Analysis of the Perspective of Generation Z in Bringin Village in Learning Islam Through "Youtube" Media


  • Aufia Aisa Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Halimah Anisatul Zahro Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


Use of Youtube, Learning Media, Generation Z


The use of Youtube in the current era of technological development is in great demand by the current generation, including in Islamic religious learning. Every use of videos on Youtube has positive and negative things. This study aims to: (1) find out how the use of Youtube as a medium of religious learning in generation Z; (2) to find out the reason why Youtube is very interested in Generation Z; (3) to find out the advantages and disadvantages of using Youtube in generation Z. This research was conducted for approximately 2 months, namely in March-April 2021, which was carried out in Bringin village, Badas sub-district, Kediri district. This research method uses qualitative methods using descriptive analysis techniques with library literature studies. The results of this study state that the use of Youtube as a medium for learning Islam in Generation Z is very popular in its use. In this study, they also found various ways to use the Youtube application. Based on the information obtained from resource people, the researchers concluded that the use of Youtube was more inclined to good and positive things.


