Teachers Readiness in Implementing Online Arabic at Madrasah Aliyah Ar-Rahman Diwek Jombang


  • Dlorifatul Jauhariyah Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Afif Kholisun Nasoih Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


The era of industrial technology 4.0 has a big role in changing the new face of the world from various aspects of life, including the realm of education. The use of appropriate technology has become a point of attention in process of implementing learning and learning, especially after the outbreak of the Covid-19. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the readiness of the teacher in carrying out the process of learning Arabic online at MA Ar-Rahman Jombang. The type used in this research is discriptive qualitative, by including questionnaires and interviews as instrumen. The results of this study indicate that most Arabic teachers use the Wharsapp application to control the learning process. This offort is considered positive, although problems arise in its implementation. Among them are the inaccuracy of learning time and the lack of two-way interaction between teachers and students making learningless effective. From the results of the study, it can be seen that the personal aspect of the teacher is 76% “agreeâ€, 5% “disagreeâ€, and 19%“strongly disagreeâ€. For aspects of readiness in delivering material and communication 54% “agreeâ€, 38% “disagreeâ€, and 8% “strongly disagreeâ€. For the evaluation readiness aspect 63% “agreeâ€, 29% “disagreeâ€, and 29% “strongly disagreâ€.


