatipandak Village Sambeng District Lamongan District)
<p><em>The values ​​of the youth of IPNU-IPPNU on morality is one of the very good impact. To provide a reflection for the youth who have akhlaqulkarimah with the foundation of Islam Ahlussunah WalJama'ah, which will print its people as people who are pious to Allah SWT. AhlussunahWalJama'ah abbreviated ASWAJA which means followers of the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. While Al-Jama'ah a group of people who have the goal of a group of people who adhere to one of the imams of the 4 madhhabs (Hanafi, Maliki, Syafi'i, Hambali) in the field of Sufism embrace imam Al-Ghozali and imam Junaid Al-Baghdadi, with the aim obtain the salvation of the world and the hereafter. In addition AhlussunahWalJama’ah has three main characteristics of a leader First At-Tawassuth Second At-Tawazun Third Al-I’tidal. To compile all that takes the form of development for the youth through (Ta’limAhlussunnah Wal Jamaah) to develop understanding of aswaja among the youth. In the value system in particular gives a picture so that the formation of a reliable cadre has a main purpose (Syakhsyiyatu ma Tamassaka Bi Aqidati Ahlussunah Wal Jam’aah). In the IPNU-IPPPNU organization, a work program is facilitated containing Islamic activities and basic leadership training, so that the youth are </em>truly<em> able to apply in daily life, each leader has the authority that must be possessed, among others, physical health, responsibility, loyalty and devotion, able to distinguish the positive and negative aspects so as to create a useful militant cadre of race and religion.</em></p>Moh Andrik Robil AlamsyahDian Kusuma Wardani
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2025-01-012025-01-0111203208Application of Virtual Education to Elementary School Students in the Pandemic Era
<h1 style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; font-weight: normal;">The learning model is one of the important components in learning. The learning model needs to be developed because the learning model can provide useful information for students. Learning will be effective if it is carried out in a pleasant atmosphere, therefore the choice of methods, strategies and approaches in designing learning models must be created by the teacher so that an active, creative, effective and enjoyable atmosphere is created. One learning model that needs to be applied to actively involve students is the Virtual Education learning model. In this learning, students will indirectly learn to understand the material provided by the teacher and it is hoped that learning like this can be fun and students are more active in teaching and learning activities so that it is expected to improve learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are the result of an interaction of learning and teaching actions. So it can be concluded, learning outcomes are abilities obtained by a student after going through learning activities for a certain period teach.</span></em></h1>Fatkhulloh Abdul MalikZumroturrohma Dwi Apriliana
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2025-01-012025-01-0111209214Developing English Learning Media Based ICT for Seventh Grade Junior High School
<p><em>The objective of this research is developing a learning media based ICT which named “Let’s Learn Fun English†as English learning media for seventh grade students of Junior High School. This learning consists of some materials and exercises which is appropriate to be studied for junior high students. All materials in this learning media are based on 13 curriculum revision. The research method used in this research is Research and Development. This development used ADDIE model which have five steps, those are; 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation. There are two expert vadidators in this research; those are material validator and media validator. The result of this research shows that from the media validation result got 77% score it was in “good†category, whether from the material validation got 92% score it was in “very good†category. The students’ responses of field trial result 68% was in “good†category. By having those result, this learning media “Let’s Learn Fun English†is feasible to be used as a learning media for seventh grade students of junior high school. Furthermore this research can be used as reference to other researcher in developing English learning media in different level of students.</em></p>Iin Baroroh Ma'arifFathih Bagus Aslamuddin
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2025-01-012025-01-0111215222The Effectiveness of Online Learning on the Achievement of Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Madinatul Ulum Tembelang High School Students
<p>The Covid-19 pandemic has hit all countries in the world, including Indonesia. Information from WHO that many have contracted and died. One way to break the cain of the spread of Covid-19 is to limit public interaction, which applies the term physical distancing. The government’s decision to dimiss students, move the teaching and learning process at school to be at home by implementing the Work From Home (WFH) policy. As ASN teachers, teachers in an effort to carry out the learning process need to be done online (online). In improving the level of education, the government asks that all learning activities continue to be carried out using online learning. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning on the achievement of mathematics learning outcomes for X grade students of SMA Madinatul Ulum Tembelang. The population in this study was class XA totaling 20 students. Research instrumens and data collection used in the from of interviews, observation, questionnaires and tests (pretest and posttest). Based on observations, the reseacrh results show that the average value of the pretest learning outcomes test is 65,25, while the posttest score was 77,40. Futhermore, the results of the independent sample t-test abow that thereis an in crease in the average value of the learning outcomes test in using online learning, where the results of the calculation of the t<sub>count</sub> > t<sub>table</sub> (0,000 > 0,5) which means H<sub>o</sub> is rejected than H<sub>a</sub> is accepted, meaning that it indicates the according to researchers, using online learning is effective in improving students mathematics learning outcomes. In this study, there was an increase in mathematics learning outcomes by using online learning in class XA students. So it can be concluded that from the results of research and discussion, there is the effectiveness of online learning on the achievement of mathematics learning outcomes for Madinatul Ulum Tembelang High School Students.</p>Eliza VerdianingsihLailil Fitriah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111223231E-Scaffolding of Matriks Material Mathematics Learning Through Online Learning
<p class="5ABSTRAK" style="text-indent: 0cm; margin: 0cm 2.25pt .0001pt 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">Paradigms in learning mathematics have an impact on changing emphasis in the learning process. Students who have difficulty solving problems in the learning process are one of the factors that need improvement. Educators who dominate conversations and interactions in the classroom, explanations of material that only refer to the completeness of the curriculum make students experience difficulties when solving math problems. Not all difficulties in learning mathematics considered as errors, but difficulties in solving mathematical problems may contain errors in learning mathematics. Difficulties in learning mathematics experienced by students also mean learning difficulties in parts of mathematics. Therefore, in this study e-scaffolding can be an innovation and also an alternative in providing assistance to students who have lower abilities in the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) carried out by educators. With an online or electronic basis that adapts to conditions in the midst of a pandemic like today. For an educator, it is necessary to know the difficulties experienced by students in the learning process. The difficulties experienced by students seen in solving the questions given. Problems that not immediately addressed will result in a lack of students' understanding of further higher mathematical concepts. This study shows that e - scaffolding, provides effective understanding in learning activities, greatly assisting students in understanding the concepts and materials that have given, especially in the matrix material, so to improve students' cognitive understanding.</span></p>Fitri UmardiyahAlfi Nur Laili
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2025-01-012025-01-0111232238Strategy for Application of Marketing Mix (7P) in Marketing of Akaza Wooden Craft Products at UD Mitra Karya Sejahtera Jombang
<p><em>Companies can develop well in achieving targets and goals if they have a good marketing strategy. The marketing strategy used as a reference is themarketing mix. Marketing 7P consists of product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. This study aims to determine the strategy for implementing the marketing mix (7P) of Akaza Wooden Craft products in marketing products and to determine the marketing barriers of Akaza Wooden Craft products. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Sources of data obtained from primary data (person) and secondary data (place and paper). Data collection using purposive sampling. The data collection procedure used observation, interviews and documentation. The research instrument includes the researcher himself, interview guide and field notes. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis of the results of the interview, the researcher will describe and analyze based on the theoretical framework used in this study. The data validity technique used by the researcher is triangulation. Based on the credibility test analysis (triangulation of sources and methods) the results are that UD . Karya Mitra Sejahtera fulfills the elements of the marketing mix (Marketing Mix) which includes Product, Price, Place, People, Process, and Promotion in every marketing process for Akaza Wooden Craft products. Barriers faced by UD Mitra Karya Sejahtera in the mix physical evidence. </em></p>Rozzaak AnnafiSuci PrihatiningtyasMar'atul Fahimah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111239247The Need Analysis: Teaching Materials for the High-Class Education of Mathematics
<p>The descriptive explorative research aims to scrutinize the need analysis of Primary School Teacher Education students at the University of Dharmas Indonesia in teaching High-Class Education of Mathematics courses. The sample of this study was taken randomly towards 35 Primary School Teacher-Education students at the University of Dharmas Indonesia, who had contracted a High-Class Education of Mathematics courses. Data analysis was obtained from the questionnaire of needs and unstructured interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and percentages. The results of the analysis showed that (1) students did not yet have teaching materials that contain learning materials, (2) students stated that the most challenging material is fractions (94,42%), least common multiple and greatest common divisor (85,71%), plane geometry (91,42%), and solid geometry (82,85%), (3) students needed a teaching material that contains problem-solving materials in daily life, interest, and easy to understand. Based on the results of the needs analysis, it is necessary to develop teaching materials in the form of contextual-based modules in the High-Class Education Mathematics courses at the University of Dharmas Indonesia.</p>Suci Rahma Putri
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2025-01-012025-01-0111248252Design of Teman Ritma’s Application to Increase Student’s Problem-Solving Ability
