Revisiting Interest Tourists : Destination Image And Customer Experience


  • Mar'atul Fahimah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Yunus Febriyansah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


The study was conducted during a tour, specifically focusing on Ghanjaran Park Tourism located in
Sukorame Village, Ketapanrame Village, Trawas District, Mojokerto. Its aim was to assess the impact of
destination image and customer experience on the intention of visitors to revisit Taman Ghanjaran. The
research methodology employed a mixed approach, combining both quantitative methods. The target
population comprised tourists who had previously visited Ghanjaran Park at least once. Purposive
sampling was utilized based on the Lameshow formula, resulting in a total sample size of 100 individuals.
Data collection involved the use of a questionnaire that underwent validity and reliability testing. Smart
PLS 4 multiple regression analysis was employed as the data analysis technique. The findings revealed
that both destination image and customer experience individually had a partial influence on the intention
to revisit. Moreover, collectively, these variables significantly impacted the intention to return to
Ghanjaran Park. The coefficient of determination analysis yielded a value of 0.447, indicating that 44.7%
of the intention to revisit Ghanjaran Park was explained by the destination image and customer
experience. The remaining percentage was potentially influenced by other variables not examined within
this particular study.


