Impact of Viral Marketing TikTok Affiliation, and Pricing on Purchase Intentions for Mithochiba Choppers at TikTok Shop


  • Fatmasella Qutrunnada Munawwaroh Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Mar'atul Fahimah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Khotim Fadli Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


 Viral Marketing is a marketer's technique of conveying marketers' messages from one consumer to another through viral digital methods in the form of emails or videos posted on personal blogs and forwarded to blogs or other sites. TikTok Affiliate is a program created by TikTok for users who want to earn extra money by promoting products sold by shops on the TikTok Shop. This can be seen on the TikTok account @Mithochiba in an effort to utilize digital marketing by creating video content with affiliates regarding interest in buying Mithochiba chopper products at the TikTok shop. This research was conducted to determine whether there was an influence of TikTok affiliate viral marketing and price on interest in buying Mitochiba choppers. The method used in this research is a quantitative research method. The population in this study is included in the infinite population, namely followers who have seen affiliate content on the @Mithochiba account and decided they are interested in buying Mithochiba chopper products. The sample size in the study was 100 respondents with associativity using the purposive technique using PLS - SEM with the help of the SmartPLS 4.0 application. The research results show that the viral marketing variable significantly influences buying interest and the price variable significantly influences  purchase intention in Mithochiba choppers at the TikTok shop.