<p>Problem solving ability is kind of ability to collect information, analyze situations and identify problems to produce alternatives in decision-making. Learning media that have not yet integrated problem-solving ability need to be developed. Hence, the purpose of this study is to develop android-based learning media to increase student’s problem-solving ability. The data sources in this research are students of seventh grade of SMPN 5 Yogyakarta (public junior high school), learning material validators, and learning media validators. The instruments used in this study are interview guidelines, observations, questionnaires, problem-solving based test, learning material expert questionnaires, and learning media expert questionnaires. Data analysis techniques contain stages of data reduction, displaying data, and conclusions. The results showed that (1) student’s problem-solving ability are relatively low, so an android-based learning media called “Teman Ritma†was developed; (2) creating of application is assisted by Microsoft Office PowerPoint integrated with ISpring suite, and a converter HTML-to-App software called “Website 2 APK Builderâ€; (3) Teman Ritma’s learning media application contains kind of features as follow: title screen, main menu screen, student’s competencies to be achieved, learning material menu, learning materials that presented using combination of text and video, mini games, exercises task with explanations, and quizzes; (4) validation results of learning materials experts and learning media experts showed that the Teman Ritma’s marked as “excellent criteria†for learning materials aspect, and “good criteria†for learning media aspect. Teman Ritma’s declare valid and eligible to use. This research will continue to implementation and evaluation phase. </p>Ardhika Fajar RamadhanNuryadi NuryadiNafida Hetty Marhaeni
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2025-01-012025-01-0111253259Development of Contextual Triangles and Quadrilaterals Worksheets for 7th Graders
<p><em>Mathematics has a very important role in everyday life, where almost everything around us is related to mathematics, including culture in our society, especially concept of geometric shapes. However, the mathematics lessons that students learn at school are sometimes different from the mathematical problems encountered in everyday life, which makes it difficult for students to relate mathematical concepts to problems from real-world contexts. Therefore, teachers and educators could employ innovative and relevant teaching materials, which is also intended to increase the motivation of students to learn the theoretical material presented. Which is an abstract mathematical concept. One of teaching materials that can be used is the Student Worksheet (LKPD). </em><em>In order for LKPD to be relevant to the real life of students, mathematical activities in LKPD are arranged using activities related to the daily lives of students, especially for junior high school students (SMP/MTs). Therefore, this research is about the development students’ worksheet in Triangles and Quadrilaterals concept within contextual problems for VII grade students. </em><em>The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) research, by adapting ADDIE model. The study was conducted at a class of VII at </em><em>MTsN 4 Jombang. The results show that the </em><em>Triangles and Quadrilaterals worksheet within contextual problems</em><em> are valid and practical. Besides that, the results of the implementation of the </em><em>Triangles and Quadrilaterals worksheet within contextual problems </em><em>in this study showed that only focus on mathematical activities to solve procedural problems without relating them to real contexts in everyday life.</em></p>Wisnu Siwi SatitiHidayatul MaslakhahEliza Verdianingsih
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2025-01-012025-01-0111260267The Application Class Virtual Sevima Edlink with a Deductive Approach To Improve the Problem Solving Ability of Mathematics
<p><em>This study aims to determine whether there is influence between the implementation of a virtual classroom Sevima Edlink with a deductive approach in class XI MA Unggulan K.H. Abd. Wahab Hasbullah, to describe the ability of mathematical problem solving experimental class and the control class. This type of research is quasi-experimental research (quasi-experimental) with the use of design non-equivalent control group design. On this design the experimental group and the control group was not selected at random. The sampling technique used is opportunity sampling. The population in this research is all class XI MA Unggulan K.H. Abd. Wahab Hasbullah, the sample in this research is a class of MIPA 2 and IIA 2. The instruments used in quantitative research in the form of pretest and posttest, and a questionnaire. Based on the results of the analysis of the test Paired Sample t-test obtained the value of Sig<sub>count</sub> 0.00 < 0.05 and the calculation of t<sub>count</sub> > t<sub>table</sub> (13.942 > 2.093) with df = 19, which means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Thus it can be concluded that applying the virtual classroom Sevima Edlink with a deductive approach affect the problem solving ability of mathematics class XI in MA Unggulan KH. Abd. Wahab Hasbullah.</em></p>Khusnul KhotimahIntan Sella Aprillia
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2025-01-012025-01-0111268273Implementation Islamic Education Philosophy in Strategies Developing Religious Culture at MA Al-I’dadiyyah
<p><em>The philosophy of Islamic education is an attempt to change individual behavior in their personal or social life through an educational process that is based on Islamic values. The philosophy of Islamic education seeks to build a paradigm of Islamic education that is able to deliver students completely through cultural habituations or what can be called religious culture.</em> <em>This study aims to determine the kinds of typologies of Islamic education philosophy, the role of Islamic education philosophy on religious culture, and strategies for implementing religious culture in MA Al-I'dadiyyah.</em> <em>This research is a qualitative research that focuses on literature study, with a case study approach and a multicase design. In this study, there are two sources of data, namely primary sources and secondary sources. The primary source is by collecting data obtained through interviews and documentation. The secondary sources are books and articles related to this research</em><em>. </em><em>The results showed that the philosophy of Islamic education has five typologies, namely: Salafi textualists, madzhabi traditionalists, modernists, neo-modernists, and social reconstruction.The strategy for developing religious culture at MA Al-I'dadiyyah has three internal methods</em><em>; </em><em>The habituation method, which practice dhuha prayer everymorning, shaking hands with teachers, and delegating students everyweek for become sermons' and bilal.</em> <em>Exemplary methods. The teacher provides role models for students, just as teachers greet and shake hands with other teachers, and also the teacher provides motivation and education for students when make mistakes.</em> <em>The method of internalizing values. Namely internalizing the religious values ​​of the subjects.</em></p>Khoirun Nisa'Thoriq Persada Mukti
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2025-01-012025-01-0111274280Implementation of Islamic Education Curriculum at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Junior High School Ngunut Tulungagung
<p class="5ABSTRAK" style="text-indent: 0cm; margin: 0cm 2.25pt .0001pt 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">This school is a fairly large private school in Tulungagung City, Ngunut village to be exact. Institutions that are directly shaded by Islamic Boarding Schools make it very important to understand Islamic religious material. So most of the educators are taken from the Islamic boarding school itself. This study aims to determine the existing application at the school. Knowing the supporting factors and inhibiting factors. This research was motivated by observations that obtained the results of implementing the curriculum. To respond to this, the researchers used a qualitative type in which data collection used the interview method to find teacher data and its application, observations to observe the implementation at Sunan Gunung Jati Islamic Junior High School, and documenting events at the school.</span></p>Chusnul ChotimahSopfi Hidayatur Choir
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2025-01-012025-01-0111281284Designing Learn English Grammar for Beginner Students
<p>This school is a fairly large private school in Tulungagung City, Ngunut village to be exact. Institutions The purpose of this research is to design Learn English Grammar for beginner students. This development used ADDIE theory is limited several steps, those are; 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, 5) Evaluation. The subjects of the research are the beginner English students, especially for beginner students with an age range of 14 years to 15 years of MTs.Nizhamiyah Ploso. The media validation result got 3, 77 score it was included in the category fair and worth to use with revision and the material validation got 3, 42 score it was included in the category fair and worth to use with revision. Subject of this research was beginner students, especially for beginner students with an age range of 14 years to 15 years of MTs.Nizhamiyah Ploso. The student’s response of try out result was in “fair categoryâ€. It can be concluded that LEGRA (Learn English Grammar) for beginner students is feasible to be used as a learning media.</p>Ulfa Wulan AgustinaSiti Mutrofin
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2025-01-012025-01-0111285291Mathematical Comic Design to Improve Ability Numerical Literacy and Student Learning Motivation
<p class="5ABSTRAK"><span lang="EN-US">Numerical literacy is the ability to use numbers, data, and symbols. For that, we need learning media that can accommodate this. Teaching materials that have not integrated numeracy literacy skills need to be developed. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design mathematical comics to improve students' numeracy literacy skills and learning motivation. This type of research is development research using the ADDIE model. Namely analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating. Data collection techniques used interviews, observations, questionnaires, tests, and validation questionnaires from material and media experts. Sources of data in this study were self-class VIII MTs Kalipucang, Indonesia, two material expert validators, and two media expert validators. The results of this study indicate that (1) numeracy literacy skills and student learning motivation still tend to be low so that teaching materials are needed to improve these abilities, (2) the teaching materials developed in this study are mathematical comics made using Adobe Photoshop then made interactive with the help of live worksheet websites; (3) the mathematical comic design consists of 3 volumes and contains basic competencies, practice questions according to numeracy literacy indicators, and an attractive appearance to increase students' interest in learning; (4) the results of the validation of material experts and media experts indicate that the score is in a good category, so it is declared valid to be used. This research will continue to the implementation and evaluation stages.</span></p>Verra Arischa KustantinaNuryadi NuryadiNafida Hetty Marhaeni
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2025-01-012025-01-0111292299Planting Multicultural Education Values in Islamic Boarding School Al-Ghozaliyyah
