Improvement Of Fiqh Material Through The Study Of The Book Of Fathul Qorib


  • Muhammad Fodhil Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Yusrotul Maghfiroh Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


Understanding, Fiqh, Fath al-Qorib


Studying the book of fathul qorib is a way of delivering fiqh material in learning in madrasah diniyah pondok pesantren. So that the students can give syakal, understand, translate, and break the issue of fiqh material worship and munakahat. This article is a case study with qualitative approach, the result of this study is an increase in the understanding of fiqh material through the study of the book of fathul qorib. In the program of improving understanding, the fiqh teacher uses the method of menela'ah verse, namely by understanding nahwu shorof in the first verse. The method of deliberation, students are divided into several groups, then students are asked to give syakal, translate, read it in front of the fiqh teacher and his friends, when there is a new mistake then the fiqh teacher justifies and solves the problem in the book of fathul qorib. The method of lectures, the teacher explains about the learning of fiqh. The method of practice, students are asked to practice the practice that is in the material fiqh worship and munakahat.


