The Effect of Farmers' Perceptions of Members of Food Stalls on Rice Distribution Efficiency and Rice Selling Prices


  • Eppy Yundra National Taiwan University
  • Sumarlan Sumarlan Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


In general, farmers are not involved in the product marketing chain, so that the added value of
processing and trading agricultural products is only enjoyed by traders. So the food barn can become a
place for farmers to sell their crops for their daily needs and store their crops as food reserves when a
food crisis occurs. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the perception of farmers
members of the Food Barn on the distribution efficiency and selling price of rice in Bendungrejo Hamlet,
Jogoroto Village, Jogoroto District, Jombang Regency. This study uses a type of correlation research
with the Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis method, with a population of 50 farmers and a
sample of 34 farmers who are members of the Dusun Bendungrejo Dusun Jogoroto District. The
correlation between perception and distribution efficiency obtained the value of r = 0.684. Ï value =
0.000, where the p value <α (0.05). From the results of the calculation Ï value 0,000 is smaller than α
0.05. Meanwhile, the correlation between perceptions and the selling price of rice obtained the value of r
= 0.409. Ï value = 0.016, where the p value <α (0.05). From the results of the calculation Ï value 0.016
is smaller than α 0.05. It is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the perceptions of
farmer members of the barns on distribution efficiency and the selling price of rice. Farmers must
maximize the role of the members of the barn in post-planting activities and marketing of rice products in
an integrated and coordinated manner.