<p><em>Multicultural education is an approach to teaching and learning based on democratic values and beliefs and sees the world's wide range of social diversity and interpendence as part of cultural plurality. Indonesia is a very rich country. The wealth has many kinds, ranging from the wealth of natural resources, human resources, tourism, and so forth. Various differences exist in Indonesia to be a force that can unite and enrich the Nation of Indonesia itself. On the contrary, these differences can also potentially be a danger that can disturb the peace of society if it can not be managed properly. This research aims to find out how the efforts made islamic boarding school Al ghozaliyahh jogoroto jombang in instilling the values contained in multicultural education in the boarding school. This study uses descriptive qualitative method by collecting the necessary data using observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study showed that the efforts of boarding schools towards the planting of multicultural educational values islamic boarding school Al ghozaliyyah jogoroto jombang has been applied or taught by ustadz / ustadzah in the pesantren dipondok to the students. Based on the findings, the recommendations submitted by the researchers for islamic boarding school Al ghozaliyyah jogoroto jombang are to always provide learning, education, and direction to their students in order to always have a tolerant attitude, mutual respect, and accept the differences that exist.</em></p>Saihul Atho Alaul HudaMohammad Deffan Afandi
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2025-01-012025-01-0111300302Online Learning Media Platform Utilization Analysis in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Jombang
<p><em>The Covid-19 </em><em>pandemic that </em><em>hit</em><em> the</em><em> world</em> <em>has</em><em> had a</em><em> variety of</em> <em>impacts</em> <em>on</em> <em>all aspects of life,</em> <em>not least</em><em> in</em><em> Indonesia.</em> <em>The impact of</em> <em>pandemic felt by the community</em><em> also has an</em><em> impact</em> <em>on Education. Education System in</em> <em>this</em><em> pandemic</em><em> needs to</em> <em>transform</em> <em>and adjust</em> <em>to the situation that</em> <em>occurred.</em> <em>Implementing</em> <em>a conventional</em> <em>education system face-to-face is</em> <em>impossible</em><em> to</em><em> do amid</em><em> the outbreak of</em><em> the</em> <em>Covid-19 pandemic virus.</em> <em>Therefore, the change of</em> <em>conventional</em> <em>education </em><em>system</em><em> into a</em> <em>system of distance</em><em> education</em><em> or online education </em><em>becomes an</em><em> alternative</em> <em>to</em> <em>education</em> <em>in Indonesia.</em> <em>Online learning</em><em> system</em><em> is also applied in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Jombang.</em> <em>This research</em> <em>aims to</em><em> find</em><em> out</em> <em>what</em> <em>media platforms are</em> <em>used in the </em><em>Online Education</em><em> system </em><em>in Madrasah </em><em>Aliyah Negeri 3 Jombang.</em> <em>The method</em> <em>used in</em> <em>this study is descriptive qualitative,</em> <em>where</em> <em>data collection</em><em> is </em><em>required</em> <em>using</em> <em>interviews</em> <em>and </em><em> </em><em>observations. From</em> <em>various</em><em> digital</em><em> platforms that can</em> <em>support</em><em> online</em><em> learning,</em><em> there are</em><em> 3 media platforms that are</em> <em>often used, namely</em> <em>Zoom cloud meeting, E-learning Madrasah, and Whatsapp</em> <em>Group.</em></p>M Wafiyul AhdiM Afim Ihza Fernanda
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2025-01-012025-01-0111303307Online Learning Media Platform Utilization Analysis in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Jombang
<h3 class="title"><a id="article-2257" href="">Online Learning Media Platform Utilization Analysis in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Jombang</a></h3>M Wafiyul AhdiM Afim Ihza Fernanda
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2025-01-012025-01-0111303307Teacher and Student Online Class Interaction at MTs Plus Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang
<p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of teacher-student interaction in online learning for class VIII at MTs Plus Bahrul Ulum Jombang, the efforts made by Indonesian language teachers to create effective interactions at online learning, the problems experienced by teachers during online learning. This study uses a descriptive approach with qualitative research methods. The object of research is on the interaction patterns of teachers and students in online learning. The results of the study explained that the implementation of online learning in Indonesian language learning in class VIII which was carried out at MTs Plus BU Jombang was still considered ineffective, due to the lack of video material delivered and the lack of student activity in participating in online learning activities. In the implementation of online learning, teachers are encouraged to use learning media that make it easier for students to understand the material so that learning remains effective even though it is carried out online. The internet network is also one of the supporting factors in using online learning media, so that learning can run optimally and effectively.</em></p>Hidayatur RohmahSiti Isnaini Mauiddiyah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111308312Developing Hale (Happy to Learn English) as Interactive Learning Media for Junior High Students Grade VIII
<p><em>The purpose of this research is developing HALE (Happy to Learn English) as Interactive Learning Media for Junior High Students Grade VIII. This English learning media consists of some materials and exercises which is appropriate and feasible to be studied for students. All materials in this media are based on junior high school syllabus of 2013 curriculum. The research method used in this research is Research and Development. This development used ADDIE model which have several steps, those are; 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation. The result of this research shows that from the media validation result got 4.88 score it was in “good†category, and the material validation got 3.42 score it was in “fair and worth†category. The students’ responses of try out result 4.01 score were in “good†category. By having those result, this HALE (Happy to Learn English) as Interactive Learning Media is feasible to be used as a learning media for students grade VIII. Furthermore this research can be used as reference to other researcher in developing English learning media in different level of students.</em></p>Iin Baroroh Ma'arifMutiara Adha
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2025-01-012025-01-0111313320IMTERA Application as Learning Media at MI Al-Barokah Nganjuk during the Pandemic Era
<p><em>Learning media serves to transmit learning information. However, the use of media is one of the problems in learning in schools, including in the subjects of Akhlak. This problem is getting worse due to Covid-19. This is relevant to the empirical evidence that occurs in the field, especially in learning at MI Al-Barokah. During this pandemic studying in MI using imtera application. Replace textbooks that are not yet maximized. Because it makes students bored and makes learning motivation less likely. IMTERA has become an interesting learning support and easy to understand by students. This research is intended to find out the use of IMTERA application with android to support second semester learning. This research is classified into descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted on students of grade VI MI Al-Barakah. Interviews are also conducted with subject teachers and related parties to add data. Data collection is done by observing the learning process of students and then recording and managing data. Based on the research that has been done, the researchers concluded that online learning in studying immoral beliefs in grade IV is less effective. Because in practice, students are only given assignments by the teacher, so the teacher does not know if the student understands or not. Assigning tasks from teachers usually only takes the form of commands to perform tasks from so many pages to so many pages and only occasionally practices.</em></p>Machnunah Ani ZulfahMasyrifah Nuriyah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111321323Development of Learning Design Methods for PAI to Increase Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study at Plandaan Senior High School)
<p><em>This research is motivated by the number of cases regarding the decline in student interest in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the subject of Islamic Religious Education. So in this case the researchers conducted research at schools that aimed to find out what methods were used by teachers / educators in an effort to increase students' interest in learning. The objectives to be achieved in this study include: (1) Knowing the preparation of Islamic Religious Education at Plandaan Senior High School during the Covid-19 Pandemic, (2) Knowing the Design of Islamic Religious Education Learning Methods used at Plandaan High School during the Covid-19 pandemic , (3) Knowing how to increase interest in learning Islamic Religious Education at Plandaan High School during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is the result of the researcher interview with the Islamic Religious Education teacher at Plandaan Senior High School. The method used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique which is expressed in several questions with the subject teacher of Islamic Religious Education.</em></p>Ailam Oktadawiyah AlfaniahMohammad Saat Ibnu Waqfin
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2025-01-012025-01-0111324330Evaluation of the Islamic Education Learning Process in the Application of the KMA Curriculum Number 183 and Number 184 of 2019
<p><strong></strong><em>Education is a long-term human resource investment that has strategic value for the survival of human civilization. One of the most important components in education is the curriculum as a tool to achieve educational goals. Madrasah Aliyah Assulaimaniyah Mojoagung Jombang has implemented the KMA curriculum No. 183 and No. 184 of 2019. The purpose of the researcher as an evaluation in the implementation of the curriculum focuses on the implementation, supporters and obstacles in implementing the KMA curriculum No. 183 No. 184 in 2019. The stages in the implementation process start from from the presence of researchers to the location directly looking for data sources, interviews, observations and documentation as data collection steps then analyzing the data to find out how far the implementation process is in the Islamic education learning process in the application of the KMA curriculum No 183 No 184 of 2019 at Madrasah Aliyah Assulaimaniyah Mojoagung Jombang . Based on the research results, Madrasah Aliyah Assulaimaniyah Mojoagung has implemented the KMA curriculum No. and 183 No. 184 of 2019. Various efforts have been made by the principal to support the implementation of this curriculum. However, there are also obstacles in its implementation due to circumstances that cannot be forced in the delivery of material face-to-face.</em></p>Muhamad Khoirur RoziqinFitri Mufiah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111331335Educators Efforts in Improving Fiqh Learning Based on Constructivism Theory at MA Mambaul Ulum Megaluh
<p class="5ABSTRAK"><em><span lang="EN-US">The aims of this to find out the efforts and obstacles of education in improving the learning of fiqh based on constructivism theory at MA Mambaul Ulum Megaluh. This type of research is a qualitative research, data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The result of this research indicate that the efforts of educators in improving the learning of fiqh based on constructivism theory include: providing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to students, using varied learning methods according to the situation and conditions of students such as lecture methods, question and answer and group discussions, using several media interesting learning such as pictures, teaching aids, videos and PPT, participating in seminars such as MGMP, KKG, workshops and scientific seminars. While, the obstacles for educators in improving the learning of fiqh based on constructivism theory include: the thinking ability of students is different, lack of attention and supervision of parents towards their children,facilities and infrastructure that exist in schools are less supportive such as reading reference books for students who are minimal.</span></em></p>M Dzikrul Hakim Al-GhozaliNur Lailatul Mubarokah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111336340Improvement Of Fiqh Material Through The Study Of The Book Of Fathul Qorib
