The Relationship between Intellectual Intelligence Levels and Students’ Discipline in Implementing Regulations


  • Waslah Waslah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Dessy Nur Fajriyah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


IQ, Discipline, Relationship


Intellectual intelligence or Intellegence Quotient (IQ) is a general term used to explain the nature of the mind that includes a number of capabilities such as the ability to analyze, plan, solve problems, comprehend ideas, to use language, perception and learning. This is the background of the author to examine whether there is a relationship between intellectual intelligence with existing regulations in the Boarding school Kalimasada Plandaan Jombang.The method used in this research was a quantitative research, the population in this research was the students of the Boarding school Kalimasada Jombang and the research sample amounted to 50 students, data collection techniques such as interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentation.The average value for intelligent students Kalimasada belonging to the high criterion, namely 37,2 in the analysis with the formula the mean, is based on the findings of data processing. While the Calculation of product moment correlation that has been done for the discipline of students on the criteria of extremely high at 43, it can be observed that rxy or r count with the number of 0,519 greater than r table 0,279. So Ha is received, i.e., “there is a relationship between the level of intelligence of the intellectual discipline of students in the running of the rules of the Boarding school Kalimasada Plandaan Jombangâ€. These results also have a level of relationship between the variables X and Y with the criteria being. As well as producing coefficient determination of 26%, which means that the magnitude of the relationship between the level of intelligence of the Intellectual discipline of students in the running of the rules of the Boarding school Kalimasada Jombang is by 26%.


