The Case Method of Translating Figurative Aspects in English


  • Ahmad Kurniawan Sutanto Cipto Hadi Pranoto Foreign Language College
  • C Min Chan Wu Providence University


intercultural translation, figurative language


igurative is used to enlarge the effect of the statement. This figurative language is usually the style of language used by the author to express something unusual disclosure, that uses comparison, imagery, affirmation, sarcasm, contention, or something engagement with other things that attract the attention of readers. Figurative language used by the author with a view to turn the way of disclosure and the atmosphere so as to be meaningful discourse. Figurative language translation can also be incorporated into the literary translation, the translation of works of fiction, poetry, or drama, because the figurative language used by the author, poet, or playwright to produce work that is more imaginative. There are some reason why people use figurative language (1) Language figurative able to produce imaginative fun; (2) The figurative language is a way to generate additional images in the poem and make poetry more enjoyable read; (3) The figurative language is a way to add intensity; and (4) figurative language is a way to concentrate the meaning that would be submitted and how to deliver something that a lot and spacious with a brief language.