<p><em>Studying the book of fathul qorib is a way of delivering fiqh material in learning in madrasah diniyah pondok pesantren. So that the students can give syakal, understand, translate, and break the issue of fiqh material worship and munakahat. This article is a case study with qualitative approach, the result of this study is an increase in the understanding of fiqh material through the study of the book of fathul qorib. In the program of improving understanding, the fiqh teacher uses the method of menela'ah verse, namely by understanding nahwu shorof in the first verse. The method of deliberation, students are divided into several groups, then students are asked to give syakal, translate, read it in front of the fiqh teacher and his friends, when there is a new mistake then the fiqh teacher justifies and solves the problem in the book of fathul qorib. The method of lectures, the teacher explains about the learning of fiqh. The method of practice, students are asked to practice the practice that is in the material fiqh worship and munakahat.</em></p>Muhammad FodhilYusrotul Maghfiroh
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2025-01-012025-01-0111341344The Effect of Online Learning on Psychologically Affected Students by Social Distancing Due to Covid 19 at MAN 10 Jombang
<p><em>When the </em><em>C</em><em>ovid</em><em>-</em><em>19 pandemic began to plague Indonesia in 2020, the Government implemented a policy to implement social distancing to prevent the transmission of Covid</em><em>-</em><em>19. In terms of education, online learning was also applied because it was an effective solution to continue learning for students affected by social distancing. However, online learning is not fully effective in the psychological development of students. As a result, the effectiveness of student learning decreases, student learning outcomes decrease and causes students to get bored easily in receiving lessons. The purpose of this article is to examine how the influence of online learning on the psychology of students affected by social distancing due to covid 19. The research approach used is qualitative. Sources of data were obtained from online learning literature, student psychology, and Covid</em><em>-</em><em>19. Data collection techniques were carried out by searching related literature, both manually and digitally. The results show that online learning is not effective for students because it affects students' psychology. It can be concluded that online learning is very effective during the Covid</em><em>-</em><em>19 pandemic, but there are problems or psychological disorders for students. Online learning can be developed into more effective learning by paying attention to the psychology of students affected by social distancing.</em></p>Mochammad Syafiuddin ShobirinSiti Dewi Mar’atus Sholihah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111345349Designing Educational Learning Media through Android for Eighth Grade Junior High School
<p><em>This research is aimed to design an educational learning media for eighth grade junior high school. The educational learning media is developed using Articulate Storyline 3 software then it is converted to android application. The educational learning media developed consists of 2<sup>nd</sup> term materials of eighth grade of junior high school. This research uses Research and Development (R&D) method with ADDIE model. In data collection, the researchers use questionnaires given to students and conduct an interview to English teachers. The subject of this research is the eighth grade students of MTs. At-Taufiq Sambongdukuh Jombang. In validation process involves 2 experts of media and materials. The result of media validation is 2.88 and the score of materials validation is 4.28. The implementation score is 4.45. The score is categorized “goodâ€. In conclusion, the educational learning media is feasible for helping eighth grade students of junior high school in English learning.</em></p>Luluk Choirun Nisak NurLiza Eka Ni’maturrohmahIin Baroroh Ma’arif
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2025-01-012025-01-0111350354Transparency of Goods Information in Order to Improve Sales Service
<p><em>This study aims to find information about the truth of a data item. This is one of the needs of the Customer / Customer and also the cooperative admin. Because there are often errors in Information Data Goods, this is one way to overcome the problems we experience in everyday life. One of the developments on Android phones today is that it can be used to scan or scan barcodes or barcodes. This is very useful to serve as a source of information about the truth of the data. We can use this media to find the correct price information for goods that have barcodes/qrcodes installed in shops and minimarkets, more precisely at the Unwaha Student Cooperative.</em></p>Siti SufaidahImam Muhlisin
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2025-01-012025-01-0111355361Analysis of Library Reading Interests to Improve Student Learning at MAN 1 Jombang
<p><em>The analysis conducted by the researcher regarding the reading interest of students in the library in order to find out the educational problems faced by each school, such as the low quality of education. Various ways have been carried out by schools, but these have not shown adequate improvement. In this case, the researcher focuses on Interests, Roles, Inhibiting Supporting Factors and Efforts to increase reading interest in MAN 1 Jombang students. The preparation of this Final Project uses qualitative research, namely by using a method that provides a description or explanation of a symptom or event as it is, according to what is happening in the field. Increasing students' reading interest is an important program that must be implemented by the head of the library in managing to increase students' reading interest. The purpose of this study is how to describe students' reading interest, library services and regulations, library activities, library services for students, monitoring and evaluation. The subjects of this study were the head of the library, librarians, teachers and students. The data collection technique of this research is using observation, documentation, and interviews. The results showed that the library of MAN 1 Jombang was running well although there were still some shortcomings, perhaps from its facilities and infrastructure. To increase the reading interest of the students of MAN 1 Jombang, there are several strategies that are applied, one of which is the awarding of appreciation for students who diligently visit the library.</em></p>Moh Faridl DarmawanUswatun Chasanah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111362365Development of Vinafi as Fiqh Learning Media for X Grade of MA Student
<p style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm -.05pt 12.0pt 0cm;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; color: black;">This research was conducted to provide a new perspective in learning Fiqh through animated videos as learning media. The purpose of this study was to develop learning media products in the form of animated videos for Fiqh subjects for class X MA students. This animated video is a very influential video in learning fiqh. It uses Fiqh material as one of the sources in conducting learning media through animated videos. Anafiq stands for Animated video for Fiqh. Anafiq is designed with technological developments that are used as learning media to attract students' interest in learning. The purpose of this development is to determine the feasibility of a media from media experts and material experts, as well as the attractiveness of a media through a student feedback questionnaire. This research uses R&D method with ADDIE development model. This development model is divided into five, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. The results of this study were taken from the results of each step of the development model. The results of media validation get 77 scores. This is reflected in the “good†category. The results of material validation get a score of 47. This indicates the “enough†category. Student responses to theresults were 74 included in the “good†category. So it can be concluded that this media is feasible and interesting to use as a learning medium in the process of learning fiqh for class X MA students.</span></em></p>Rohmat HidayatEka Dwi MayangsariIin Baroroh Ma'arif
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2025-01-012025-01-0111366370Improving Mathematical Literacy of MTs Students through Problem Based Learning
<p><em>This study aims to describe students' mathematical literacy skills seen from each indicator on students' mathematical literacy skills at level 1. The method used is a quasi-experimental research design with non-equivalent control group design and qualitative descriptive. The population in this study were all students of class VII MTs in a private school in the city of Jombang with a sample of two classes by purposive sampling. Where one class as an experimental group using a problem based learning (pbl) learning model and another class as a control group using ordinary learning. The instrument of this research is a test of students' mathematical literacy skills at level 1. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that increasing students' mathematical literacy skills at level 1 for students who receive problem based learning (pbl) is better than increasing students' mathematical literacy skills at level 1 towards students who received ordinary learning and the percentage in answering questions seen from the aspect of students' mathematical literacy which included the first indicator, the control group was better, while the experimental group was superior in the second, third and fourth indicators.</em></p>Muhammad Farid NasrullohZulaikhotun Nurlia
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2025-01-012025-01-0111371376Developing Learn English Better for 8th Grade Students of Junior High School
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to develop Learn English Better as an alternative Learning medium for 8<sup>th</sup> grade Junior High School in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bahrul Ulum Jombang. This English media's purpose is to help the student learn English easily. This English media contains some materials and exercises. All material is the material in the second semester of 8<sup>th</sup> grade. The research method used in this research is Research and Development. This development used ADDIE model which has 5 steps, are;1) analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. The result of this research shows that the media validation result got it was conducted in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bahrul Ulum Jombang. There is two validation that is media validation and material validation. the student's responses to try out results in good category. Data collection instruments used in this study were interviews and questionnaires. The feasibility of the product was tested for media validation and material validation, each of which has a value of 68,5% for media, 100% for the material, and students’ responses 78%. It can be concluded that English Learning Better is feasible to be used as a learning medium.</em></p>Yuyun BahtiarKurota Ayuna Pinda RosuliAkhmad Kanzul Fikri
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2025-01-012025-01-0111377384Development of Mathematics Learning Videos for Class VIII Statistics Materials
