Inventory of Insects in Lime Planting (Citrus aurantifali Swingle)


  • Wahyu Rizqilillah Putra Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah


This research was conducted in September - November 2020 with the aim of knowing the types of pests
and diseases that predominantly attack lime in Perak Subdistrict, Jombang Regency. This research is
descriptive quantitative, namely taking samples directly from the observation location, using trapping
tools such as trap holes, trap nets and direct observation of lime plantations. Sampling of all plants will
be the point of sampling (30 plants. Observations were carried out 10 times, with an interval of
observation every 3 days. Pest data obtained were identified and analyzed by the formula of abundance
index (K) and Dominant index (C). Pest identification research obtained 504 individuals consisting of 6
species. The highest insect abundance (K) value was found in the Coccidae family with the Homoptera
Order, which was 53.968. While the dominance index value was 0.29, indicating that no family
dominates in cropping.





