Islamic Religious Education Teacher Strategy in Multimedia-Based Online Learning in The New Normal


  • Mohammad Saat Ibnu Waqfin Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Putri Rima Sakinah Universitas KH A Wahab Hasbullah


Strategy, Learning, Teachers, Multimedia


The purpose of this research is: 1) To find out what kind of multimedia used Man 3 Jombang. 2) To find out how the strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in multimedia-based online learning in the new normal Man 3 Jombang. 3) To find out how islamic religious education teachers apply to their strategies in the online learning process Man 3 Jombang. This research is qualitative research, this research uses descriptive data techniques obtained by observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that, 1) The types of multimedia used in online learning are Zoom, Elma applications and learning files in the form of power points, sways, short videos, short films related to learning materials. 2) Islamic religious education teacher strategy in online learning using 2 approaches. First the teaching and learning activities through the Multimedia Zoom application then use Elma's multimedia for assignment. 3) The application of islamic religious education teacher strategy in multimedia-based online learning requires teachers' skills to make various multimedia such as power points, sways, short videos and short films related to interestingly taught materials.