<p><em>The research on developing mathematics learning video media for class VIII statistics material aims to: 1) find out the process of developing mathematics learning videos for class VIII statistics material, 2) find out how the results of developing mathematics learning video media in class VIII statistics material. This research is a type of research and development or research and development (R&D) using the ADDIE model, including analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research analysis technique uses an assessment score from the validator, namely the validator of the informatics teacher media expert at MTs. Ghozaliayah Jombang and material expert for mathematics education lecturer and mathematics teacher at MTs. Ghozaliayah, as well as student response scores to learning video media in the form of questionnaire results. This research resulted from product validation test. The media expert validation test obtained 78% with the classification being quite valid or suitable for use. The assessment by material experts got a score of 85% with a very valid classification or very feasible to use. . The results of the student response questionnaire got a score of 75% with a practical classification. Based on this classification, it can be concluded that the video media for mathematics learning in class VIII statistics material is suitable for use in learning.</em></p>Fitri UmardiyahLailatul Fitriyah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111385389Pocketbook Development Based on Inquiry (PBBI) on Thermodynamics of Class XI IPA
<p class="5ABSTRAK"><span lang="EN-US">This study was conducted aimed at 1) describing the design of inquiry-based pocketbook learning media (PBBI) on thermodynamic physics material, and 2) describing the feasibility of inquiry-based pocketbook (PBBI) as a thermodynamic material physics learning medium. This research was conducted in class XI science at MA Mambaul Ulum Megaluh Jombang and class XI science at MA Ghozaliyah Sumbermulyo Jombang. The research model used is the ADDIE development model {(analysis), design, development, implementation, and evaluation}. The results of the study resulted in inquiry-based pocketbook learning media products (PBBI). in the form of a pocketbook packaged in a compact disk (CD) with a display using Flip PDF Professional 2.4.8, The feasibility of the product is seen through product validation tests and product readability tests Product validation tests are obtained from media experts and material experts who are prone to an average score an average of 3.20 with proper classification. While the readability test was obtained from the teacher's response questionnaire and the response of students who got an average score of 3.19 with proper classification. So it can be concluded that the inquiry-based pocketbook (PBBI) is suitable to be used as a physics learning medium.</span></p>Ino Angga PutraSakhowati SakhowatiSuci PrihatiningtyasHendrik Siswono
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2025-01-012025-01-0111390395Qualitative Identification of Borax Content in Snacks at Kiyai Mojo Islamic Boarding School Tambakrejo Jombang
<p class="5ABSTRAK"><em><span lang="EN-US">Borax is a food additive that is harmful to humans. This study aims to identify the borax content in snacks in the Kiyai Mojo Islamic Boarding School Tambakrejo Jombang area. This research was carried out from May 2021 to June 2021 by choosing purposively on snacks in the Kiyai Mojo Islamic Boarding School area of Tambakrejo Jombang. The snack samples were then tested qualitatively using turmeric extract. The color change to brownish red in the sample indicates a positive sample identified as containing borax, if there is no color change then the result is negative. The results showed that there were a total of 9 samples that were positive for borax based on a qualitative test using turmeric extract. The most samples of borax snacks were found in the Kiyai Mojo Putri Islamic Boarding School (KMPI) with a percentage of 42.85%, followed by the Kiyai Mojo Islamic Boarding School Environment (LPKM), 20% and Kiyai Mojo Putra Islamic Boarding School (KMPA) with 16, 66%.</span></em></p>Yessita PuspaningrumAnggi Indah YulianaA'inul Mu'arrofati Zahro
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2025-01-012025-01-0111396399Development RPP Based on Flipped Learning Model Material of Human Respiratory System
<p><em>The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic condition makes learning in each region different, including limited online and face-to-face learning as well as circulars from the government regarding the simplification of lesson plans into 1 sheet with 3 main components, making it a challenge for a teacher to reconstruct lesson plans globally. by adapting to the current situation. The purpose of this study was to develop Reconstruction RPP based on the Flipped Learning Model of Human Respiratory System Material to determine the feasibility of learning design based on a validation questionnaire of learning design experts and the attractiveness of RPP based on student responses. This study uses the ADDIE development model which has five stages, namely: 1) Analyze 2) Design 3) Develop 4) Implement, and 5) Evaluation. The subjects of this study were 2 experts on learning design validation and 10 students of class XI IPA 1 MAN 10 Jombang. The instrument used is a validation questionnaire of learning design experts and student response questionnaires. Data analysis techniques are quantitative and qualitative. The results showed that the validation of learning design experts obtained an average score of 93.75% with appropriate criteria and the results of the student questionnaire obtained a score of 84% with very interesting criteria. Based on these results, this RPP reconstruction can be applied to the respiratory system material in class XI humans at MAN 10 Jombang and it is hoped that in the future this Inspirational RPP reconstruction can be applied to other materials.</em></p>Dina Ratna KumalaOspa Pea Yuanita Meishanti
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2025-01-012025-01-0111400408Study of Arthropods on Ageratum Conyzoides and Synedrella Nodiflora as E-Catalog Media
<p><em>The agricultural area in Wringinpitu Village is an agriculture with a variety of plants including rice, corn, sugar cane, and others, to reduce pests in the agricultural area, natural enemies can be used in the form of predators and parasitoids so that farmers allow wild plants to live and grow around the rice fields. Some of the dominant wild plants are Ageratum conyzoides and Synedrella nodiflora plants. This study aims to (1) determine the types of arthropods found in Ageratum conyzoides and Synedrella nodiflora, (2) Knowing and understand the temporal distribution of daily Arthropod visits on Ageratum conyzoides and Synedrella nodiflora, and (3) Produce e-catalog media from the study of daily visits of Arthropods on Ageratum conyzoides and Synedrella nodiflora plants. This research is a type of descriptive quantitative, using visual control method. Arthropods were observed at 06.00-07.00 and 16.00-17.00 with 3 replications presented in graphic form and then interpreted descriptively. The results of research on Ageratum conyzoides and Synedrella nodiflora plants have found 11 families consisting of Coccinellidae, Carabidae, Formicidae, Papilionidae, Nabidae, Tephritidae, Sryphidae, Oxyophidae, Grillidae, Asilidae, and Acrididae. The results of the highest temporal distribution in Ageratum </em><em>c</em><em>onyz</em><em>oi</em><em>des were 4 families of Coccinellidae in the morning, while in Synedrella nodflora there were 3 families of Carabidae in the afternoon. </em><em>In the form of photo, documentation was used as electronic catalog media using wordpress containing refugia plants of Ageratum conyzoides and Synedrella nodiflora species, distribution of daily visits Arthropoda and photo documentation of Arthropoda.</em></p>Anggun WulandariAna Fitria
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2025-01-012025-01-0111409417The Effectiveness of Tracer Study Activities on Quality Improvement at KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University
<p><em>The purpose of this activity is a) Knowing the educational outcomes produced by KH University. A. Wahab Hasbullah, b) Knowing the contribution of KH University. A. Wahab Hasbullah on existing competencies in the world of work, c) Knowing the adaptability of KH University graduates. A. Wahab Hasbullah when entering the world of work, d) As an evaluation material for KH University. A. Wahab Hasbullah to improve quality in the future. Tracer Study Activities at the University of KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah (UNWAHA) Jombang has been carried out in 3 stages (concept and instrument development, data collection, and data analysis and report writing) and based on IT through the university website. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling, namely data for graduates in 2020 as many as 258 and in 2019 as many as 213. Responder tracer studies were 452 with a response gate of 96%. The results of the tracer study show that on average graduates get a job about 4 months after graduation, 85% of graduates are already working and 15% are still looking for work, and 78% of the level of employment is at the same level as the education level of graduates. Through the implementation of the Tracer Study program, it is hoped that all graduates can participate in the Tracer Study so that it can be used as evaluation material for improving the quality of graduates at KH University. A. Wahab Hasbullah Jombang both related to the waiting period, conformity with science, and others.</em></p>Ino Angga PutraAhmad Nur IsmailM Farid NasrullohKhotim FadhliM Saat Ibnu WaqfinArivatu Ni'mati RahmatikaTholib HarionoMoh Anshori Aris Widya
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2025-01-012025-01-0111418426The Potency of Local Fermented Foods Tape Ketan to Improve The Body's Immune System
<p><em>Food processed by fermentation can be found in almost every area in Indonesia for example is tape ketan. Tape ketan is a traditional food that comes from fermented glutinous rice. The processing of tape ketan involves tape yeast which contains various kinds of microorganisms. The results of fermentation on tape ketan become a habitat for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) which also acts as probiotic bacteria. The bacteria were Lactobacillus curvatus, L. plantarum, L. fermentum, Pediococcus pentosaceous, Weissella confusa, W. paramesenteroides and, W. kimchii. Consuming foods containing LAB has a positive impact because it can increase the body's immune system. The LAB mechanism in enhancing the body's immune system is to maintain the balance of the digestive tract microflora by (1) competing with enteric pathogens (2) triggering the synthesis of cytokines and enterocytes (3) producing toxic metabolites (4) producing butyric acid to increase enterocyte turnover ( 5) restore normal microflora during antibiotic therapy (6) produce bacteriocins. In addition, the glutinous rice tape produces phenolic compounds and flavonoids as immunomodulators.</em></p>Nurul 'AiniAna Mariatul Khiftiyah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111427431The Application Of Flash Card Media To Improve Learning Outcomes Arabic Vocabulary In Materials Arabic Hijaiyah Animals
<p><em>This class action research was conducted to find out the learning results of students class V madrasah ibtidaiyah irsyadut tholibin barongsawahan village bandar kedungmulyo district jombang by using flash card learning media. the results obtained are through student test results taken from pre-cycle results, cycle I and cycle II. average student learning outcomes in cycle I is 56.74 with almost sufficient categories. while in cycle II the average student increases to 75,12 with good categories. this shows that the application of learning model using flash card media can improve student learning outcomes class v madrasah ibtidaiyah irsyadut tholibin barongsawahan village bandar kedungmulyo district Jombang.</em></p>Rina Dian RahmawatiSiti SulaikhoFajri Ainun Naba
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2025-01-012025-01-0111432437Automatic Water Temperature Control System In Hydroponic Plants With Peltier Tec1 12706 And Temperature Sensors DS18B20
