Readiness of Teachers in Implementing Online Arabic Learning at MA Al-Bairuny Sambongdukuh Jombang


  • Diah Putri Lestari Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Afif Kholisun Nashoih Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


The government's call for learning from home during the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on changing the learning system in Indonesia, which originally used a face-to-face system to an online system. This paper describes the results of research on teacher readiness in implementing online Arabic learning at MA Al-Bairuni Jombang. To achieve these objectives, researchers used instruments in the form of questionnaires and interviews to obtain the expected data. From the results of the study, it can be seen that for the aspect of personal readiness 52% strongly agree, 38% agree and 10% disagree. For the aspect of readiness to develop materials for online learning, the criteria are 21% strongly agree, 58% agree, 17% disagree and 4% strongly disagree. While the aspects of the implementation of online learning evaluation have the results of 29% strongly agree, 46% agree, 17% disagree and 8% strongly disagree. These results indicate that in general, Arabic teachers at MA al-Bairuni stated their readiness to carry out the online learning process. This is supported by the use of an e-learning platform in the form of Google Classroom and what's up social media as a regular assignment control, and also Google Meet as a means of implementing virtual learning.


