Exploring the Relationship Between Content Marketing, Brand Awareness, and Purchase Intentions on TikTok: Mafia Gedang Case Study


  • Mar’atul Fahimah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Moh Agus Mulianto Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Siti Nur Qomariyah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


Content marketing has emerged as a prominent marketing strategy, emphasizing the creation, dissemination, and relevance of captivating content to targeted audiences. In Indonesia, businesses keenly pursue augmenting brand awareness through active engagement on social media platforms, given the widespread use of social media among the populace. Concurrently, brand awareness represents the degree to which consumers recognize and associate a brand with the products or services offered, reflecting their recall and identification. This research delves into examining the nexus between content marketing, brand awareness, and purchase intent for Mafia Gedang products on TikTok. Employing a quantitative research approach, the study surveyed 100 respondents using questionnaires distributed through purposive sampling. Data collection involved systematic questionnaire dissemination and retrieval. Analysis was conducted utilizing multiple linear regression techniques.The empirical findings reveal compelling insights: both content marketing and brand awareness exert a significant and positive influence on purchase interest. This underscores the pivotal roles of content marketing strategies and brand familiarity in shaping consumer behaviors within the TikTok ecosystem. Understanding these dynamics becomes crucial for businesses seeking to effectively leverage digital platforms like TikTok to promote products such as Mafia Gedang. The implications are profound, offering businesses strategic direction in designing marketing initiatives that resonate with consumers, bolster brand-consumer relationships, and ultimately drive purchase intention. These findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge by emphasizing the substantial impact of content marketing and brand awareness on consumer behavior in the context of digital marketing platforms. Thus, businesses can better tailor their strategies to capitalize on these influential factors for enhanced market engagement and brand recognition.


