Marriage Failure Prevention with The Help of Marriage Planning Software


  • Primaadi Airlangga Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


Marriage is an inner and outer bond to live together based on an agreement that binds a man and a woman which is recognized and protected by religious and state law to create a quality and healthy family. However, BKKBN data states that the divorce rate in 2021 increased drastically by 581,000 cases.  This is thought to be because a sane couple meets a toxic partner, where the main element in creating a happy marriage is determining the right partner, therefore a software design was created to be able to get to know each other through several assessment criteria that will appear in the software. The software was created using the PHP programming language which displays important questions in character recognition where the results of filling in these questions can be recorded permanently before being shared in two directions with couples who want to continue their relationship to a more serious level. The recorded results cannot be changed but can be commented on by both parties so that they can plan for the future based on differences or even similarities in opinions found. The aim of this application is not to discuss the past but to organize the future as early as possible. It is hoped that this software can reduce the divorce rate, using partner recognition detection as early as possible.


