E-Scaffolding of Matriks Material Mathematics Learning Through Online Learning


  • Fitri Umardiyah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Alfi Nur Laili Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


E-Scaffolding, Online Learning, Matrix


Paradigms in learning mathematics have an impact on changing emphasis in the learning process. Students who have difficulty solving problems in the learning process are one of the factors that need improvement. Educators who dominate conversations and interactions in the classroom, explanations of material that only refer to the completeness of the curriculum make students experience difficulties when solving math problems. Not all difficulties in learning mathematics considered as errors, but difficulties in solving mathematical problems may contain errors in learning mathematics. Difficulties in learning mathematics experienced by students also mean learning difficulties in parts of mathematics. Therefore, in this study e-scaffolding can be an innovation and also an alternative in providing assistance to students who have lower abilities in the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) carried out by educators. With an online or electronic basis that adapts to conditions in the midst of a pandemic like today. For an educator, it is necessary to know the difficulties experienced by students in the learning process. The difficulties experienced by students seen in solving the questions given. Problems that not immediately addressed will result in a lack of students' understanding of further higher mathematical concepts. This study shows that e - scaffolding, provides effective understanding in learning activities, greatly assisting students in understanding the concepts and materials that have given, especially in the matrix material, so to improve students' cognitive understanding.


