Increased Strengthening of Private Training Institute policies in the output of Skilled and Professional Manpower


  • Riches Karlo Saguin Palompon Institute of Technology
  • Wendel F Lagos Oceania Polytechnic Institute of Education


Strengthening, Training Institutions, Skilled Workers


Public participation is essential for the realization of a professional training institution with a competent workforce output and ready to work independently or enter the labor market. Based on the fact, most of the existing private training institutions are mostly growing, surviving, and growing minimally without even coaching by the government. In the future, the challenge will be greater as the democratization, global competition, and technological and information changes move towards the era of industrial revolution 4.0. The government's guidance portion for private training institutions and government-owned training institutions should be the same so that they can grow and develop fairly and optimally in order to achieve the goal of sustainable development (SDG's). Through literature study methods obtained data from government agencies, non-governmental organizations, scientific research reports, and other data sources. Then the data are grouped, analyzed, compared and correlated with each other so as to formulate some important parameters that relate and influence to the strengthening of private training institutions, include community aspirations, local wisdom, business climate, government policy, standardization of quality, brand image of the institution, relevance programs with the needs of the labor market.i


