Online Learning Interaction in Ushul Fiqh Lesson at MA Mu’allimin Denanyar Jombang


  • Hidayatur Rohmah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Ahmad Muslih Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


Teacher, Student Interaction, Online Learning


This study aims to explain the interaction patterns of teachers and students in online learning in Usul Fiqh lessons. This research was conducted at MA Mu'allimin Denanyar Jombang. The focus of this research discusses the interaction patterns of teachers and students in learning ushul fiqh, the interaction patterns of teachers and students in online learning using certain media and also the supporting and inhibiting factors of learning. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, data collection techniques used are observation and interviews with teachers and students in MA Mu'allimin Denanyar Jombang. Based on the results of research on the interaction patterns of teachers and students in online learning in ushul fiqh lessons at MA Mu'allimin Denanyar Jombang, that learning carried out during the pandemic mass is online, then the interaction between teachers and students can only be carried out at their respective homes. by using media or applications such as Whatsapp, Google Meet and Zoom. Then the supporting factor for learning ushul fiqh online is the application or media that helps the implementation of online learning, and the inhibiting factor is the network connection which is sometimes bad and makes students unable to take part in online learning. From the results of the study, it is known that learning and interaction between teachers and students at MA Mu'allimin Denanyar Jombang is still going well.


