The Effectiveness of Online Learning on the Achievement of Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Madinatul Ulum Tembelang High School Students


  • Eliza Verdianingsih Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Lailil Fitriah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


Online Learning, Effectiveness, Math Learning Outcomes


The Covid-19 pandemic has hit all countries in the world, including Indonesia. Information from WHO that many have contracted and died. One way to break the cain of the spread of Covid-19 is to limit public interaction, which applies the term physical distancing. The government’s decision to dimiss students, move the teaching and learning process at school to be at home by implementing the Work From Home (WFH) policy. As ASN teachers, teachers in an effort to carry out the learning process need to be done online (online). In improving the level of education, the government asks that all learning activities continue to be carried out using online learning. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning on the achievement of mathematics learning outcomes for X grade students of SMA Madinatul Ulum Tembelang. The population in this study was class XA totaling 20 students. Research instrumens and data collection used in the from of interviews, observation, questionnaires and tests (pretest and posttest). Based on observations, the reseacrh results show that the average value of  the pretest learning outcomes test is 65,25, while the posttest score was 77,40. Futhermore, the results of the independent sample t-test abow that thereis an in crease in the average value of the learning outcomes test in using online learning, where the results of the calculation of the tcount > ttable  (0,000 > 0,5) which means Ho is rejected than Ha is accepted, meaning that it indicates the according to researchers, using online learning is effective in improving students mathematics learning outcomes. In this study, there was an increase in mathematics learning outcomes by using online learning in class XA students. So it can be concluded that from the results of research and discussion, there is the effectiveness of online learning on the achievement of mathematics learning outcomes for Madinatul Ulum Tembelang High School Students.