<p><em>Hydroponic planting techniques are generally carried out by flowing nutritious water into pipes that have been given holes for plants. Overheated water temperatures in hydroponic plants will cause plants to wither and grow not maximally. So it is necessary that the temperature of the water that is too hot can be reduced to a good extent for plants. This research aims to create a water-control system in hydroponic plants to use peltier Tec1 12706 to lower water and DS18B20 sensors ro measure water temperature. So that plant growth is maintened well. From the test results, it is known that the temperature of solar hot water from 38.10ËšC drops to 30.31ËšC with every 10 minutes of recording data and within a period of approximately 4 hours the water temperature can drop to 7.79ËšC. although it has not reached the normal temperature of hydroponic water, which is 28Ëš, Peltier is stable in decreasing water temperature without any fluctuations in temperature. So this peltier is very effective in reducing water temperature.</em></p>Tholib HarionoAyu MahdalenaHilyah Ashoumi
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2025-01-012025-01-0111438445Analysis of Affecting Factors Business Continuity in Lurik Weaving SME
<p>This study aims to analyze the effect of financial literacy, business climate, and use of financial information on business sustainability. This research is a survey research with a population of 160 Lurik Weaving SMEs in Mlese Village, Cawas District, Klaten Regency. Collection of data is by using a questionnaire. The types of research data used are quantitative data and qualitative data. The source of data in this study is primary data and the data collection technique used is observation. The sampling technique used is the slovin formula for 114 respondents. The data analysis technique uses Descriptive Statistics, Validity and Reliability Test, Classical Assumption Test and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis tested with the Statistical Package for the Social(SPSS). The results of this study indicate that financial literacy has a significant effect on business sustainability, business climate has a significant effect on business continuity, and the use of financial information has a significant effect on business sustainability. This study also uses control variables, namely business scale, business age, and education level, but business continuity is not influenced by the three control variables.</p>Gabriella Arsani Linggom SilalahiDela Ayu KaswadiAris Eddy SarwonoDewi Saptantinah Puji Astuti
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2025-01-012025-01-0111446454QuizWhizzer -Assisted Educational Game Design to Improve Students' Conceptual Understanding Skills
<p>Conceptual understanding is an understanding that is built from factual knowledge or examples to understand the relationship between concepts. However, after studying mathematics there are still many students who are less able and mistaken in understanding concepts so that mathematics is considered difficult. For this reason, an educational and interesting learning evaluation media is needed so that students can be accommodated to understand mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study was to analyze the needs of learning evaluation to improve students' conceptual understanding skills. This research is research and development in the first stage, namely analysis. Sources of data in this study were class VIII SMP Negeri 8 Yogyakarta, material expert validators, and media expert validators. The instruments used in this study were interview guidelines, observations, questionnaires, concept understanding ability test questions, material expert validation instruments, and media expert validation instruments. The data analysis technique includes the stages of data reduction, displaying data, and conclusions. The results showed that (1) students' ability to understand mathematical concepts tended to be low, so educational games were developed; (2) QuizWhizzer-assisted educational game creation; (3) fitur educational games that contain explanation menus with writing, pictures, and videos, practice questions, games, rankings in one class or class; (4) the results of the validation of material experts and media experts indicate that the product is valid to use with an average category is good. The research will continue at the implementation and evaluation stages.</p>Nuthfah FajjahNuryadi NuryadiNafida Hetty Marhaeni
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2025-01-012025-01-0111455461Student’s Worksheet Design Assisted with Liveworksheets to Improve Student’s Concept Understanding Skills on Quadrilaterals and Triangles
<p><em>Concept understanding is the most basic ability that students should have in learning mathematics. In today's era of online learning, math teachers are required to use technology-assisted learning media so that it can be more easily distributed to students. For that, electronic teaching materials are needed that can accommodate this. So the purpose of this research is to develop electronic liveworksheets assisted student worksheets to improve the concept of understanding the skills of students in the seventh grade of Junior High School 1 Sungailiat. This type of research is research and development using the ADDIE model (analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating).</em> <em>Data collection techniques use interviews, observations, questionnaires, concept understanding ability tests, material expert validation questionnaires, and media experts. The data sources in this study are seventh graders of Junior High School 1 Sungailiat, Indonesia, two material expert validators, and two media expert validators. After that, the curriculum, learning model, learning resources, and characteristics of the student are the objects of this research. The results of this study show that: (1) the ability to understand students' concepts still tends to be low so that an analysis of student worksheet needs is needed to improve those abilities, (2) researchers develop electronic liveworksheets-assisted student worksheets containing cover, introduction, core competencies, and basic competencies, problem exercises according to indicators of concept understanding, and the identity of the author, (3) the results of media design are then validated by material experts and media experts who It shows that all experts state that media is in a good category, so that valid media is used. This research will continue to the implementation and evaluation stages.</em></p>Sevina IndrianiNuryadi NuryadiNafida Hetty Marhaeni
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2025-01-012025-01-0111462469Design of TePytha-App to Improve Mathematics Learning Achievement in Pythagorean Theorem Material
<p>Learning media is one of the factors in improving student achievement. For this reason, learning media need to be developed along with the development of technology according to the needs of students. The purpose of this research is to design an android-based learning media in the form of a learning application to improve students' learning achievement in mathematics. Sources of data in this study were class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Gamping, material expert validators, and media expert validators. The instruments used in this study are interview guidelines, observations, questionnaires, midterm assessment (PTS) test results, material expert validation instruments, and media expert validation instruments. The data analysis technique includes the stages of data presentation, data reduction, and concluding. The results in this study show that (1) students' mathematics learning achievement tends to be low. This can be seen from the average value of the Middle Semester Assessment (PTS) of students which is only 56.72 while the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is 75. So it is necessary to develop android-based learning media; (2) application development assisted by Microsoft PowerPoint, iSpring, Website 2 APK Builder, and Java; (3) TePytha application contains the features of the home page, main menu, competencies to be achieved, introduction to Pythagoras, material menu, learning videos, quizzes, and exercises; (4) the results of the validation of material experts and media experts indicate that the product is valid to use with an average category is good. The research will proceed to the implementation and evaluation stages.</p>Yulianita ArtantiNuryadi NuryadiNafida Hetty Marhaeni
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2025-01-012025-01-0111470477Designing “PRONISH†( Pronounciation of English ) for Beginner as Learning Media in Pronounciation Practice at Unwaha University
<p>Speaking is considered to be the most challenging skill, because it covers many aspects of English language skills as, pronunciation, listening, grammar, and also vocabulary. To master English speaking skill, students should master all these aspects. Unfortunately, in the practice at the second semester of English Department students of University of KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah Jombang, most of the students have difficulties in pronunciation aspect. This reseraches is focus on designing pronish as learning media in pronounciation practice for beginner.this research using RND method ( research and development ) using ADDIE procedure which is contain analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The result of this research is PRONISH app are worth to use as learning media in English Pronunciation course at University of KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah Jombang. This is proved by the result of material expert the result of the due diligence from material experts is 3.35 which is included in the category fair and worth to use. Besides that the result of the due diligence from material experts is 3.88 which is included in the category fair and worth to use And the result from user is the assessment result by respondences is 4.11 which is included in the category good and worth to use this learning media for pronunciation.</p>Ulfa Wulan AgustinaAnanta Galih Khunaifi
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2025-01-012025-01-0111478482Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in an Effort to Increase Revenue: a Study at KUD Sumber Makmur Ngantang, Malang, East Java
<p><em>While effective corporate governance (GCG) is critical to a company's performance and revenue growth, there are still a significant number of businesses that lack such governance. The purpose of this study is to show how corporate governance is implemented in an effort to enhance income. The research was conducted at the Cooperative of “KUD Sumber Makmur†Ngantang in Malang, East Java. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this investigation. The study was conducted from March to August 2021. Primary data was gathered through in-depth interviews with key informants such as managers, unit heads, and employees. The results indicated that the “KUD Sumber Makmur†was highly successful in its development. This is demonstrated by a high level of compliance with the GCG's five principles, namely transparency, accountability, independence, responsibility, and fairness. This strong GCG boosts sales and profit growth, ensuring that this KUD expands stably or generates revenue that doubles every five years. To improve GCG, the KUD must develop a Strategic Plan; the contract period must be increased from two years; financial reports must be held more accountable through the development of a Financial Information System (SIK) that makes financial reports faster, more precise, and accurate; and derivative products must be developed. milk, including pasteurized milk regulated by the BPOM, cheese, and Agro Edu Wisata.</em></p>Mochammad Noerhadi SudjoniNikmatul KhoiriyahTitis Surya Maha Rianti
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2025-01-012025-01-0111483489The Effectivity of Several Botanical Insecticides to Control Powder Beetle Pests (Sitophilus zeamais M.) in Corn Seed
