Factors That Influence Student Compliance In Reporting (Study at UNISLA KKN 2022)


  • Abid Muhtarom Universitas Islam Lamongan
  • Nurul Badriyah
  • Moh Rifqi Ulul Albab Universitas Islam Lamongan


Service quality, student knowledge, reporting system, sanctions for violations, student compliance


This research aims to determine the influence of service quality, student knowledge in carrying out KKN, implementation of the KKN reporting system and sanctions for violations on student compliance in carrying out KKN reports moderated by understanding Unisla KKN regulations and the quality of field supervisors with a case study of Unisla KKN students in 2022. Type This research uses quantitative research by collecting data through questionnaires. Respondents in this research have carried out the Lamongan Islamic University KKN in 2022. The sample determination method uses a calculation method using the Slovin formula. The sample processed was 298 questionnaires using the Smart PLS program version 3.2.9. Based on the research results, it is stated that the influence of service quality and sanctions for violations does not have a significant effect on student compliance in reporting. Student knowledge in implementing KKN and implementing the reporting system has a positive and significant effect on student compliance in reporting. Understanding the regulations and quality of DPL has a positive and significant effect on student compliance in reporting. Understanding regulations and the quality of DPL is able to mediate between the independent variable and the dependent variable.


