The Influence Values of Aswaja in IPNU-IPPNU Youth to Morality Character (Case Study: Seren Jatipandak Village Sambeng District Lamongan District)


  • Moh Andrik Robil Alamsyah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Dian Kusuma Wardani Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


Aswaja, IPNU-IPPNU, akhlaqulkarimah


The values ​​of the youth of IPNU-IPPNU on morality is one of the very good impact. To provide a reflection for the youth who have akhlaqulkarimah with the foundation of Islam Ahlussunah WalJama'ah, which will print its people as people who are pious to Allah SWT. AhlussunahWalJama'ah abbreviated ASWAJA which means followers of the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. While Al-Jama'ah a group of people who have the goal of a group of people who adhere to one of the imams of the 4 madhhabs (Hanafi, Maliki, Syafi'i, Hambali) in the field of Sufism embrace imam Al-Ghozali and imam Junaid Al-Baghdadi, with the aim obtain the salvation of the world and the hereafter. In addition AhlussunahWalJama’ah has three main characteristics of a leader First At-Tawassuth Second At-Tawazun Third Al-I’tidal. To compile all that takes the form of development for the youth through (Ta’limAhlussunnah Wal Jamaah) to develop understanding of aswaja among the youth. In the value system in particular gives a picture so that the formation of a reliable cadre has a main purpose (Syakhsyiyatu ma Tamassaka Bi Aqidati Ahlussunah Wal Jam’aah). In the IPNU-IPPPNU organization, a work program is facilitated containing Islamic activities and basic leadership training, so that the youth are truly able to apply in daily life, each leader has the authority that must be possessed, among others, physical health, responsibility, loyalty and devotion, able to distinguish the positive and negative aspects so as to create a useful militant cadre of race and religion.


