The Implementation of the Integration Curriculum on Religion and General


  • Chusnul Chotimah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Muhammad Zainul Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


The development of science and other aspects is always changing and developing at all times and adjusting to the circumstances of its time. The purpose of this study is to describe the application of a combination of religious curriculum (tahfidzul qur'an) and general curriculum in SMK Unggulan NU Mojoagung and describe the supporting and inhibitory factors in the application of a combination of religious curriculum (tahfidzul qur'an) and general curriculum in the school in 2021. and see the results of graduate students at the school. This research is included in qualitatively discrete research. Informant in this research is waka curriculum, teachers and students smk Unggulan NU Mojoagung. Data collection methods are observation, interview and documentation. This data analysis concerns three activities, namely data collection as well as data reduction, data presentation and conclusion or verification. The results showed that the school in applying a combination of religious curriculum (tahfidzul qur'an) and general curriculum is carried out by combining several curricula, namely the National Curriculum (KEMDIKBUD), Curriculum ministry of religion, as well as a special curriculum prepared by the institution or school by combining systematically and presented in the form of boarding school programs plus tahfidzul qur'an. Obstacles in the implementation of the curriculum is the dense activity of students, consistency of students in memorization less, as well as a few months of cut time with the existence of industrial practice activities in which the program must be implemented students who are in vocational school and the results or out put graduates smk Unggulan NU Mojoagung gave birth to students who excel and berakhlakul karimah in accordance with the reflection of the Qur'an , and can compete in the outside world in terms of skills, intellectuals and berakhlaq and not forget that students are able to continue the tahfidz program even though they have worked or studied.


