A Strategy of Developing Religious Culture in Shaping The Character of Students at MA Al-Bayruni Jombang


  • Khoirun Nisa' Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Tendy Robiatus Silvia Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


The religious culture that is applied in madrassas is an attempt to shape the Islamic character of students. Students are able to develop their potential so that they have noble morals. So that the strategy of developing a religious culture is very important to be applied to madrasas so that students have a noble character. This study aims to: to determine the form of the religious culture development program at MA Al Bayruni, to find out the strategy for implementing the development of religious culture at MA Al Bayruni, to determine the impact of the development of religious culture at MA Al Bayruni. The approach used to achieve the above objectives is to use a quantitative research approach with the type of field study research. In collecting data, the writer used observation, interview, and documentation methods. The results showed that: 1. the religious culture development program at MA Al Bayruni includes: reading prayers, shaking hands, praying in congregation and reading the al-qur'an, friday sermons and cleaning the mosque, tartil al-quran and studying al- qur'an. 2 religious culture development strategies are carried out through: providing motivation and advice, supervising students' religious activities, giving examples. 3. the impact of the development of religious culture in shaping the character of students, including: discipline character, religious behavior, honesty.