<p><em>Sitophilus zeamais M. is an important pest of corn in storage which can cause damage of around 30-100%. S. zeamais pest control can be done with the application of botanical insecticides. This study aims to determine the effect of botanical insecticides on pest mortality and their effectiveness in controlling S. zeamaispests. The research method was carried out with a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 2 factors with 3 replications. The treatment used botanical insecticides, neem seed powder, soursop seed powder, and lemongrass stalk powder with various concentrations of 4%, 8%, and 10% on 100 g of corn seeds. The variables observed in this study were mortality of S. zeamaisimago, repellency, number of F1 imago, intensity of damage, and germination. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), if the results were significantly different, then proceed with the DMRT significant difference test with a significance level of 5%. The results showed that the interaction that was effective for mortality was soursop 8% (90%), while for repellency the neem treatment was 8% with a repellency of 93.33%. The interaction of 10% soursop powder was effective in suppressing the number of F1 imago (3.67 insects) and seed damage (3.33%). The lowest seed weight loss was in the treatment of soursop powder (1.56%) and a concentration of 10% (2.89%). Botanical insecticides did not affect the germination of corn seeds.</em></p>Sigit PrastowoAmbar SusantiNurfadilah Nurfadilah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111490501Comparison in Trust and Distrust Between Patient and Doctor
<p><em>To trust someone is to have expectations of their behaviour; distrust often involves disappointed expectations. But healthy trust and distrust require a good understanding of which expectations are reasonable, and which are not. In this paper I discuss the limits of trustworthiness by drawing upon recent studies of trust in the context of defensive medicine, biobanking, and CPR decisions. This type of research is field research by looking at the problems studied through a qualitative approach. Qualitative research starts from determining or choosing a research project and then asked with research questions related to research problems, and then researchers collect data by creating field records along with analyzing the data</em><em>.</em> <em>Nevertheless, trust is rarely a one-way street, and there are also important questions about the degree to which doctors can or should trust their patients and indeed the ways in which doctors’ interactions with patients can enhance or diminish patients’ self-trust, with possible consequences for patient autonomy. In any discussion of trust and distrust, however, it is useful to bear in mind the risks associated with miscommunication about what can reasonably expected of either party: misplaced trust can be a dangerous thing for both truster and trustee.</em></p>Cunningham MukherjeeNeumuth Dietz Jacobs
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2025-01-012025-01-0111502506Improvement of Social Science as a Guide to Social Metaphysics
<p><em>If we are sympathetic to the project of naturalising metaphysics, how should we approach the metaphysics of the social world? What role can the social sciences play in metaphysical investigation? In the light of these questions, this paper examines three possible approaches to social metaphysics: inference to the best explanation from current social science, conceptual analysis, and Haslanger-inspired ameliorative projects. From the point of view of the naturalising metaphysician, there seems little reason to think that our everyday concepts, which are well-suited to enabling our thought about the superficial features of medium-sized objects, will give us any kind of insight into the ultimate nature of physical reality; after all, science itself has shown us ways in which physical reality is more bizarre than we could possibly have imagined from the armchair. </em><em>Despite these challenges, there is scope for substantive further investigation of the role of social science within social metaphysics. Moreover this methodological inquiry pro mises to shed light not just on the proper approach to the social realm, but to questions about the proper role of empirical study within philosophy more generally.</em></p>Eugene CarbonneauMyriam Bougrine
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2025-01-012025-01-0111507515Influence of Conspiracy Theories, Impostor Syndrome, and Distrust: Theory Conduction
<p><em>Conspiracy theorists believe that powerful agents are conspiring to achieve their nefarious aims and also to orchestrate a cover-up. People who suffer from impostor syndrome believe that they are not talented enough for the professional positions they find themselves in, and that they risk being revealed as inadequate. These are quite different outlooks on reality, and there is no reason to think that they are mutually reinforcing. Nevertheless, there are intriguing parallels between the patterns of trust and distrust which underpin both conspiracy theorising and impostor thinking. In both cases subjects distrust standard sources of information, instead regarding themselves as especially insightful into the underlying facts of the matter. In both cases, seemingly-anomalous data takes on special sig<strong>[1]</strong>nificance. And in both cases, the content of belief dictates the epistemic behaviour of the believer. This paper explores these parallels, to suggest new avenues of research into both conspiracy theorising and impostor syndrome, including questions about whether impostor syndrome inevitably involves a personal failure of rationality, and issues about how, if at all, it is possible to convince others to abandon either conspiracy theories or impostor attitudes.</em></p>Toulouras MasouraHassan Drew-Humeer
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2025-01-012025-01-0111516523The Effect of The Rasch Rating Scale in Dealing with The Loss of a Smartphone
<p><em>The presence of smartphones is one of the technological advancements that have contributed greatly to changes in social behavior. This led to the inception of the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) smartphone device. The purpose of this study therefore was to determine the right instrument to measure the FoMO smartphone by analyzing response points obtained from respondents. The study sample consisted of three groups of test subjects, from large city, small town and villages with n values of 226, 248, and 55 respectively. The data in this study were obtained using the 5-point Likert scale politomy data from a Fear of Missing out scale instrument, distributed online. The research data were analyzed using the Rasch model by testing rating scale analysis through Threshold. The results showed that the rating scale answered choices turned into a 3-point Likert scale with those not right, less right, and very right.</em></p>Jung-ting HuangShio Wan-chen
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2025-01-012025-01-0111524529Indigenous Islam and Politics: The Authenticity of Islamic Government of Yogyakarta Palace
<p><em>Purpose: This article attempts to examine the point of the meeting by taking the case of Yogyakarta Palace as a point of discussion. Methodology: From the discussion about the process and the meaning of Islamization of Javanese culture and the indigenization of Islam, it can be seen that the core concept in the politics of Yogyakarta Palace, as a representation of Javanese Islamic politics, is Islam, because the Palace is a manifestation as well as a representative and subordinate of the divine power. Result: The use of the title of “Senopati ing Alaga Abdurrahman Sayyidin Panatagama Khalifatullah†by sultans in Yogyakarta is not without meaning. This title shows and proves the above assumptions. In the perspective of state politics, Yogyakarta does not separate between state and religion, between din (religion) and dawlah (state). The indigenization of Islam in the context of the Yogyakarta tradition has reached the harmonization of Islamic normatively and the historicity of human culture. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: The meeting of two cultures often leads to two choices, elimination or acculturation. This also applied to the meeting between Islam and Javanese culture. One aspect that experienced a long process in the Islamization of Java was related to political and power issues. </em></p>Saiful ArifinMoh Zaki Kahar
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2025-01-012025-01-0111530535Case Study of LGBT-Z Deviation From A Counseling Perspective
<p>The rise of coverage of LGBT-Z sexual deviations have led to a polemic in the midst of society. LGBT-Z sexual The rise of coverage of LGBT-Z sexual deviations have led to a polemic in the midst of society. LGBT-Z sexual deviation if not intervened will have an impact on the health, education, social in the community. This condition is caused by various factors, including ignorance of parents, genetics, religion. This phenomenon tends to be even greater in millennial. This type of research is library research that focuses on LGBT-Z sexual deviation behavior. One professional who is considered capable as a solution to the problems that occur in the community is a counselor. Counselors can provide guidance and counseling services that focus on LGBT-Z sexual deviation behavior such as individual counseling, psychological approaches that are needed. It is hoped that the psychological assistance provided by individual counselors will be able to avoid LGBT-Z sexual deviation behavior.</p>Wahyu Dimas NugrahaRakhim HaziimMaleek Nordin Yazid
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2025-01-012025-01-0111536541The Case Method of Translating Figurative Aspects in English
<p><em>igurative is used to enlarge the effect of the statement. This figurative language is usually the style of language used by the author to express something unusual disclosure, that uses comparison, imagery, affirmation, sarcasm, contention, or something engagement with other things that attract the attention of readers. Figurative language used by the author with a view to turn the way of disclosure and the atmosphere so as to be meaningful discourse. Figurative language translation can also be incorporated into the literary translation, the translation of works of fiction, poetry, or drama, because the figurative language used by the author, poet, or playwright to produce work that is more imaginative. There are some reason why people use figurative language (1) Language figurative able to produce imaginative fun; (2) The figurative language is a way to generate additional images in the poem and make poetry more enjoyable read; (3) The figurative language is a way to add intensity; and (4) figurative language is a way to concentrate the meaning that would be submitted and how to deliver something that a lot and spacious with a brief language.</em></p>Ahmad Kurniawan SutantoC Min Chan Wu
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2025-01-012025-01-0111542549The Paradox Of Being A 50-Year-Old ‘Early Career’ Black Female Academic
<p>Much of what is known about the experiences of black women in academia is from research in the developed world. Little is known about the experiences of black women at African higher education institutions (HEIs) and even less about the experiences of black women who experience career breaks. Using an auto-ethnographic approach I reflects on her attempts to balance the demands of her different roles as a black woman and an academic. In a narrative that explores the complex relationship of time, career and context, the author argues that the time of womanhood, blackness and motherhood in academia is out of joint. Finally, she considers some of the strategies and resources that enabled her entry, re-entry, survival and growth during the course of her stop-and[1]start academic career. The author hopes that her story may contribute to the ongoing debates about the challenges of and possibilities for late-entry female academics at HEIs</p>Shkarupin JohnstonLemieux D Eamer
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2025-01-012025-01-0111550558Strengthening Implementation Non formal Education Institutions through Information Technology Literacy for Accelerating
