The Role of Savings and Loans Cooperatives to Improve Welfare Cooperative Member (Case Study of KUD Sumber Rejeki Mojoagung Jombang)


  • Nur Fauziyah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Rizky Alyatul Lutfiah KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University
  • Silviana Najuwah KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University


Cooperative; Well-being; KUD SumberRejeki


Cooperatives are a people's or community economy that must be developed and strengthened in order to foster economic democracy in society. So that cooperatives can become one of the foundations for creating a prosperous, prosperous and socially just society. The aim to be achieved in this research is to understand cooperative savings and loans and the role of savings and loan cooperatives in the welfare of cooperative members. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Research that aims to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects. For example, behavior, perception, motivation, action, holistically, and by means of descriptions in the form of words and language in a context. Descriptive research focuses on actual problems as they exist at the time the research takes place. Qualitative research is a type of research that aims to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects and describe the condition of objects or events without the intention of drawing generally applicable conclusions. The descriptive research referred to in this context aims to provide an overview of the role of cooperatives in improving the welfare of members through managing the Sumber Rejeki Village Unit Cooperative (KUD) business so that this institution can be active to this day. In an effort to improve the welfare of members, the Sumber Rezeki savings and loan cooperative provides relief to its members to borrow capital without requirements and at very low interest rates compared to banks. The source of good fortune cooperative really operates according to its function, namely providing relief to the poor or lower middle class to improve their economic level. There are various efforts made by cooperatives to improve the economic welfare of members. Cooperatives always provide convenience for members. Various conveniences are provided by cooperatives to members, starting from the best services provided, services in savings and loans and services to members in other areas of cooperative business units. Based on data from field research conducted regarding the role of KUD Sumber Rejeki in the welfare of its members, they are as follows: 1. Efforts to improve the economic welfare of the community carried out by entrepreneurs by means of capital 2. Increasing economic income, experiencing an increase from previously just living with a lack of capital to now having enough to help the trader's economy. 3. Absorbing labor, this is proven by reducing unemployment around Gambiran Mojoagung to be more productive in developing their businesses..