<p>Abstract Non-formal education is flexible, acts as a complement, substitute, and enhancer of knowledge and skills that are not obtained through formal education. However, during the 4.0 industrial revolution, it turns out that most of the services of informal educational institutions in Indonesia have not been maximized, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their learning services and institutional management are still conventional and business as usual. They are not able to adjust to the flow of information technology developments that are so fast. Conventional non-formal education institutions are unable to compete with digital-based non-formal education institutions which have generally not been established for a long time, even though their main business is not located in non-formal education services. This paper will theoretically examine the development of information technology literacy today, predict future opportunities and challenges, and what solutions should be implemented immediately by non-formal educational institutions by shifting service patterns from conventional education service systems to digital-based education service systems. Only with the massive changes in information technology, nonformal educational institutions can compete and can serve the maximum learning needs of society.</p>Jad Abdelrahman YousifNur Fadhilah
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2025-01-012025-01-0111559564Increased Strengthening of Private Training Institute policies in the output of Skilled and Professional Manpower
<p>Public participation is essential for the realization of a professional training institution with a competent workforce output and ready to work independently or enter the labor market. Based on the fact, most of the existing private training institutions are mostly growing, surviving, and growing minimally without even coaching by the government. In the future, the challenge will be greater as the democratization, global competition, and technological and information changes move towards the era of industrial revolution 4.0. The government's guidance portion for private training institutions and government-owned training institutions should be the same so that they can grow and develop fairly and optimally in order to achieve the goal of sustainable development (SDG's). Through literature study methods obtained data from government agencies, non-governmental organizations, scientific research reports, and other data sources. Then the data are grouped, analyzed, compared and correlated with each other so as to formulate some important parameters that relate and influence to the strengthening of private training institutions, include community aspirations, local wisdom, business climate, government policy, standardization of quality, brand image of the institution, relevance programs with the needs of the labor market.i</p>Riches Karlo SaguinWendel F Lagos
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2025-01-012025-01-0111565571Implementation of Religious Tolerance in Islamic Education Framework
<p><em>This article aims to discuss comprehensively the concept of tolerance in Islam later thought in such a way that the concept can be applied operationally in Islamic educational institutions such asIslamic boarding schools and colleges. Methods and approaches used to address this issue are philosophical (phenomenological) and the sociology of education, one of which is the theory of inclusivism Mircea Eliade. In Islam, different thoughts, tribes, and even religion (adherents) refer to fitrah and sunnatullÄh of God‟s will. For this reason, then, tasÄmuh (tolerance) becomes an important doctrine in every religion treatise, including in Islamic education system i.e; 1) to have responsive toward modernization which has been existed in general school institutions under Ministry of Education; 2) to develop sensitive character toward the change through apporiate learning strtategy and developing children psycho-social condition, modernizing learning facilities, environment, and other supporting factors including the involevement of parents, government, society and other education stakeholder; 3) to implement a model to strengthen inclusive Islamic education system which is opened, dialogic, and student-centered; 4) to bear a strong and tough human reseource with high tolerance who will act to occupy and create new civilization emphasizing on religion, spritual and humanism values; 5) to develop networking and corporation both national and international to expand informationn access, funding, and other international supports.</em></p>Eustaquio RochelleMohamed Abd-Elhafeez
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2025-01-012025-01-0111572579Effect of presumptions on IEEE 802.15.4 Networks on the device's Beacon Mode Enabled
<p><em>In the contention mechanism used to slotted carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) on IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Device nodes will perform a backoff process as soon as the clear channel assessment (CCA) detects as busy condition. The challenge of CSMA/CA as following: first, when the device nodes detect the channel in busy condition, the device nodes have to increase the value of backoff exponent (BE) which cause range of blind backoff process also increase. Second, when the device nodes detect the channel in busy condition, the device nodes have to increase number of backoff stage which cause more energy consumptions for entering next backoff stage. This article proposes a scheme to improve IEEE 802.15.4 medium access control, called adjustment delay scheme (ADES). ADES not only reduce probability of collision but also reduce probability of going to next backoff stage. The validity of study is proven by simulation experiments. ADES performs better than IEEE 802.15.4 standard in term of the probability of successful packet transmission, network goodput, bandwidth utilization as well as energy consumption in the networks.</em></p>Ashley PhillpottsDaniel Tucker
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2025-01-012025-01-0111580585Addition of Glass Carbon Electrodes Modified Electrochemical Characteristics of Iron (III) on Doped Zeolite-Graphite Composite Compounds
<p>Iron (III) doped zeolite/graphite composite modified glassy carbon electrode was prepared for determination of uric acid in human urine samples. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic and cyclic voltammetric results confirmed surface modification of the surface of glassy carbon electrodes. Appearance of oxidative peak current with an over threefold enhancement at significantly reduced overpotential for uric acid at the composite modified electrode relative to the unmodified and even graphite modified electrode confirmed the electrocatalytic property of the composite towards electrochemical oxidation of uric acid. Under optimized method and solution parameters, linear dependence of peak current on uric acid concentration in a wide range of 1-120 ????M, low detection limit value (0.06 ????M), replicate results with low RSD, and excellent recovery results (96.61-103.45%) validated the developed adsorptive anodic stripping square wave voltammetric (AdsASSWV) method for determination of uric acid even in aqueous human urine samples. Finally, the developed composite modified electrode was used for determination of uric acid content in human urine samples collected from three young male volunteers. While the uric acid level in the urine samples from two of the studied volunteers was within the normal range, of the third was under the normal range.</p>Hernández CalderónMartÃnez G-Esquivel
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2025-01-012025-01-0111586595Analysis of Factors Affecting Costumer Satisfaction of “Gojek†Online Transportation Service in Sidoarjo
<p>In this era, people have various activities and require transportation to do them activity. Therefore, transportation network companies are competing to attract consumers by improving their services, ease of ordering, pricing, punctuality, and so on. This study aimed to determine whether factors affect consumers’ satisfaction in other sectors also have an influence on Gojek online transportation services. The technique used in sampling of this research is non-probability sampling with accidental sampling. The number of samples taken as many as 100 people. Data collection techniques used questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques used are classical assumptions and multiple regression. The results showed that: (1) there is no effect of service quality on customer satisfaction of Gojek online motorcycle taxi service in Sidoarjo, as evidenced by the t-observed value of 0,680; significance value 0,498>0,05; and a regression coefficient of 0,062; (2) there is an effect of price on customer satisfaction of Gojek online motorcycle taxi in Sidoarjo, as evidenced by the t-observed value of 5,129; significance value 0,000<0,05; and a regression coefficient of 0,610; (3) there is an effect of brand image on customer satisfaction of Gojek online motorcycle taxi in Sidoarjo, as evidenced by the t-observed value of 4,128; significance value 0,000<0,05; and a regression coefficient of 0,433; (4) there is an effect of service quality, price and brand image simultaneously on customer satisfaction of Gojek online motorcycle taxi services in Sidoarjo, it is proven that F-ratio is 49,402; significance value 0,000<0,05.</p>Khotim FadhliZulfa Ulin NuhaFebby Indah Oktavia
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2025-01-012025-01-0111596603Umrah and Hajj Travel Marketing Strategies in Maintaining Existence and Facing Competition
<p><em>Many factors are known including management who have not dared to war fares, agents prefer other travel that is more profitable, management is less deft in recruiting new agents and looking for new markets. The research method used by researchers is qualitative research methods. By methods of collecting interview data to respondents both owners, and employees of the company, documentation, observation and literature studies. Research data analysis uses SWOT analysis by calculating ifas (internal factors strategic analysis) and efas analysis (external factors strategic analysis) of the company. Based on the IFAS table position of Aufa Duta Wisata Tour & Travel, Ltd. on a score of 3.04 this signifies a strong internal position. Companies can make good use of their strengths and overcome weaknesses. And based on the EFAS table, the position of the company can respond to opportunities and threats in the company's market but less than optimally. In a growth strategy, the company must be able to take advantage of existing opportunities, and streamline costs and minimize costs to increase profits.</em></p>Lailatus Sa'adahMoh Iqlil Al-FaqihArti Kurniasari
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2025-01-012025-01-0111604611Automatic Water Level Control Tem On Hydroponic Plants Based On Arduino
<p class="5ABSTRAK" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">Hydroponic farming techniques are generally carried out by flowing nutritious water into pipes that have been given holes for plants. The water that flows into the pipe comes from a water reservoir (water reservoir) that already contains nutrients. At the beginning of planting the existing water discharge in the reservoir has been adjusted to the needs to flow through the existing pipes. Along with the growth of plants that need water and also the process of evaporation of water, the water discharge in the reservoir will decrease. If left unchecked the water will become less and less, this can cause the pump to deliver water to the pipes not working and nutrients to the plants being disturbed. As an effort to prevent this from happening and to support smart systems in hydroponic farming, this research makes a water level control system in hydroponic water reservoirs automatically using Arduino. The test results show the system is able to control the water flow by increasing the volume of water if the reservoir water discharge is below the 60% level.</span></p>Nurul YaqinTholib HarionoRisfi Ubaidur Rohman
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